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课程与教学论 curriculum and teaching theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-11 10:56:27


课程与教学论 curriculum and teaching theory英语短句 例句大全

课程与教学论,curriculum and teaching theory

1)curriculum and teaching theory课程与教学论

1.This paper briefly introduces three representative content systems ofcurriculum and teaching theory established by scholars at home over the recent years.近年来我国学者构建了较具典型意义的三种课程与教学论教材内容体系:依据外域学者的有关理论,建构"课程与教学整合论"的内容体系;采用相对分离的组合形式,综合反映有关课程论和教学论的研究成果;从文化哲学观的视角,重建一种具有"开放""整合"与"整体"特质的现代课程与教学论内容体系。


1.Teaching Process Innovation of Curriculum and Pedagogics;浅谈课程与教学论中的教学过程变革

2.The Subjects Curriculum & Course Characteristics of Teaching Theory and the Construction of Course Group;“学科”课程与教学论的学科特点和课程群的建构

3.The Investigation of the Teaching Reformation on the The Theory of Curriculum and Instruction of Higher Normal University高师《课程与教学论》教学改革初探

4.Properties of The Curriculum of Chinese and Theory of Teaching and Case Teaching--Preface to A Course of Case in the Course of Chinese and Theory of Teaching;《语文课程与教学论》的课程性质与案例教学——《语文课程与教学论案例教程》导言

5.Reflection on the Strengthening Curriculum and Pedagogical Theories from the Perspective of New Curriculum Ideas;新课程理念下“学科课程与教学论”建设思考

6.Opportunities and Challenges of the Development of Curriculum and Instruction Theorizing;课程与教学论学科发展的机遇与挑战

7.Integrating Technology into Curriculum:angle of view discuss which based on the curriculum and the teaching;信息技术与课程整合:基于课程与教学论的视角

8.On the Educational Paradigms from the Perspectives of Modern Curriculum and Pedagogics;现代课程与教学论视野中的教育范式

9.The Application of Case Teaching in Tnstructing Chinese Curriculum and Teaching Methodology;案例教学在语文课程与教学论教学中的应用

10.The Reform Conception of the Course System "Primary Language Curriculum and Teaching Pedagogy"in the Background of the New Curriculum新课程背景下“小学语文课程与教学论”课程体系的改革构想

11.Classroom Teaching Exploration on the Chemistry-Pedagogy Curriculum;化学教学论课程教学理论与实践研究

12.Discussing Text Curricula in Microstructure of the Middle School Courseand Teachers Control over Teaching;论文本课程与教师对教学过程的控制

ments on the curriculum and teaching of pedagogics in normal colleges and universities;师范院校教育学类课程与教学的评论

14.On the Reform of the Course s Contents and System of Advanced Mathematics;论高等数学课程教学内容与课程体系的改革

15.Reformation of Art Pedagogy under the Conception of the New Curriculum;新课程理念与高师“美术学科教学论”课程改革

16.On the human nature and course reform in sports teaching process;论体育教学过程的人性化与课程改革

17.The new development of career education curriculum and the tuition idea;试论职业教育课程与教学观的新发展

18.Discussion on new course and the teaching behavior construction of P.E. tea chers;试论新课程与体育教师教学行为构建


chemistry curriculum and instruction theory化学课程与教学论

3)science curriculum and instruction科学课程与教学论

1.The teaching system ofscience curriculum and instruction for primary education major in normal colleges and universities should mainly contain the nature of curriculum,the aim of curriculum and teaching,teaching process,teaching evaluation and reflection.高师小学教育专业"科学课程与教学论"课程教学系统由课程性质、课程教学目标、课程教学过程、课程教学评价与反思等四个主体要素构成,其课程教学过程是一个由课程教师、学生、课程教学内容、课程教学资源、课程教学策略与技术五要素相互作用的复杂操作系统。

4)Curriculum and pedagogical theories学科课程与教学论

5)primary teaching theory and language courses小学语文课程与教学论

6)Chinese curriculum and teaching methodology语文课程与教学论

1.Case teaching is a special teaching method,the implementation of which can strengthen the connection of theory with practice in instructingChinese curriculum and teaching methodology and can promote the reform of students learning methods.案例教学是一种特定的教学方法,在语文课程与教学论教学中实施可以加强理论与实践的联系,促进学生学习方式的变革,培养学生的反思精神和科研意识,是沟通大学课堂与基础教育的主要途径之一。


《伤寒论教学参考资料》《伤寒论教学参考资料》 《伤寒论教学参考资料》 伤寒著作。南京中医学院编著。本书以该院所编《伤寒论释义》为蓝本,在仲景原文后用提示和讨论的形式加以阐析,并附表格,主要用于教学参考。1959年由江苏人民出版社出版。
