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高职院 higher vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-28 11:19:58


高职院 higher vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职院,higher vocational colleges

1)higher vocational colleges高职院

1.To analyze,admit and kindly handle students differences in information-technology course inhigher vocational colleges is basis for applying difference teaching.在高职院信息技术课程教学中,分析学生差异、承认学生差异、善待学生差异,并以此作为实施差异性教学原则的依据,采用模块教学、教学任务分层等方法,充分调动学生的主动性和自主性,促进全体学生的共同发展、全面发展。

2.This article mainly analyzes the teaching materials of Advanced Mathematics, teaching methods, teaching measures and the present situation of the students inhigher vocational colleges; it also points out some disadvantages during the process of mathematics teaching inhigher vocational colleges, and proposes some reforming ideas, which should follow the principles of "necessary and enough".在分析现状的基础上,指出了目前在高职院校的高等数学教学中存在的不足,并提出了教学改革的一些设想以“必需、够用”为原则,修订教材;改革传统的教学方法,淡化系统性和严密性,加强实践教学环节,利用数学软件,充分发挥其在高职人才培养中的作用。


1.Building Characteristics Culture,Striving for Higher Vocational Institutions Model;建设高职特色文化,争创示范高职院校

2.On Construction of the Library and Campus Culture in Higher Vocational Colleges;谈高职院图书馆在高职教育中的作用

3.Study of Administration in Higher Vocational Colleges as well as Analysis of Institutional Research;高职院校管理研究及“院校研究”分析

4.Institutional Research in Higher Vocational Colleges: Definition、Predicament and Outlet高职院校“院校研究”:界说、困境与出路

5.Analysis on the Result of SCL-90 Test to the Teaching Staff of an Occupational College in Guangdong某高职院教职工scl-90测试结果分析

6.The Mental Adjustment of the Teacher Occupational Languor in Vocational Colleges高职院校教师职业倦怠的心理调适

7.Study on Construction of Young Teachers Professional Ethics in Higher Vocational School;高职院校青年教师职业道德建设研究

8.Issues and Countermeasures in Occupational Morals Education of Vocational Colleges;高职院校职业道德教育的问题及对策

9.The Research on Training Vocational Abilities of Students in Colleges of Higher Vocational and Technical Education;高职院校学生职业能力培养问题研究

10.A Survey Analysis of New Teachers’ Job Demands in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校新教师入职需求的调查分析

11.On Practice of Employment Guidance in Vocational College;高职院校开展职业指导的实践与探索

12.High Vocational Colleges:Establishing Campus Culture with Vocational Features;高职院:构建具有职业特色的校园文化

13.On Conducting and Promoting Occupational Instruction in Higher Vocational Colleges;浅谈高职院校职业指导的开展与推动

14.Establishing Distinct Vocational College Cultivating Excellent Professional Talents;创办特色高职院校 培养优秀职业人才

15.On Career Guidance and Promotion in Higher Vocational Colleges and Vocational;浅议高职院校职业指导的开展与推动

16.On Higher Vocational Students Professional Ethics Spirit Cultivation;论高职院校学生职业伦理精神的培育

17.An Analysis of Higher Vocational College Staffs Health Condition and its Countermeasures;高职院校教职工健康状况分析与对策

18.Analysis of the Instruction of Career Planning Courses in Higher Vocational Institutes;高职院校开设职业规划教育课程探讨


higher vocational college高职院

1.Scientific research is very important inhigher vocational colleges,scientific research is most objective and perceiving,it will do good to enlarging the affection of the college and building the brand of the college.科研是高职院校的一项重要工作,科研成果最客观、最易为人感知,有利于扩大学校影响,创造学校品牌。

2.Under market economy,product modeling,packaging,trademark design,advertising,urban planning and development,the use of natural resources and protection,and commodity marketing,even the demeanour of the service sector,all show the decisive role of occupational aesthetics in the teaching activities ofhigher vocational college.在市场经济条件下,产品的造型包装、商标设计、广告宣传、城市的规划与开发、自然环境和资源的利用与保护、商品的推销,甚至服务行业的言行举止,都表明职业美学在高职院教育、教学活动中有着举足轻重的作用。

3.It is also the only way of thehigher vocational colleges to follow the principle of higher vocational education,refine the characteristic of school-running and strengthen the ability of serving and it is fundamental for thehigher vocational colleges to keep their vitality.深入有效地开展校企合作是当前高职教育改革发展的方向,是高职院校遵从职业教育规律、凝炼办学特色、提高育人水平、增强服务社会能力的必由之路,是高职院保持旺盛生命力的根本。

3)higher vocational institute高职院

1.Statistics is a highly practical subject,but the course Statistics Fundamentals receives less expected effect among non-Statistics majors inhigher vocational institutes.统计学作为一门实用性很强的学科,但在高职院中非统计专学生对于统计学基础的学习效果不太理想。

2.This paper analyses the development environment and liability situation ofhigher vocational institutes, explores the content of financial risk resulting from loans and the variables affecting the risk, and puts forward strategies to avert the risk.本文分析了高职院的发展环境及负债情况,对高职院负债融资引起的财务风险的涵义、影响财务风险的因素进行了探讨,并提出了防范财务风险的策略。

4)professional colleges高职院院

5)higher vocational college高职院校

1.Discussing the job of gathering ofhigher vocational college library;高职院校图书馆采访工作探讨

2.On the Reform Model in the Course of P.E and Health in Higher Vocational College;高职院校《体育与健康》课程改革模式探讨

3.Exploration of C programming teaching method athigher vocational colleges;高职院校C语言程序设计教学方法探索

6)vocational college高职院校

1.An analysis of the Physical education in the Nursing profession of Vocational college;高职院校护理专业形体教学初探

2.Present situation of medical teachers scientific research in medicalvocational college and its possible solutions;高职院校医学专业教师科研现状与对策

3.The construction of educational system for highervocational college library;高职院校图书馆教育体系构建


