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软水池 pure water pool英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-12 11:26:12


软水池 pure water pool英语短句 例句大全

软水池,pure water pool

1)pure water pool软水池

2)zeolite filter沸石(滤砂)软水滤池

3)softening tank软化池

4)water pool水池

1.On crack-resistance and seepage control measures in concretewater pool construction;浅谈水池施工防渗抗裂的措施

2.The assay studied that on soybean protein extractions in four reverse micelles,the conditions are firstly compared with the size of“water pool”,the extraction rate of protein,and the subunits of protein by electrophoresis experiment.本文对四种常用表面活性剂所形成的反胶束在提取大豆蛋白质方面进行了研究,首次对它们“水池”(ω_0)大小、蛋白质提取率及通过SDS-PAGE电泳实验对蛋白质的亚基条带进行了比较。

3.The computation of thewater pool s plate is quite complicated because of the soil-structure interaction.对于大型水池的计算,由于存在底板和地基的相互作用,因而很复杂,实际上底板和地基的相互作用是两种不同介质的接触问题。


1.the margin of a lake, pool, pond, etc湖、水池、 池塘等的边.

2.A pond formed by a milldam.贮水池由磨坊水坝形成的小池塘

3.Oh, there is no water in the pool today.哦, 今天水池里面没有水。

4.The children splashed in the pool.孩子们在水池里溅水。

5.A small reservoir for ink.墨水池小型贮墨水容器

6.The bank gradually emptied.储水池的水渐渐流空了。

7.The water slowly emptied (from the cistern).水(从贮水池)缓缓流出.

8.Lap pool without diving board. Pool size and lanes can be specified.不带跳水板的浅水池。可指定池子大小和水道。

9.The waterproof of the storage, underground grage,bridge,tnnel and subway.蓄水池、地下车库、桥梁、隧道、地铁、污水池室外游泳池、堤坝等防水。

10.Working Group on Leisure Pools嬉水池事务工作小组

11.In the middle of the forest there was a fountain.森林中央有一座喷水池。

12.It has fallen into the fountain.它掉到喷水池里去了。”

13.ink-well school of ceramic陶瓷墨水池,学校用

14.The pond iced over during the night.水池在夜间结冰了。

15.He"s drying the dishes in the sink.他在擦洗水池里的盘子。

16.Under the sink, beside you.在你旁边的水池下面。

17.The small pool was caught over.小水池结满了薄冰。

18.a shallow pool for children.为儿童建的狭窄的水池。


zeolite filter沸石(滤砂)软水滤池

3)softening tank软化池

4)water pool水池

1.On crack-resistance and seepage control measures in concretewater pool construction;浅谈水池施工防渗抗裂的措施

2.The assay studied that on soybean protein extractions in four reverse micelles,the conditions are firstly compared with the size of“water pool”,the extraction rate of protein,and the subunits of protein by electrophoresis experiment.本文对四种常用表面活性剂所形成的反胶束在提取大豆蛋白质方面进行了研究,首次对它们“水池”(ω_0)大小、蛋白质提取率及通过SDS-PAGE电泳实验对蛋白质的亚基条带进行了比较。

3.The computation of thewater pool s plate is quite complicated because of the soil-structure interaction.对于大型水池的计算,由于存在底板和地基的相互作用,因而很复杂,实际上底板和地基的相互作用是两种不同介质的接触问题。

5)Pool water池水

1.Effects of Galla chinensis on bacteria and algae in pool water;五倍子对池水细菌和藻类的影响

2.Based on the analysis of pool water evaporation heat transfer and the sensible heat transfer between indoor air and pool water, deduces the calculation formula of latent load by pool water evaporation.通过对游泳馆内池水蒸发换热及池水与室内空气之间的显热换热分析,推导出池水蒸发潜热负荷计算公式。


1.Hygienic Status ofCistern of Secondary Water Supply in Dongshan District of Guangzhou;广州市东山区居民二次供水水池卫生学现状

2.Research on combined disposal scheme of integrated water pump house and cistern;综合水泵房与水池联合布置方案研究

3.From the aspect of professional configuration,this paper states the problems in cistern design,such as deter- mine of underground water table,shrinkage joint setting,later casting zone,and the adaptation of design and construc- tion.作者从结构专业的角度,论述了对水池设计中所涉及的地下水位的确定、伸缩缝的设置、后浇带的作法及设计与施工配合等问题。


