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阶级性(党性) class(party) consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-10 04:44:10


阶级性(党性) class(party) consciousness英语短句 例句大全

阶级性(党性),class(party) consciousness

1)class(party) consciousness阶级性(党性)

1.It is mainly embodied in the importance,class(party) consciousness,authenticity and people consciousness of the press.这些思想主要体现在关于报刊的重要性、阶级性(党性)、真实性和人民性等多个方面。

2)prolitarian party spirit无产阶级党性

3)The class and advanced natures of the communist party党的阶级性和先进性


1.The"Three Represent s"Reflect the Class and Advanced Natures of Our Party;“三个代表”思想,集中体现了党的阶级性和先进性

2.Understand and Uphold the Class nature. the AdvancedNature, and the Mass Nature of the Chinese Communist Party Correctly;正确理解和坚持党的阶级性、先进性和群众性

3.The progressiveness of the Party and the Party s class base,mass base;党的先进性与党的阶级基础、群众基础

4.Insisting on Class Character, Enlarging Mass Participation, Keeping and Developing the Party s Advancement;坚持阶级性 扩大群众性才能保持和发展党的先进性

5.Remaining the CPC s Advanced Nature Must Hold the Working Class Foundation of the Party;保持党的先进性必须坚持党的工人阶级基础

6.The Working Class is the Main Force in Preserving Progressiveness of the Party and Building Harmonious Society;工人阶级是保持党的先进性建设和谐社会的主力军

7.Advance and creativity is the life of proletariat political party.先进性加创造力是无产阶级政党的生命。

8.On the relationship between science and technology and the working-class party s exemplariness;论科学技术与工人阶级政党先进性的关系

9.The superiority of the CPC takes the Chinese working class as its inner class foundation.以中国工人阶级为阶级基础是中国共产党具有先进性的内在依据。

10.Some Thinking of Keeping and Developing the Advanced Nature of Working Class;对保持和发展工人阶级先进性的思考

11.The progressiveness of the Party is a historic conception and the dialectic unity of class and times.党的先进性是个历史范畴,是阶级性与时代性的辩证统一。

12.The Observation and Discussion About Mistake Cognition for Chinese Communist Party s Class Quality and Advanced Quality on the Present Age;对当代中国共产党阶级性与先进性认识误区的观察与讨论

13.Stage Division and Inspiration of Party s Construction of Advancedness;党的先进性建设的阶段性划分与启示

14.Extreme Importance of "Proletarian Ruling Party Representing Advanced Productive Forces" Revealed by Social Upheavals in Former Soviet Union and Some Eastern European Countries;从苏东变局看无产阶级执政党始终代表先进生产力的极端重要性

15.A Probe on Characteristics of Party s Advantage in New Century;新世纪新阶段党的先进性的特点探析

16.Construction of the CCP Members Troops in New Social Class and Maintaining the Party s Progressiveness;新社会阶层党员队伍建设与保持党的先进性

17.Thoughts on the Constant Development of Working Class;对“工人阶级的先进性也在发展”的思考

18.Reinforcing the Style Construction by Studying “Regulation of the CPC” and “Rules”: Maintaining and Developing the Advanced Nature of Worker Class for Leaders of Labour Union;学习“党章”、“条例”加强作风建设——工会干部如何保持和发扬工人阶级先进性


prolitarian party spirit无产阶级党性

3)The class and advanced natures of the communist party党的阶级性和先进性

4)Class (class nature)阶级(阶级性)

5)class attribute阶级属性

1.The Party′s cognizance of the intellectual′sclass attribute since the Party was founded;建党以来党对知识分子阶级属性的认定

bining Marxism with China s Actual Conditions,Zhou En-lai firstly raised and persisted that in- tellectuals of new China were already a part of the working class and the dependable force of social construction, which scientifically defines theclass attribute of intellectuals.周恩来的这一论断科学的确定了知识分子的阶级属性,既丰富和发展了马克思主义关于知识分子的理论,也为党的十一届三中全会之后重新为知识分子的阶级属性正名,进而制定正确的知识分子政策提供了理论依据,这是他对如何建设社会主义的一个杰出的理论贡献。

3.Generally speaking,theclass attribute of the intelligent in former China was ranked as petty bourgeoisie.对于旧中国知识分子的阶级属性,一般认为是小资产阶级的。

6)class nature阶级性

1.The human nature and the human sentiment is extruded by "legitimatization" of theclass nature and only obtains a little survival space between "Sentiment","own regular" of the aesthetic characteristic and "Legitimatization","other regularity" of the change of the social consciousness.人性、人情的"合情性"存在是文学的一种内部规律,但在"十七年文学批评"中,人性、人情被抽象为社会性而贴上阶级性标签,人性、人情的"合情"性遭遇来自阶级性这一"合法"性的挤压,而只能在文学自身审美特征的"自律"性、"合情"性与社会意识形态变化的"他律"性、"合法"性的夹缝中求得一点生存的空间。

2.Since the novelette There appears unique with the fresh sensitivity of its attitude towards the working class,this paper attempts to analyze its three features:class nature,solemnity and obscurity.《那儿》这篇小说以其对工人阶级立场的新的敏感性在当前小说创作中显得非常特别,论文即以此为中心力图分析这篇小说的三个特点:阶级性、严肃性和模糊性。

3.Presumption of innocence itself has noclass nature,so it corresponds to the principle of seeking truth from facts and cracking down on criminal.无罪推定本身不具有阶级性,与我国实事求是原则和打击犯罪的要求一致而不矛盾。


