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歧义现象 ambiguity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-08 12:59:17


歧义现象 ambiguity英语短句 例句大全



1.Every language hasambiguity,English is not exceptional.任何语言都有歧义现象,英语也不例外。

2.While communicating in "English,we often meet with the Englishambiguity,that is,a sentence with two or more than two meanings.在运用英语进行交际的各种场合,常会碰到一些具有两个或两个以上含义的语言现象,即所谓的英语歧义现象。

3.This thesis classifies theambiguity in communication into intentional and unintentionalambiguity,which are analyzed through the practice of communicative teaching listing examples.英语交际过程中出现的歧义现象分为蓄意歧义和无意歧义,在教学中,教师要善于引导学生理解歧义现象,培养学生综合运用语言的能力,提高学习语言的积极性。


1.Effects of Stress and the Unstressed on Ambiguity in English and Chinese;轻重音在英汉歧义现象中的辨义功能

2.An Analysis of X-bar Theory on English Ambiguity;从X-阶标理论对英语歧义现象的分析

3.Envisaging the Phenomena of English Ambiguity in College English Teaching;在大学英语教学中正视英语歧义现象

4.The Ambiguity In English And Its Rhetoric Effect;英语语言中的歧义现象及其修辞艺术

5.Analysis on the Two kinds of Ambiguity Caused by Redundancy;两种由羡余成分引起的歧义现象浅析

6.Linguistic Ambiguity: Cognition and Application;歧义现象:理解认知过程及实际应用

7.The Ambiguous Phenomena of the Structure of "V+de+N" in Chinese Syntax;汉语句法中“V+的+N”结构的歧义现象

8.Analysis on Unintentional Ambiguity in English Communicative Teaching英语交际教学中的无意歧义现象分析

9.Ambiguity Caused by English Adjectives and its Disambiguation英语形容词的歧义现象及其消解过程

10.Synonymy,Polysemy and Ambiguity in Legal Terminoloogy;俄语法律术语中的同义、多义和歧义现象

11.Reasons Caused Ambiguities in Translation and Some Strategies;翻译中出现歧义现象的原因及消除手段

12.Ambiguity is a universal phenomenon in code switch.歧义现象是语码转换中普遍存在的问题。

13.EC-CE Comparison and Translation of Ambiguity from a Pragmatic Perspective;从语用角度看英汉歧义现象的对比与翻译

14.Analysis of Ambiguity in English Communicative Teaching;英语交际教学中歧义现象的分析与实践

15.Analysis and Translation of Some Ambiguity Sentences in English Scientific and Technical Discourse;科技英语语篇中的歧义现象分析及翻译

16.Analysis on Ambiguity of English Language in Computational Linguistics;计算语言学中的英语语言歧义现象分析

17.The Application Of Three Linguistic Aspects In The Study Of Ambiguity In Chinese Longuage;运用三个平面的理论研究汉语歧义现象

18.A Discussion on Information Serrice Model for 21st Libraries;商务英语中某些名词单复数和歧义现象


ambiguity phenomenon歧义现象

1.In this thesis,the reason of ambiguity in Chinese syntax has been explored in terms of sound,words and grammer,and the ways of solvingambiguity phenomenon has been pointed out.从语音、词汇、语法三方面分析了汉语句法中歧义现象形成的原因,讨论了消除歧义的途径。

3)ambiguity in English英语歧义现象

4)A New Perspective on Ambiguity歧义现象新视

5)A Discussion of The Ambiguity in English论英语歧义现象

6)Analysis on English Ambiguity英语歧义现象分析


