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机体免疫 immunity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-18 12:56:12


机体免疫 immunity英语短句 例句大全



1.In this article, the biological effect of low-level laser irradiation was summarized, and the application in different systems, such asimmunity, circulation, metabolism and nerves were reviewed.本文概述弱激光的生物学效应,对弱激光照射在机体免疫、血液循环、组织代谢及神经等不同系统功能上的作用进行综述。


1.Adenosine A2A receptor:an important molecule for immunoregulation腺苷A2A受体:机体免疫调节的重要分子

2.Study of Immune Function in Obesity;单纯性肥胖患者机体免疫功能的研究

3.The Revelation of the Relationship between Human Immunoreaction with Carcinogesis;机体免疫反应与肿瘤发生的理性思考

4.Recent Advances in the Research on the Effects of Exercise On Human Body Immunologic Function运动对机体免疫功能影响的研究进展

5.Effect of areca processing on immue function of workers槟榔加工作业对机体免疫功能的影响

6.Effects of Autologous Tumor Immune RNA on Patients with Esophageal Carcinoma after Operation;食管癌患者术后自体肿瘤免疫核糖核酸(iRNA)免疫治疗对机体免疫功能的影响

7.Effect of postoperative enteral immuno nutrition on immune status, inflamma tory response and prognosis肠内免疫营养对手术创伤后机体免疫、炎症反应及预后的影响

8.Enteral Nutrition Improves the Mucosal Immunity and Host Defense;肠内营养支持对粘膜免疫屏障和机体免疫防御能力的影响

9.Effects of Exercise on Body Immune Function and Modulation Mechanics;运动对机体免疫机能的影响及其调节机制

10.Effects of Propolis on Immune Function after High Intensity Exercise;蜂胶对大强度运动后机体免疫机能的影响

11.The Influence of Different Training Loads and Intensities on the Immune Function of the Organism;不同运动量和运动强度对机体免疫机能的影响

12.Critical Role of Toll-Like Receptors in Regulation of Immune ResponseToll样受体在机体免疫应答中的调节作用

13.Immune Changes and Mechanism in Peripheral Blood and Local Humor of the Chickens Vaccinated with IBD Vaccine after Pre-used Immunopotintiator;免疫增强剂IBD疫苗免疫雏鸡外周血液和局部体液免疫学变化及其机理

14.Mucosal immunity is the major element of the defense system.粘膜免疫是机体防御系统的主要成分。

15.Enhances the functioning of white blood cells, helping to strengthen the body"s immune system.改善白血球的机能,增强身体免疫能力。

16.The 3rd, enhance the immune power of airframe, prevent infection.第三,提高机体的免疫力,预防感染。

17.concomitant immunity伴随免疫[机体内存在某一抗原时对再侵入的同种抗原具有免疫力]

18.Immunitaetforschung( immunology): The study of immunity and all of the penomena connected with the defence machanisms of the body.免疫学:研究免疫力及肌体防御机制有关现象的科学。


natural immune机体免疫

1.Getting the spirit from the principle of B-Cell and T-Cell in thenatural immune system,this paper proposes a co-evolutionary method with T-Cell and B-Cell in artificial immune system.在机体免疫系统中,B淋巴细胞和T淋巴细胞协同起来识别抗原。

3)Improvement immune function机体免疫力

4)Human body immune function机体免疫机能

5)body immunity机体免疫功能

1.By testing middle school students who practice Yuanji, it is found that the IgG and IgM of immune albumen in their blood have obviously increased, which shows that Yuanji practice can improve man sbody immunity.对中学生进行测试,通过学炼元极功法,其血清免疫球蛋白IgG、IgM含量明显增高,证实元极功法可以强化人的机体免疫功能。

6)Organism immunity ability机体免疫能力


免疫核酸 ,免疫核糖核酸药物名称:免疫核糖核酸英文名:Immune RNA别名: 免疫核酸 ,免疫核糖核酸外文名:Immune RNA 适应症: 临床适应证与转移因数相似。目前主要用于恶性肿瘤如肾癌、肺癌、消化道癌及神经母细胞瘤和骨肉瘤等的辅助治疗,也曾试用于慢性乙型肝炎和流行性乙脑,可使部分细胞免疫功能低下的病人恢复正常。 用量用法: 1.治肿瘤:用法尚不统一,一般多采用皮下注射或静滴。剂量仍在探索中。皮下注射:多注射于淋巴引流区的皮下,如腋下或腹股沟,可每周注射3~5次,连续2~3个月。静滴:溶于5%葡萄糖液中滴注。 2.治慢性肝炎:每周注射1次,每次1支(正常人周围血白细胞iRNA,每支含量3mg;正常人脾血白细胞iRNA,每支含量2mg);疗程一般为4~6个月。6个月以上者改为2周注射1次,最长为1年。 注意事项: 各单位试制的iRNA含量很不一致,但至少应含10000000000免疫活性细胞提取物。iRNA本身无特殊反应,但由于制备过程不同,有的产品含有微量蛋白,故应注意过敏反应,应由低剂量开始应用。 类别:免疫增强剂
