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人权原则 the principle of human rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-20 20:02:18


人权原则 the principle of human rights英语短句 例句大全

人权原则,the principle of human rights

1)the principle of human rights人权原则

1.The stipulation that "the State values and safeguards Human Rights" is established asthe principle of human rights in our Constitution.“国家尊重和保障人权”条款是作为我国宪法上的人权原则确立的。

2.This article expounds its ideas from three aspects: the basic principles of the Criminal Law, penalty and economic crimes , and holds thatthe principle of human rights should be added to the basic principles of the Criminal Law, and death penalty and fine penalty are controversial and economic crimes should also be perfected.认为人权原则应被纳入刑法基本原则中 ;刑罚中的死刑及罚金刑问题突出 ;经济犯罪亟需完善。


1.inalienable principles of human rights不可剥夺的人权原则

2.On Realization of the Principle of Human Rights;论人权原则的实现——规范宪法学的进路

3.The General Right to Personality and the Principle of Interests Balancing in German Tort Law;德国侵权法上一般人格权制度及利益权衡原则

4.As a sovereign financial power, Civil financial power gives an expression to the principle of people"s sovereignty.国民财政权作为主权权利的财政权,是人民主权原则的具体体现。

5.framework of principles to protect human rights defenders保护人权维护者原则框架

6.Special Principles of Protecting the Privacy of Public Personalities;政治公众人物隐私权特殊保护的原则

7.The Principle of Judicial Writs under European Commission of Human Rights;欧洲人权法院视野下的司法令状原则

8.On the Rights Equity Principle of Human Resource Management;人力资源管理中的权利对等原则研究

9.Principle of Legally Prescribed Punishment for Specified Crime and the Perfection of Safeguard Mechanism of Rights;罪刑法定原则与人权保障机制的完善

10.The Reconstruction of the Rule of the Presumption of Innocence from the Angle of the Protection of Human Rights人权保障视角下无罪推定原则的重构

11.The Dialectical Relationship Between State Sovereign Rights and the International Law of Human Rights国家主权原则与国际人权法的辩证关系

12.Probing into Basical Principles of Moral Right Protection in Cyberspace网络环境下版权人精神权利保护基本原则探析

13.The Doctrine of Liabitlity Fixation about the First Infringer of Intellectral Property Right`s Civil Liability;知识产权第一侵权人民事责任归责原则探析

14.On the Basic Principles to be Followed by the Government in Safeguarding Individual Human Rights;论政府保障个人人权应遵循的基本原则

15.Study on principles for public figures: the conflict and balance between right to knowledge and individual privacy;公众人物原则研究——公众知情权与个人隐私权的冲突与平衡

16.The requirement that the suit be brought by the proper individual is known as the doctrine of "standing".规定由合适人选提出诉讼即公认的“起诉权”原则。

17.He linked the doctrine of natural law with the theory of popular sovereinty.他将自然法原则同人民主权论结合起来。

18.Human rights protection in the Government emergency response: A perspective of proportionality principle;政府应急处理中的人权保障——以比例原则为视角


the principle of the protections of the human right人权保护原则

1.Several Suggestions about the Perfection of the Model of the Criminal Process in China——Based onthe principle of the protections of the human rights;关于完善我国刑事诉讼模式的几点建议——基于人权保护原则

3)the principle of sovereignty人民主权原则

4)Principle of Creditor Equality债权人平等原则

5)The Principle of the International Protection of Human Rights人权国际保护的原则

6)the principle for human rights实质的人权保障原则


