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轧制过程 rolling process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-08 15:16:58


轧制过程 rolling process英语短句 例句大全

轧制过程,rolling process

1)rolling process轧制过程

1.EFG method"s application in the 3D simulation ofrolling process in LS-DYNA;LS-DYNA无网格伽辽金方法在轧制过程三维仿真分析中的应用

2.In aluminium strip hotrolling process,because the landscape orientation parameters of the workpiece and the rolling mill are not even,there is always departure between the center line of the workpiece and the assumed center line,which is called running deviation.Marc有限元软件,建立不同跑偏影响因素下的铝带热轧轧制过程的三维弹塑性热力耦合有限元分析模型;分别以原始辊缝差、铝带入口横向厚差、铝带中心偏移量、铝带咬入偏斜角为变量,加入实验所得JP1235铝合金材料库,模拟了JP1235铝合金的跑偏轧制过程,得出各影响因素作用下铝带中心的跑偏轨迹和跑偏规律。

3.Analyzing the platerolling process,the problem of how the temperature difference between the top and bottom surface of a plate workpiece and the diameter ratio of upper roll to lower roll after the head warping of workpiece is investigated.针对国内中厚板轧机普遍存在的头部弯曲问题,通过对轧制过程进行分析,得出轧件上下表面温差和上下辊辊径比对轧件头部弯曲的影响规律,建立轧件头部弯曲曲率、轧机上下辊辊径比和轧件上下表面温差之间的关系模型。


1.Study of Roller Vibration in Rolling Processes of Cold Tandem Rolling;冷连轧机轧制过程中轧辊振动的研究

2.The Determine of Rolling Mill Draught Pressure and Analysis of Stress-Strain in Rolling Process;轧机轧制过程轧制压力的确定及应力应变分析

3.Fast Calculation of Rolling Force Using Rigid Plastic Finite Element Method in Strip Rolling Process板材轧制过程轧制力刚塑性有限元快速计算

4.Three-Dimensional Strip Element Method and Its Simulation of Hot Plate and Strip Rolling Process;三维条元法及其对热轧板带轧制过程的仿真

5.Analysis on PQF three-roll continuous rolling process of by FEMPQF三辊连轧管机轧制过程的有限元分析

6.Study and Application of the Edge Rolling Process in Hot Rolling热带钢粗轧立辊调宽轧制过程变形研究及应用

7.Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the edger and corner metal"s flow on edging rolling on roughing of hot continuous rolling process热连轧粗轧调宽轧制过程边角部金属流动三维数值模拟

puter simulation for rolling processes of bar,wire and shape steel棒、线、型材轧制过程的计算机模拟仿真

9.Numerial Simulation of Plate Rolling Process and Optimization of Technology;中厚板轧制过程数值模拟及工艺优化

10.Numerical Simulation of GCr15 Wire and Rod Rolling Process;GCr15棒线材轧制过程的数值模拟

11.The Temperature Simulation of 72A High-Carbon Steel Wire during Rolling Process;72A高碳钢轧制过程中的温度模拟研究

12.Simulation Software Development for the Universal Rolling Process of Heavy Rail重轨万能轧制过程仿真系统软件开发

13.Elastic-Plastic Fem Simulation on Plate Rolling Process中厚板轧制过程的弹塑性有限元模拟

14.Calculation of Transversal Slab Thickness During Plate Rolling中厚板轧制过程横向厚度的计算方法

15.High-Precision Rolling Force Prediction Model for Hot Strip Continuous Rolling Process热轧带钢精轧过程高精度轧制力预测模型

16.Finite Element Simulation on the Rolling Force During Hot Rolling of Steel Plate钢板热轧过程中轧制力的有限元模拟

17.An Intelligent Modeling Method in Slab s Hot Rolling Process Based on the Rolling Information Feedback;基于轧制信息的钢坯热轧过程智能建模研究

18.Research and Development of the Process Control System for the Direct Pulling Pilot Cold Rolling Mill直拉式冷轧实验轧机过程控制系统研究与开发


V-H rolling process立-平辊轧制过程

3)strip temperature fall during rolling轧制过程温降

4)continuous rolling process control连轧过程控制

5)Rolling Process Stability轧制过程稳定性

6)tube rolling simulation轧制过程模拟


