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重庆女性 Chongqing Female英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-14 08:13:55


重庆女性 Chongqing Female英语短句 例句大全

重庆女性,Chongqing Female

1)Chongqing Female重庆女性


1.The Study on Female Soft Tissue Profile for Class Ⅰ, Class Ⅱ and Class Ⅲ Patients in Chongqing;重庆女性安氏Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类错合软组织侧貌对比研究

2.Loss of Female Discourse Right of Media Based on Chongqing Newspaper;从重庆报纸看女性媒介话语权的缺失

3.The Study on Female Jaw Bone Characters with Three Different Facial Growth Pattern in Chong Qing;重庆地区三种不同面型的女性颌骨特征的研究

4.Analysis the Etiology of Coleitis in Chongqing;重庆地区女性生殖系统感染的病原学分析

5.The retrospective analysis of women"s reproductive health census of 1385 women in Chongqing重庆市1385名妇女生殖健康普查的回顾性分析

6.An Empirical Study of Consumer Behaviors of Domestic Female Tourists: Using the Tourist Destination-Chongqing as a Case in Point;国内女性游客旅游消费行为实证研究——以重庆旅游目的地为例

7.Measurement and study of dental model on Angle class Ⅱ division 2 malocclusions in Chongqing female teenagers重庆市女性Angle′Ⅱ类2分类错畸形患者模型测量分析

8.A Study of the Village Women s Basic Education in Three Gorges Reservoir Area;重庆三峡库区农村妇女基本教育研究

9.A Preliminary Report of Excavation at Shengnvlu Cemetery of Qin-Han Dynasty, in Wushan, Chongqing;重庆巫山县神女路秦汉墓葬发掘简报

10.Investigation on Women Staying at Home in Rural Areas--An Investigation from Chongqing Municipality;农村留守妇女调查——来自重庆市的调查

11.Focus on rural migrated women in the process of city development--survey on Chongqing;城市流动妇女调查——重庆市的调查

12.Peasant-worker children education of Chongqing and its countermeasures重庆市农民工子女教育问题与对策——以重庆市南岸区和奉节县为例

13.Song Qing-ling s Independent Femin ine Consciousness and Its Apocalypse to Modern Women;宋庆龄女性主体意识及其对现代女性的启示

14.The Study on Female Craniofacial Growth with Three Different Facial Growth Pattern in Skeletal Class Ⅱ Subjects in Chong Qing;重庆地区女性安氏Ⅱ类错(牙合)不同面部生长型颅颌面生长发育特征的研究

15.Rebellion in Women"s Kingdom--Disloyal Women in Liu Qingbang"s Works女儿国中的反叛——论刘庆邦笔下的失贞女性

16.A Case Control Study of Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Chongqing Women重庆市妇女乳腺癌危险因素的病理对照研究

17.A Survey on Rubella Antibody Level of Women at Childbearing Age in Beijing and Chongqing北京和重庆市育龄期妇女风疹抗体水平调查

18.Nutrition and Health Status of Premenopausal Nonpregnant Women and First to Second-Trimester Pregnant Women in Kai County Chongqing China;重庆开县育龄妇女及早中期孕妇营养健康状况


respecting women尊重女性

3)Chongqing[英]["t?u?"ki?][美]["t???"t???, "t?u?-]重庆

1.Toxicity test of the organic pollutants on the Embryo Larva of Zebra Fish in the Yangtze and Jialing River (Chongqing District);重庆市主城区长江和嘉陵江水中有机污染物对斑马鱼胚胎仔鱼的毒性研究

2.Health monitoring and regulation measures of Pinus massoniana forests ofChongqing exposed to acid deposition;酸沉降影响下重庆马尾松林的健康监测及调控技术研究

3.Investigation and analysis on consume behavior of children′s wear inChongqing;重庆地区童装消费行为调查与分析

4)Chongqing City重庆

1.Countermeasures for Ecological and Landscape Restoration of Abandoned Quarries in Urban District ofChongqing City;重庆市主城区废弃采石场生态与景观恢复对策

