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界牌河段 Jiepai reaches英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-10 17:43:29


界牌河段 Jiepai reaches英语短句 例句大全

界牌河段,Jiepai reaches

1)Jiepai reaches界牌河段

1.A mathematical model and analysis is applied to simulate the channel regulation engineering measures ofJiepai reaches in the transition segment.利用数值模拟及分析的方法 ,针对长江中游界牌河段的水沙特性 ,通过分析研究结合界牌河段过渡段控制工程的平面二维水沙数值计算 ,对界牌河段航道整治后计算河段内的冲淤量、航道变化、流速分布、水流平面形态等方面均提出了有价值的研究成


1.Research and practice of comprehensive river channel regulation for Jiepai reach of the middle Yangtze River长江中游界牌河段综合治理研究与实践

2.Brand Positioning and Communicational Measure Research of Hangzhou Grand Canal Paragraph杭州段运河品牌定位及传播策略初探

3.This scheme had considerably improved the water quality in rivers within the New Territories.发牌计划大大改善了新界河流的水质。

4.Analyze of Channel Change in Yalujiang River Estuary after Hushan-Boundary River between China and North Korea;中朝界河鸭绿江河口段(虎山以下)河道演变分析

5.Showing hanging river spectacle,containing historical cunures and building characteristic brand--Tentative plans of tourism exploitation of Yellow River in Kaifeng City;悬河奇观·历史文化·特色品牌——黄河开封段旅游开发设想

6.The Applications of Difference GPS to the Project of Treatment of Pingerguan Reaches of Hepingerhe River in the China-Vietnam Border in Guangxi差分GPS在广西中越国境界河平而河平而关河段整治工程中的应用

7.For some distance the Rhine forms the dividing line between France and Germany.莱茵河构成法国和德国之间的一段分界线。

8.The Jiayu pass is situated in Gansu Province, and lies in the middle section of the corridor west of the Yellow River.嘉峪关在甘肃省界内, 位于河西走廊中段。

9.Bidding practices for sand excavation operation right in the boundaries of Hubei and Jiangxi province;鄂赣边界河段采砂经营权招标工作实践与探索

10.Xunda is situated in the southern part of Jiangsu Province and in the middle of the Shanghai-Nanjing expressway.工厂位于沪宁高速公路中段的江苏省丹阳市界牌镇。

11.The famous-Brand goods sell all over the world.名牌货,行销世界。

12.The Large Bridge at the world famous strong tide river part-The site scene during construction period of the2 nd Qiantangjiang River Bridge.世界著名强涌潮河段的首座大桥——钱塘江第二大桥在施工期的场景。

13.Analysis for the mainstream variation of island and offshoot in the Heilongjiang River;黑龙江干流中俄界河中游段汊道鸟屿主流变动分析

14.Research on East Reservoir Sequence Strategraphy and Sedimentary Facies in Es3 to the Er Jie Gou Depression in Liaohe Basin辽河盆地东部二界沟洼陷沙三段层序地层及沉积相研究

15.Habitat characteristics of Chinese giant salamander in Golden Whip Stream of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park,China张家界国家森林公园金鞭溪河段大鲵栖息地特征

16.In present stage in Chi-na, on one hand in order to decrease the disparity with the "advanced countries, the impact to contend for gold medals is developed in athlet-ic sports with emphasis.我国现阶段,:—方面为了缩小与世界体育强国的差距,重点开展竞技体育夺金牌的冲击;

17.River variation and regulation of key reaches in Shandong Province of the Yellow River黄河山东段近期重点河段河势演变与河道整治

18.The River Nile is the longest river in the world.尼罗河是世界最长的河。


Liangjiehe Member两界河段

3)limit of tidal reach感潮河段界限



1., inflow and water using in various periods and breaches in the paper.本文分时段、河段从来水和用水的角度探讨了造成黄河卜游断流的原因,通过分析得出如I;结论:2~5月份下游断流的主要原因是下游引黄耗水量大幅度增加和中游区间来水的减少;汛期下游断流的原因主要是全网耗水的增加、中游区间来水的减少和龙羊峡、刘家峡水库进入汛期蓄水运用阶段影响;龙、刘水库非汛期的补水有助于缓解厂游断流的程度,但中游区间来水的减少和上游引黄耗水量的增加削弱了龙、刘水库的补水作用;全河特别是下游引黄时间的提前导致下游首次发生断流的日期也相应前提。

6)delta section河口河段


