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首诊 initial diagnosis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-23 14:58:34


首诊 initial diagnosis英语短句 例句大全

首诊,initial diagnosis

1)initial diagnosis首诊

1.Analysis of extraocular causes of binocular diplopia atinitial diagnosis in ophthalmology department眼科首诊双眼复视患者的眼外相关病因分析


1.Clinic Analysis of 189 New Cases in a Psycho-counseling Clinic;心理咨询门诊首诊189例的临床分析

2.Clinical Analysis on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Misdiagnosed as Otomastoiditis with CT at the Frist Examine鼻咽癌首诊误诊为中耳乳突炎的临床与CT分析

3.Imageology Diagnosis of Cranial Venous Sinus Thrombosis in Ophthalmology Department首诊于眼科颅内静脉窦血栓形成的影像学诊断

4.Strategy Study on the Establishment and Development of the System of First Treatment in Community;社区首诊制建立及其发展的策略研究

5.Clinical Analysis of HIV/AIDS First Diagnosed as Sever Pneumonia;以重症肺炎首诊的HIV/AIDS临床分析

6.A study of cognitive feature in first-episode patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder首诊强迫症患者的认知功能特点研究

7.Clinical study of flare-up after root canal therarp on acute periapical periodontitis急性根尖周炎首诊封药后约诊间疼痛的临床研究

8.Analysis on Causes about First Visit Misdiagnosis of 51 Cases of Atypical Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage不典型自发性蛛网膜下腔出血首诊误诊51例分析

9.Survey on the mental health status of young people visiting psychiatric out-patient department for the first time and psychological intervention精神科门诊首诊青少年心理健康水平调查及心理干预

10.Scoliosis secondary to osteoid osteoma of the spine:differential diagnosis and management以脊柱侧凸为首诊的脊柱骨样骨瘤:鉴别诊断与治疗

11.Etiological profile of 81 cases presumed optic neuritis首诊为视神经炎的急性视力下降81例病因分析

12.Report of 2 AIDS Cases with First Diagnosed Gastrointestinal Ulcer and Review of Literature;以消化道溃疡首诊的AIDS 2例报道并文献复习

13.Clinical Characteristics of 143 Chinese HIV/AIDS Patients;143例首诊发现的中国HIV/AIDS患者临床特征分析

14.Pseudo-hypopyon as the first presentation of retinoblastoma以假性前房积脓为首诊表现的视网膜母细胞瘤

15.Clinical Analysis of 19 Cases With Extrarenal Malignant Tumors With Initial Diagnosis as Renal Injury以肾损伤表现首诊的肾外恶性肿瘤19例分析

16.Analysis of extraocular causes of binocular diplopia at initial diagnosis in ophthalmology department眼科首诊双眼复视患者的眼外相关病因分析

17.Analysis on the results of the blood pressure measure at the first visit among community residents in Shiyan,Hubei Province湖北省十堰市社区居民首诊血压检测结果分析

18.Analysis of the necessity and feasibility of first treatment in community当前我国施行社区首诊的必要性及可行性分析


Diagnosis of the first consultation首诊诊断

3)Seek medical advice for the first time首次就诊

4)First-visit outpatients首诊患者

5)first contact care首诊制

1.A study on influential factors and countermeasures for conducting thefirst contact care at community health services;社区卫生服务开展首诊制的影响因素及对策研究

2.Nowadays,it is very important to implement thefirst contact care of community.目前,实施社区首诊制有重要的意义在于,可以缓解看病难、看病贵问题,适应人口老龄化的需求,改善流动人口的健康状况,以及减少私人诊所和药店不规范医疗带来的危害。

6)Health facility首诊机构