2.Layout of the Straddle Monorail ATP/TD Circular inChongqing City and the Train Location;重庆跨座式独轨ATP/TD环线的设置及列车定位

3.Retrospective investigation on freeway traffic accident inChongqing City;重庆市高等级公路交通事故回顾性调查

5)Chongqing municipality重庆

1.Research on coherence of One-circuit Two-wings strategy and overall urban and rural development inChongqing municipality;重庆市“一圈两翼”战略与统筹城乡的一致性

2.On the Ecological Responsibilities of Chongqing Municipality in the Economic Development;论重庆市政府在经济发展中的生态责任

3.Basing on the available materials and data, the regional stability ofChongqing municipality is evaluated in this paper by using analytical hierarchy process met.重庆直辖市建立后 ,其幅员面积由原来的 2 。

6)women"s dual functions女性双重角色


重庆重庆ChongqingChongqing重庆(C hongqing)中国西南地区最大的工业城市,交通枢纽,军事重镇。位于四川省东南部长江、嘉陵江汇合处。辖渝中、江北、沙坪坝、南岸、九龙坡、大渡口、北暗、万盛、双桥、渝北、巴南11区和纂江、长寿、撞南、铜梁、大足、荣昌、壁山、江津、永川9市县,面积15 983平方千米,人 口1 108.11万,其中市区面积1 534平方千米,人口30642万(1993)。重庆因三面环水,古称江州。隋开皇初,因当时嘉陵江称渝水,遂将以江州为治所的楚州改称渝州,重庆简称渝由来于此。北宋后期改称恭州。南宋淳熙十六年(1189)正月,宋孝宗封子惊为恭王,二月,停即帝位,因双重喜庆,遂改恭州为重庆府,此名一直沿用至今。重庆系历史名城。3 000多年前周武王封巴国,都江州。周慎靓王五年(公元前316),秦惠文王遣司马错灭巴国,置巴郡,治江州,随后筑江州城。东汉献帝时,巴郡分为巴东、巴郡、巴西三郡,江州为巴郡及都督府治。三国时巴郡归蜀,江州守将李严固城池,筑大城,“周回十六里”。南北朝时先后改巴郡为巴州、楚州;改江州为垫江、巴县,均为州、郡治。隋朝以后,巴县为渝州治。南宋置重庆府,治巴县。南宋末年,知府彭大雅大兴筑城,防御蒙古军。元至元十六年(公元1279),改重庆府为重庆路,巴县为重庆路及四川南道宣慰司治。明、清复改为重庆府,治巴县。明朝初年,沿旧址砌石城,周长十八里,开十七门,今见石城及城门遗址即为当时所建。1 9撤销重庆府,存巴县。1929年始建重庆市,辖今市中区,隶属四川省。抗日战争期间,重庆为国民党政府驻地,改隶中央,定为陪都。1945年复改省辖。1949年为中央直辖市。1954年复改省辖市。重庆地处四川盆地东南部,北依华葵山脉,东扼江峡险隘,南接贵州高原,西连盆地腹心。全区主要为低山、丘陵地带。华釜山脉由北人境,形成北南走向的历鼻(西温泉)、络云、中梁、铜锣(南温泉)、明月、黄草、东温泉、鲜家坪、桃子荡等山,山岭海拔一般为500~900米,华肇山高耸,山脊海拔均在1 200米以上,主峰宝顶位于江北县境,海拔1 590米。辖区南部为中山、低山地带,地势南高北低。位于川黔边境属大娄山脉的黑山,呈西南一北东走向,海拔900一1 900米,延伸至南桐矿区的鸡公岭顶峰,海拔1 973米,为辖区最高峰。重庆市区坐落在华釜山余脉__匕四周群山环绕,市内岗岭起伏,素以山城著称。地势西北高东南低,平均海拔240米,西郊佛图关高耸,海拔370米。
