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后进生 backward students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-02 22:08:44


后进生 backward students英语短句 例句大全

后进生,backward students

1)backward students后进生

1.For example,increasing number ofbackward students in English are weakening the motivation to learn of part students,and wide implementation of English teaching leads to short supply of qualified English teachers.但在推行的过程中也导致一系列问题,如英语后进生数量的逐级增加而导致部分学生学习动机的减弱、英语教学的广泛推行而导致合格英语师资的供应不足。

2.Therefore educators should show humanity care for thebackward students.为此,教育者应注重对后进生的人性关怀。


1.she was short with the slower students.她对后进生很不耐烦。

2.Change the Backward Students According to Their Psychological Characteristics;针对后进生心理特点做好后进生转化工作

3.How to Promote the Transform of "Backward Students";浅谈班主任如何促进“后进生”的转化

4.So-called Backward Students Are not Backward--Multi-intellectual Ability and "Transformation of backward students";“差生”不差——多元智能理论与后进生转化

5.The effective way for the learning-difficult transformation m ore partiality--The method for the learning-difficult to improve the ability in sloving problems contents;转化后进生的良方:多一点偏爱——后进生解决问题之我见

6.The Analysis of Transformation for the Poor Students as a Head-teacher in High Middle School;高中班主任工作中后进生的转化探讨

7.Explore of Appreciation Education and the Students Weak in Study Education;赏识教育与“后进生”教育问题的探究

8.A Study on How to Promote Inferential Ability of High School Students Falling Behind in Mathematics;提高高中数学后进生推理能力的研究

9.Analysis and Countermeasures on Forming Students with Learning difficulties in Schools for the Deaf;聋校学习后进生成因分析及转化策略

10.Research of non-intellectual factors on the transformation of less advanced students;非智力因素对后进生转化的影响分析

11.The investigation on transforming tragedy of lagging behind students;关于做好后进生转化教育工作的思考

12.On the Causes and Changing Countermeasures of the Music Backward Students;浅谈音乐后进生的成因和转变的对策

13.the former hinders, the latter furthers production.前者阻碍生产,后者则促进生产。

14.Production shall not begin before the SPL is obtained.取得生产许可证书后,方可进行生产。

15.and M. Dandré, announced by the chamberlain-in-waiting, entered.在侍从官进来报告以后,唐德雷先生走了进来。

16.Mr. Jones left the wagon near the door and followed.琼斯先生把车停在门边后,也跟了进来。

17.The panic-stricken passengers tried to rush the life-boats.惊慌的旅客争先恐后,想挤进救生艇。

18.The last thing that you were doing when the problem occurred.问题发生时您所进行的最后一步操作。


backward student后进生

1.Study on the causes and changing countermeasures ofbackward students;后进生形成原因及转化对策探析

2.This paper analyses the characteristics and the causes of thebackward students in higher vocational colleges and brings forward some countermeasure本文对高职院校后进生进行剖析,并提出几方面的对策。

3.Owing to many causes, low self-efficacy makesbackward students lose learning confidence, poor in morality and school report, hard to get on with other people.由于许多原因,后进生的自我效 能感水平普遍低下,这是他们丧失学习信心、品德和学习成绩下降、人际关系恶化的主要原因。

3)less advanced students后进生

1.Research of non-intellectual factors on the transformation ofless advanced students;非智力因素对后进生转化的影响分析

2.A Key to Developing Less Advanced Students Intelligence to Chinese——A brief discussion about how to developless advanced students interest for learning the course of Chinese for middle schools;开发后进生语文智能之钥匙——浅议中学语文教学中如何培养后进生的学习兴趣

3.The ever-declining quality of enrollees in secondary vocational schools makes the problem of theless advanced students a common and complicated topic.随着普通高校、普通高中的相继扩招,中等职业教育受到了现行教育形势的冲击,尤其是学生生源素质的日趋下降,后进生问题成为了一个普遍存在而且极具复杂性的重要课题。

4)slower students后进生

1.Brief analysis onslower students" transform education in secondary vocational schools浅谈中等职业学校后进生的转化教育工作

2.The existence ofslower students has become a problem that must be studied in the teaching work of school education.后进生的存在,成为学校教育教学工作中一个必须研究的问题。

5)Slow students后进生

1.Slow students is a reality, the formation reasons of which include society, family and school education failure.后进生是客观存在的,其形成的原因主要有:社会、家庭环境的影响,教育失误的影响。

2.This paper points out different teaching methods should be adopted according to the characteristics of slow students.本文针对后进生的特点 ,采用不同的教育方法 ,有效地利用家庭和社会的因素因势利导 ,培养他们健康的心理品质 ,积极的人生态


1.Some students are regarded asunderachievers in the practice of education who are of normal intellect and learning ability but whose marks in tests are below average or minimum standards for long.在教育实践中,一部分智力正常、没有学习技能缺陷、测验成绩长期低于平均水平或最低标准的学生被看作“后进生”。


