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脑神经 Cranial nerve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-24 08:42:23


脑神经 Cranial nerve英语短句 例句大全

脑神经,Cranial nerve

1)Cranial nerve脑神经

1.Microanatomy of Ⅴ,Ⅶ,Ⅷ and Ⅸ cranial nerves and microvessels through keyhole approach assisted by neuroendoscope;神经内镜辅助锁孔入路下Ⅴ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ、Ⅸ脑神经与微血管显微解剖学研究

2.The microsurgical anatomy of the jugular foramen and caudal cranial nerves;ⅨⅩⅪ脑神经和颈静脉孔的显微解剖研究

3.Sectional anatomy of cranial nerves and their related blood vessels with plastination and MRI;脑神经及相关血管的断面影像解剖学研究


1.Cranial nerve tutorial. Fundamental information about the cranial nerves.大脑神经导引:脑神经的基本资讯。

2.A tumor originating in the neuroglia of the brain or spinal cord.神经胶质瘤脑神经或脊神经束上产生的肿瘤

3.A Study on Cerebral Neurons and Serotoninergic Mechanisms Post Multiple Cerebral Concussion;三重脑震荡鼠脑神经元和5羟色胺能神经变化研究

4.A Study on Cerebral Neurons and Cholinergic Neurons Mechanism of Cognitive Deficits after Brain Concussion in Rats;脑震荡鼠认知障碍的脑神经元和胆碱能神经元变化研究

5.Effect of Nerve Growth Factor on Neuronal Injury in Cerebellar Cortex after Global Ischemia in Rats神经生长因子对大鼠全脑缺血再灌注小脑神经细胞凋亡的影响

6.The nervous system has cerebral ganglia which are linked to a double ventral nerve cord by a connecting ring.神经系统有脑神经,它通过联接环与双股的腹神经索相连。

7.hypothalamo hypophysical neurosecretory system下丘脑 垂体神经分泌系

8.hypothalamoneurohypophyseal tract丘脑下部神经垂体束

9.a tumor of the brain consisting of neuroglia.由神经胶组成的脑瘤。

10.meningovascular neurosyphilis脑膜血管性神经梅毒

11.meningococcal optic neuritis脑膜炎球菌性视神经炎

12.The brain is the center of higher nervous activity.脑是高等神经系统中枢。

13.The brain is the centre of the nervous system.脑是神经系统的中枢.

14.They are in the pons part of the brain stem.这些神经细胞位于脑干的脑桥部位。

15."Large nerve Bundles connect the cerebellum to the medulla, pons, and midbrain."小脑通过大的神经束与延髓、桥脑、中脑联系。

16.Neuroeconomics:Decision Science for Brain Science;神经经济学:迈向脑科学的决策科学

17.MRI Anatomy and Neurovascular Relationships of the Proximal Cisternal Segment of the Trochlear Nerve脑池段滑车神经的MRI影像解剖及神经血管关系

18.The Nonlinear Characteristic of Excitability in Mesencephalic V Neurons;三叉神经中脑核神经元兴奋性的非线性特征


Cranial nerves脑神经

1.Microsurgical anatomical study on cranial nerves via cavernous sinus and its clinical significance;经海绵窦脑神经的显微外科解剖及其临床意义

2.The anatomic study on the segment of the Internal Carotid Artery(ICA) in the base of skull and cranial nerves around it and its clinical values;颅底段颈内动脉与周围脑神经的解剖学研究及临床意义

3.Serial Research of the Changes of Brain, Brainstem, and Cranial Nerves Caused by Vertebro-basilar Artery Abnormality Evaluated by 3.0T MRI;应用3.0T MRI对椎—基底动脉病变引起脑血供、脑干形态位置及脑神经变化的系列研究

3)cerebral neuron脑神经元

1.To investigate the accumulative effect of brain injury after multiple cerebral concussion,we studied the histopathologic changes ofcerebral neurons in multiple cerebral concussions rats which were duplicated using a metallic pendulum-striker concussive device.为探讨多重脑震荡(multiple cerebral concussion,MCC)后脑损伤的累加效应机制,本实验首次应用自制单摆式机械打击装置复制MCC大鼠模型,研究伤后大鼠脑神经元的组织病理学变化。

4)brain neuropeptide脑神经肽

1.Advances in insectbrain neuropeptide: prothoracicostatic peptide (PTSP);昆虫脑神经肽的研究进展:抑前胸腺肽PTSP


1.Histochemical localization of acetylcholinesterase in thebrain of Planocera reticulata;平角涡虫(Planocera reticulata)脑神经节胆碱酯酶的组织化学定位

2.We investigated the neuronal construction ofbrain cells in poIyclad flatworm Planocero retucylata.本文报道了扁形动物门涡虫纲多肠目海产种类平角涡虫脑神经节的显微结构。

6)cranial nerve nuclei脑神经核


脑神经脑神经cranial nerves即"颅神经"。与脑部连接的周围神经,共12对。
