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风险结构 risk structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-08 13:24:07


风险结构 risk structure英语短句 例句大全

风险结构,risk structure

1)risk structure风险结构

1.Study onrisk structure of hi-tech industry s modulization;高科技产业价值模块的风险结构分析

2.Analysis of the Industry s Risk Structure of the China Stock Market;中国股票市场行业风险结构的实证分析

3.Generally speaking,the maturity structure andrisk structure of bond markets are the standards to compare the width and depth of bond markets.从我国债券市场尤其是国债市场的实际出发 ,分析其期限结构和风险结构 ,发现在我国的债券市场上并不存在明显的期限结构和风险结构 ,这说明了我国债券市场正处于发展的初级阶段 ,债券的期限有待进一步合理 ,债券的品种也有待进一步丰富 ,其发展潜力是巨大


1.A study on Risk Structure and Risk Partaked Mechanism of Venture Capital风险投资的风险结构及分担机制研究

2.Structural Credit Risk Model Driven by Levy Process;Levy过程驱动下的信用风险结构化模型

3.Study on risk structure of hi-tech industry s modulization;高科技产业价值模块的风险结构分析

4.The Application of ISM in Risks Structure Analysis;ISM模型在风险结构分析中的应用

5.Double moral hazard and the theory of capital structure of venture capital financing双边道德风险与风险投资的资本结构

6.Risk Analysis of the Venture Capital Based on SEM;基于结构方程模型的风险投资的风险因素分析

7.Application of Risk Breakdown Structure to Risk Management of BOT Projects;风险分解结构应用于BOT项目的风险管理

8.Information Structure, Institutional Changes and Financial Risk Evolution;信息结构、制度变迁与金融风险演进

9.Assessment & Design for Fire Safety of Steel Structural Buildings;建筑钢结构火灾风险评价和抗火设计

10.Structural Risk Assessment for Fixed Platform and Its Application;固定式海洋平台结构风险评估及应用

11.The Legal Control Institutions on the Credit Risks of Securities Settlement;论证券结算信用风险控制之法律构造

12.The Effects of Risk Attitude and Probability Structure on Preference Reversals;风险态度、概率结构对偏好反转的影响

13.China Securities Firms: Institutional Development, Corporate Governance and Risk;证券公司制度发展、治理结构与风险

14.Risk Model with General Distribution Interest;具有任意概率结构随机利率风险模型

15.Information Asymmetry, Corporate Risk and Debt Maturity;信息不对称、公司风险与债务期限结构

16.Business Risk,Industry Attributes,and Capital Structure;商业风险、行业属性对资本结构的影响

17.A Review of Research on Risk Perception;风险认知的结构,因素及其研究方法

18.Asset Specificity and Risk Aversion in Adjustment of Agricultural Production Structure;资产专用性与农业结构调整风险规避


Structure risk结构风险

1.In this paper,L_1 norm is employed to loose the bound of the VC dimension,and thus a new structure risk based on the L_1 norm is developed.利用L1范数放宽函数集的VC维上界,构造出基于L1范数的结构风险。

2.Support Vector machines (SVM) operate on the principle of structure risk minimization which not only keeps the empirical risk minimal but also controls VC confidence of discriminant functions,hence a better generalization ability is guaranteed.支持向量机作为一种新的机器学习方法,由于其建立在结构风险最小化准则之上,而不是仅仅使经验风险达到最小,从而使对支持向量分类器具有较好的推广能力。

3)structural risk结构风险

1.Thestructural risk was considered in the goal function to avoid overfitting in traditional algorithms and then the parameter estimation of a Mamdani fuzzy system was converted to a quadratic optimization problem.传统算法都存在过学习问题,该算法在目标函数中考虑了结构风险避免了过学习现象,并将模糊系统的参数寻优问题转化为一个二次规划问题进行求解。

2.Based on thestructural risk theory,a quantity estimation is proposed though empirical risk and confidence interval,and an evaluation formula for kernel function is given.该文从结构风险出发,通过经验风险和置信区间2个方面对核函数的性能进行量化,给出评价核函数性能的公式,指出传统经验风险定义的缺陷,并提出了一个新的定义。

3.The influence of generation ability based on the empirical risk minimization and the support vector machines based on thestructural risk minimization are discussed.介绍神经网络的统计学习过程和理论,讨论基于经验风险最小化的学习理论对神经网络推广性能的影响,分析基于结构风险最小化的支持向量机。

4)structural risk minimization结构风险

1.Based on analysis of the conclusions in the statistical learning theory,especially thestructural risk minimization and the ε-insensitive loss function,a novel linear programming support vector regression is proposed.通过对统计学习理论中的支持向量回归问题,特别是结构风险问题和ε-不敏感函数的分析,得到了一种新的支持向量回归算法。

5)structural risk结构性风险

6)structural risk minimization结构风险最小化

1.Study on noise reduction in singular value decomposition based onstructural risk minimization;基于结构风险最小化原则的奇异值分解降噪研究

2.SVM(Support Vector Machine) is astructural risk minimization principle based on classification algorithm,and it has achieved higher generalization performance with small number of samples than other classification algorithms due to its perfect theoretical properties.SVM(SupportVectorM ach ine)是一种基于结构风险最小化原则的分类算法,由于其完善的理论基础使其在小样本模式识别中表现出比其他算法更好的泛化能力。


