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脱脂米糠 defatted rice bran英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-28 11:05:06


脱脂米糠 defatted rice bran英语短句 例句大全

脱脂米糠,defatted rice bran

1)defatted rice bran脱脂米糠

1.Primary study ondefatted rice bran adhesive;脱脂米糠胶粘剂性能开发的初步研究

2.Optimization of dietary fibre extraction fromdefatted rice bran by response surface methodology响应面法优化脱脂米糠膳食纤维提取工艺的研究

3.Optimization of extraction parameters of protein fromdefatted rice bran by response surface method响应面法优化脱脂米糠蛋白提取工艺


1.Optimization of extraction parameters of protein from defatted rice bran by response surface method响应面法优化脱脂米糠蛋白提取工艺

2.Influence of Extrusion on Diet Fiber in Defatted Rice Bran挤压加工对脱脂米糠中膳食纤维影响的研究

3.Optimization of dietary fibre extraction from defatted rice bran by response surface methodology响应面法优化脱脂米糠膳食纤维提取工艺的研究

4.Effect of super micro-milling on the physicochemical properties and composition of dietary fibre prepared from defatted rice bran超微粉碎对脱脂米糠膳食纤维理化特性及组成成分的影响

5.Study on Isolation and Purification of High-Level Fatty Alcohol from Bran-wax;从米糠蜡提取分离高级脂肪醇的研究

6.Blood Fat Regulating Action of Rice Bran Oil米糠营养调和油调节血脂作用的研究

7.Effect of Lipoxygenase Activity and Red Seed Coat on Rice Bran Rancidity脂肪氧化酶、红米种皮在抗米糠酸败中的作用

8.Study on Purification and Characterization of Rice Bran GAD米糠谷氨酸脱羧酶的分离纯化及其性质研究

9.Purification and characterization of glutamate decarboxylase from rice bran米糠谷氨酸脱羧酶的分离纯化及酶学性质研究

10.Effect of immobilizing the rice bran by sodium alginate on the enzymatic properties of glutamate decarboxylase固定化米糠对谷氨酸脱羧酶活性影响的研究

11.Deacidification of high-acid rice bran oil by esterification for the raw material of biodiesel高酸值米糠油酯化脱酸成生物柴油原料

12.Preparation of Immobilized Rice-Bran Iipase and its Physiological and Biochemical Properties米糠固定化脂肪酶的制备及生化性质的研究

13.Study on Separation and Purification of γ-Aminobutyric Acid Accumulated Through Rice Bran Glutamate Decarboxylase;利用米糠谷氨酸脱羧酶富集γ-氨基丁酸及其分离与纯化

14.Fatty acid compositions of the rice bran oil extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid and solvent超临界CO_2流体萃取法和溶剂法萃取米糠油脂肪酸成分研究

15.Study and Preparation of Epoxy/Montmorillonite Nanocomposite;环氧树脂/蒙脱土纳米复合材料的研制

16.Study on Epoxy Resin/Montmorillonite Nanocompisites;环氧树脂/蒙脱土纳米复合材料研究

17.Study on preparation of rice bran protein nutrient solution by enzymolysising of rice bran酶解米糠蛋白制备米糠营养液的工艺研究

18.You cannot get rice by pounding bran.米糠捣碎了,还是捣不出白米来。


degreased rice bran脱脂米糠

1.In this dissertation, thedegreased rice bran extrusion processing had been studied by single factor and the multi-factors experiments in order to obtain the maximum SDF conversion rate .以脱脂米糠为原料,运用挤压加工技术,以较大的SDF转化率和最好的IDF吸水力和膨胀力作为指标,进行了正交试验研究,确定了最优工艺参数组合:物料含水量25%,挤压温度140℃、螺杆转速 150r/min。

3)defatted rice bran脱脂挤压米糠

1.Several extraction processes,such as traditional hot water extraction method,supersonic method and pulsed electric field(PEF)method,were used respectively to optimize the extraction process ofdefatted rice bran polysaccharide.以脱脂挤压米糠为原料,采用热水浸提、超声波和高压脉冲强化提取三种不同方法提取米糠多糖。

2.The microwave-assisted technology for extracting polysaccharide fromdefatted rice bran was studied.以脱脂挤压米糠为原料,采用微波辅助法提取米糠多糖,并与传统热水浸提方法进行比较,通过考察料液比、微波辐射时间以及微波功率三个因素,设计正交试验,得出微波辅助提取米糠多糖的优化工艺条件为:料液比1∶10,微波辐射时间为2 min,微波炉功率400 W。

4)rice bran solid fat米糠固脂

1.The transesterification ofrice bran solid fat at various conditions with sodium methylate as a catalyst was studied in this paper.:以米糠固脂为原料、甲醇钠为催化剂 ,在不同条件下进行自身酯交换 ,试样经甘三酯结构及熔点分析 ,结果表明 ,酯交换后的米糠固脂不但改变了原有脂肪酸在甘三酯位置的分布 ,而且熔点明显下降 ,产品达到米糠色拉油的冷冻试验要求 为了扩大米糠固脂的应用范围 ,又以米糖固脂和高熔点棕榈油为原料 ,用不同的比例进行酯交换 ,经分析酯交换产品可作为煎炸油应

5)Lipoids of rice bran米糠脂质

6)degrease corn脱脂玉米

1.The process of wort used in beer brewing of different fermentation degree was studied, used feedstuff barley anddegrease corn powder as raw material.以饲料大麦为原料、脱脂玉米粉为辅料,研究了酶法生产不同发酵度啤酒酿造用大麦糖浆的生产工艺。


