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法社会学 sociology of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-08 00:29:35


法社会学 sociology of law英语短句 例句大全

法社会学,sociology of law

1)sociology of law法社会学

1.Folk law on the view ofsociology of law;法社会学视野中的民间法

2.Views on legal service offices at grass-roots level from the perspective ofsociology of law;从法社会学的视角看基层法律服务所

3.Research on the People"s Mediation as Dispute Resolution Based on Sociology of Law;人民调解纠纷解决机制的法社会学研究


1.Legal Society Appeals for Social Law;法治的社会呼吁社会的法律——许霆案的法社会学分析

2.The Methods of the Sociology of Law:The Study of the Living Law;法社会学方法——关于“活法”的研究

3.The Sociological Study of Law on Company Power and Social Responsibility;对公司权力与社会责任的法社会学研究

4.The Social-law Analysis of the State-owned Corporation Responsibility to Its Employee;国有企业对员工社会责任的法社会学分析

5.On Realization of Legal Right from the View of Social Jurisprudence;论法定权利的实现——以法社会学为视角

6.International Association of French-Speaking Sociologists国际法语社会学家协会

7.Institute of Sociology of Law for Europe欧洲法律社会学协会

8.Methodology of sociology of science: toward social contextualization;科学社会学方法论:走向社会语境化

9.The philosophical methodology of building socialist harmonious society;构建社会主义和谐社会的哲学方法论

10.Social solidarist school of law社会连带主义法学派

11.general methodology of social sciences社会科学一般方法论

12.International Academy of Forensic and Social Medicine国际法医学和社会医学学会

13.Sociological Methods and Sociological Meta-theory;社会学方法与社会学元理论——个人与社会关系问题的方法论意义

14.International Society for Labour Law and Social Legislation国际劳动法和社会立法学会

15.The Stage of Harmonious Society in the Context of Sociological Jurisprudence;社会学法理学视域下的和谐社会发展阶段

16.Legal and Sociological Reflections on the Construction of Urban Community Organization;城市社区组织建设的法律社会学思考

17.Protection of Social Law for a Harmonized Society;和谐社会建设与社会法保障——中国法学会社会法学研究会年会综述

18.Between Law and Society--An Overview of the International Conference on Law And Society in Transformation在法律与社会之间——“转型中国法律与社会”国际学术研讨会会议综述


legal sociology法社会学

1.The Research on the Role of the Lawyer in the View of Legal Sociology;论法社会学视野中的律师角色

2.Taking the prominent position of the problems of rural areas,agriculture and farmers into account in China s modernization,academics can not one-sidedly explore this subject,but should uselegal sociology and economics and other new analytical methods to explain or solve the theoretical model of rural disputes so as to give the law principle support for resolving rural disputes theoritical modles.考虑到农村、农业、农民问题在中国现代化事业中的突出地位,学界不能孤立地、片面地、零星地探究此领域的论题,而应该运用法社会学和法经济学等新分析方法,阐释解决农村纠纷的理论模型,为相关纠纷之解决提供法学原理上的支撑。

3.Thelegal sociology of Japan,mainly based on the study of the legal awareness of the Japanese people.日本的法社会学思潮主要以日本人的法意识研究为核心,通过法文化比较研究推动日本法治文明的发展。


1.In thelaw-sociology realm,folks law is a kind of law comparative to the national law.在法社会学领域,民间法是相对于国家法而言的一种法律形态。

2.With the analysis of the function of law, Durkheim initiated the legacy of functionalism inlaw-sociology.迪尔凯姆对法律功能的分析开创了法社会学的功能主义传统,法律的功能体现了其所处社会的需要,即法律的功能与其原因具有内在的统一性。

4)Law sociology法社会学

1.Limit and Balance:Dialogue between power and right from the Perspective of law sociology;限制与平衡:法社会学视野下的权利与权力的对话

5)sociological jurisprudence社会法学

1.The history interpretation to the development of legal philosophy is the premise hypothesis of the interpretation of legal social engineering andsociological jurisprudence theory.庞德在其著作中提出法律的社会工程学解释和建构其庞大的社会法学理论的前提性预设。

2.In the first half of 20~(th) century,Westernsociological jurisprudence had a great impact on Chinese legal ideas and practices.19世纪末兴起的西方社会法学,对20世纪上半叶的中国法学产生了广泛的影响,但西方社会法学传入中国之际却发生了重要变革:本质上维护个人权利的社会本位法学被转换成为支持国家权力的国家本位法学。

6)social jurisprudence社会法学

1.However,Pound,being the representative ofsocial jurisprudence,has put forward his own unique judgment by pointing out the essential features of the above-mentioned criticisms,thus providing an innovative perspective for the resurrection of natural law.但社会法学派庞德却作出了自己独特的判断,指出了前面各种流派的批评实质,为自己法学的复兴提供了另一种解读视角,指出自然法脱机实证才是自然法学的致命伤,只有实证的自然法学才有可能得到拯救。


