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杂交后代 hybrids英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-24 22:21:04


杂交后代 hybrids英语短句 例句大全



1.Microsatellite analysis of Oreochromis niloticus,Sarotherodon melanotheron and their reciprocalhybrids;尼罗罗非鱼与萨罗罗非鱼及其正反杂交后代的微卫星分析

2.Evaluation of Cold Resistance of Zoysia Hybrids;结缕草属杂交后代抗寒性评价

3.The Evaluation of Turf Quality of Zoysia Hybrids;结缕草属植物杂交后代坪用价值评价


1.a filial generation【生】杂交后代, 子代

2.Acquirement and Molecular Identification of Hybrids in Chinese Jujube (Ziziphus Jujuba Mill.)枣树杂交后代的获得及杂种分子鉴定

3.Karyotype Analysis of Cymbidium hybridium×C. sinense, C. faberi and their Interspecific Hybrids杂交兰×蕙兰种间杂交后代的核型特征分析

4.Identification of Weedy rice and their hybrid offspring of molecular markers鉴别杂草稻及其杂交后代的分子标记研究

5.offspring of a coyote and a dog.丛林狼和野狗的杂交后代。

6.The hybrid offspring of a coyote and a feral dog.科伊狗丛林狼和野狗的杂交后代

7.a mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代.

8.sterile offspring of a male horse and a female donkey or ass.公马与母驴的杂交后代,不会生育。

9.sterile offspring of a male donkey and a female horse.公驴和母马的杂交后代,不会生育。

10.Identification of Hybrid Offsprings between Wheat and Dasypyrum Villosum簇毛麦—普通小麦远缘杂交后代的鉴定

11.Identification on Cross-subsection Hybridization of Tree Peony in Early Stage牡丹亚组间远缘杂交后代的早期鉴定

12.Analysis of Seed Storage Proteins of Wheat Wide Hybridization Progenies小麦远缘杂交后代种子贮藏蛋白分析

13.Study on the juice-processing characteristics of different pears hybrid progenies不同梨杂交后代果实制汁适性的研究

14.(genetics) designating the generation of organisms from which hybrid offspring are produced.(遗传学)指产生出杂交后代的第一代生物体。

15.Study on the Chromosome Behavior on the Hybrid of Wheat-Rye Substitution Line小麦—黑麦代换系杂交后代染色体行为的研究

parative Studies between Zea Maize, Zea Diploperenni and Their Hybrids by Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization;玉米、类玉米及其杂交后代的荧光原位杂交比较研究

17.Distant Cross-breeding in Tree Peony and Identification of Some Hybrids by AFLP;牡丹远缘杂交及部分杂交后代的AFLP分子标记鉴定

18.Developing Yellow-seeded Brassica Napus Through Interspecific Hybridization in Brassica and Studies on the Hybrids and Their Progenies;芸薹属种间杂交合成甘蓝型黄籽油菜及杂交后代的研究



1.Development and Application of Sugarcane Hybrid Reliability Identification;甘蔗杂交后代真实性鉴定技术发展与应用

2.Gene expression of Cl~- channel and its relation to chloride tolerance of Glycine max,Glycine soja and theirhybrid seedlings栽培大豆和野生大豆亲本及其杂交后代幼苗Cl~-通道基因表达及其与耐氯性的关系

3.The heredity of the resistance of Elytrigia elongata , Haynaldia villosa and Psathyrostachys huashanica and theirhybrids with Triticum aestivum to races CY29,CY30 and CY31 of Puccinia striiformis were evaluated.以当前小麦条锈病菌的优势小种条中29 号、30 号和31 号测定了小麦近缘植物长穗偃麦草、簇毛麦和华山新麦草及其各自与小麦的杂交后代的抗条锈性。

3)filial generations杂交后代

1.The result shows that there is a great difference in DBH and wood volume weight amongfilial generations.研究了 1 0年生杉木杂交后代试验林的胸径生长和木材体积质量的遗传变异规律。

4)Crossbred[英]["kr?:sbred, "kr?s-][美]["kr?sbr?d, "krɑs-]杂交后代

1.Relationship of H-FABP Genotypes with the Related Productive Traits in Hubei White Pig and ItsCrossbred;湖北白猪及其杂交后代H-FABP基因型与相关性状关系研究

2.Analysis on Genetic Diversity forCrossbred of Soybean Jinda62×Mutagenic TreatmentNo.4 (MT4)晋大62×诱处4号杂交后代群体遗传多样性分析

3.The genetic variation of 5′-Up stream region and the second extron,third extron,second intron of MyoG gene in 228 Hubei white pig crossbred were detected by PCR-RFLP with MspⅠ.采用PCR-RFLP(MspⅠ)方法分析了湖北白猪杂交后代共计228头猪的MyoG基因外显子2、3及内含子2和5′-端调控区域遗传多态性,利用最小二乘模型分析了杂交后代MyoG基因型对相关生产性能的影响。

5)filial generation杂交后代

1.The Identitification of Apprais of the Original Seed Luo Hanzhe and F180/113 and their Filial Generation;原种罗汉蔗与F_180/113及其杂交后代的同工酶鉴定分析

6)Progenies of rice subspecies cross籼粳杂交后代


