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权利体系 system of rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-28 00:03:59


权利体系 system of rights英语短句 例句大全

权利体系,system of rights

1)system of rights权利体系


1.A Thought on the Positioning for Priority in the System of Civil Right;优先权在民事权利体系中的定位思考

2.To Return the Ownership of Property to the Basic System of a Civilian s Rights;私有财产权应回归公民基本权利体系

3.Reviewing Labor s Share Right From the Perspective of Enterprise Right System;从企业权利体系的侧面看劳动力股权

4.The legal right is a key component in the right system.法律权利是权利体系中的核心组成部分。

5.The Form of Dual Rights System about Real Rights and Creditor s Rights and the Distinguish between Them;物权与债权二元权利体系的形成以及物权和债权的区分

6.Farmers the Right to Collective Land Ownership System, the Dual Dimension;农民集体土地所有权权利体系二元维度论

7.On the Institutional Standardizing Functions and Procedural Right System of Information Self-determination;论信息自决权的制度规范功能及其权利体系

8.The Construction of Consumer Right System in E-Business;论电子商务中消费者权利体系的构造

9.The Land Use Rights System Research in Comparative Perspective;比较法视野中的土地利用权利体系研究

10.On the System of Labor Rights and Its Analytical Means;论劳动权利体系及其分析工具——兼论劳动权利的一种新的研究范式

11.On Chinese legislation of the law of environment;论我国环境法律权利体系的构建——环境权具体化的一条新路径

12.The Theoretic System of the Principle of Patent Right Exhaust in China;我国专利权权利用尽原则的理论体系

13.Constructing a Legal System to Protect Social Vulnerable Groups;社会弱势群体权利法律保护体系构建

14.On the Claim System of Protection of the Civil Right and Their Inner Relation;论民事权利保护的请求权体系及其内部关系

15.Chinese Adolescents Reasoning about their Rights in Relation to Authority and the Group;中国青少年在与权威、群体关系中权利之推理

16.On Estate Benefit and the System of Estate Ownership Law Based on Estate Benefit;论物上利益及其基础上的物权法体系

17.The System of Right to Administrative Law Enforcementin Chinese Patent Law;论我国专利制度中的行政执法权体系

18.Agricultural Land Transfer, Transaction System and Right Improvement农地流转成本、交易体系及其权利完善


right system权利体系

1.As one important part of the rights of receiving education for the handicapped,the right of receiving higher education should include the rights of getting opportunity,treatment and assessment,In China,the legislations on the handicapped and higher education have some insufficiencies,such as not being comprehensive of theright system,imperfection of legal system.接受高等教育是残疾人受教育权的重要组成部分,残疾人受高等教育权是一组权利体系,应当包括受教育机会权、受教育条件权、受教育评价权。

3)rights system权利体系

1.Therights system is consisted of right to subsistence,social security,equal,education and work.弱势群体的权利体系由生存权、社会保障权、平等权、教育权、劳动权组成。

4)the Right System权利体系

1.Research on the Construction ofthe Right System of Virtual Real Right;虚拟物权权利体系构建探析

2.The body contains four chapters, there are: 1 Analysis on the definitions and characteristics 2 the mode of protection 3 the right system of folklore .正文共分三章:民间文学艺术的界定与特性分析、民间文学艺术的保护模式、我国民间文学艺术权利体系。

5)fundamental rights system基本权利体系

1.In Chinese context,as an unalienable part of thefundamental rights system in the constitution,what personal dignity really means is different from"human dignity",unlike the recognition of scholars; and it can not be entirely replicated by the civil law yet.在我国语境下,人格尊严规范作为宪法基本权利体系中不可或缺的组成部分,在宪法教义学上的准确界定不同于"人的尊严",也远非民事法律中的人格权所能完全涵摄。

6)rights system in contract合同权利体系


