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出版发行 publication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-23 08:51:56


出版发行 publication英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper analyzes the influences of the change of Chinese periodicalpublication on the acquisitioning work of university library, and probes into the countermeasures for acquisitioning Chinese periodicals by university library.分析了中文期刊出版发行的变化和对高校图书馆期刊采访工作的影响,探讨了高校图书馆中文期刊采访的应对策略。

2.Thepublication of audiovisual materials has entered a matured period, the interactions between its market needs andpublication,such as quantity and quality,has evident influence on library s acquisition work.提高音像资料的采访质量必须对馆藏特色、服务目标、服务对象、经费情况、出版发行等方面情况进行综合分析和判断,从而建立一个合理、科学、有特色的馆藏资源体系。

3.Since the reform and opening-up,thepublication of ethnic education textbooks in China has expanded gradually.改革开放以来,我国民族教育教材出版规模逐步扩大,但随着新技术的不断发展与我国加入WTO后出版市场的逐步放开,民族教育教材出版发行面临着新的挑战。


1.have (one"s written work) issued for publication.写出的作品出版发行。

2.Foreign languages Publishing and Distribution Administration外文出版发行事业局

3.The Standardization of Publication Logistics and the Development of Publishing Industry;出版物物流标准化与出版发行业发展研究

4.Publish and circulate sports publications and books in cooperation with publishing houses.配合出版部门做好体育报刊书籍的出版发行。

5.The Chinese edition of the book "The New Middle East" has already recently been published and distributed through Xinhua Publishing.《新中东》一书中文版近日已由新华出版社出版发行。

6.His first novel issued.他的第一本小说出版发行了。

7.China Foreign Languages Publishing and Distribution Administration中央外文出版发行事业局

8.regular intervals(出版, 发行的)定期

9.A publishing entity shall have the right of general distribution over the publications of the current edition.出版单位对本版出版物具有总发行权。

10.Establishment of Publication Distributing Entities出版物发行单位设立

11.Administration of Publication Distributing Activities出版物发行活动管理

12.A publishing entity shall, when authorizing an entity engaging in general distribution of publications to distribute the publications, use the uniform "Power of Attorney for Distributing Publications";出版单位委托出版物总发行单位发行出版物,应使用统一的《出版物发行委托书》;

13.publications explicitly prohibited by the administrative department of press and publication from being published, printed, reproduced or distributed.新闻出版行政部门明令禁止出版、印刷或者复制、发行的出版物。

14.Whichever entity violates the present Provisions in distributing illegal publications or the publications explicitly prohibited by the administrative department of press and publication from being published, printed, reproduced or distributed,违反本规定发行非法出版物和新闻出版行政部门明令禁止出版、印刷或者复制、发行的出版物的,

15.A printed publication, such as a magazine or newspaper.印刷出版物印刷出版的发行物,如杂志或报纸

16."General distribution" mentioned in the present Provisions means exclusive sale of publications by an entity engaging in general distribution of publications.本规定所称总发行,是指出版物总发行单位统一包销出版物。

17.If a publication distributing entity intends to modify its name or business scope, or merges another publication distributing entity,出版物发行单位变更名称、业务范围,兼并其他出版物发行单位,

18.His latest novel has run into six editions.他最近出版的一部小说已经发行了6版。



1.The Transform in JapanesePublishing Field——The Application of RFID in a Tokyo Children Bookstore;日本出版发行界的变革——从东京的一家少儿书店看RFID的应用

2.The Influence of the Marketing of the BookPublishing on the Library Acquisition;出版发行市场化运作对图书采访的影响

3.The publishing & management of textbook for the elementary and high school has always been the fundamental element to the establishment of national textbook system, it may affect the elementary education system, even the social stability in a country s worth wide.中小学教材出版发行管理体制,是一个国家教科书制度的重要内容。

3)Publication and distribution出版发行

1.This paper has analyzed the actualities and problems existing in publication and distribution of China in these years,and put forward suggestions for book acquisition process control to enhance the quality of book acquisition in Academic Libraries.分析了我国近几年图书出版发行现状与存在的问题,提出了加强高校图书馆中文图书采访过程控制,提高文献采访质量的对策。


1.Opinions vary as to who was thepublisher of Hunan Peasant Revolution,which is rather regrettable.在《湖南农民革命》的研究中,对于谁是《湖南农民革命》的出版发行者,人们产生了分歧,十分令人遗憾。

5)To be circulated or published.发行,出版

6)distribution of publication出版物发行


外文出版发行事业局中国外文出版发行事业的管理职能机构。简称外文局。1963年成立,为国务院直属局;1982年划归文化部所属。主要任务是:对全国主要外文书刊的编译、出版、印刷、发行进行总体规划和组织指导。外文局系统包括5 个期刊社,即《北京周报》、 《人民画报》(对外称《中国画报》 )、《人民中国》、《中国报道》和《中国文学》。有10家出版社,即外文出版社、新世界出版社、中国文学出版社、中国世界语出版社、朝华出版社、海豚出版社、华语教学出版社、北京周报出版社、人民中国出版社、中国画报出版公司。还有一个能用52种文字排印书刊的外文印刷厂,一个以经营中外文书刊和艺术品,缩微出版物进出口业务的中国国际图书贸易总公司(中国国际书店)和一个经营对外书刊用纸的外文出版纸张公司。1987年全局有干部、职工4300余人,其中编辑记者474人,翻译738人,印刷职工近2000人。有外国专家和外籍工作人员90多人。从1983年起,每年向全世界 182个国家和地区发行书刊4000多万册(份)。
