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肺肉瘤 Pulmonary sarcoma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-18 09:20:02


肺肉瘤 Pulmonary sarcoma英语短句 例句大全

肺肉瘤,Pulmonary sarcoma

1)Pulmonary sarcoma肺肉瘤


1.Arcomatoid Carcinoma of Lung:CT Features of Eight Cases肺肉瘤样癌的CT表现(附8例报告)

2.Enhanced CT Manifestation of Lung Sarcomatoid Carcinoma;Analysis of 3 Cases肺肉瘤样癌的增强CT表现(附3例分析)

3.Radiological analysis of pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma correlated with clinical and pathological findings肺肉瘤样癌的影像学表现及临床病理分析

4.Experimental Research on the Anti-tumor Effect of Zhongfei Mixture in Mice Bearing S180 Sarcoma and Lewis Lung Cancer中肺合剂对S180肉瘤、Lewis肺癌荷瘤小鼠抑瘤作用实验研究

5.CXCR4 and VEGF Expression in Osteosarcoma Tissue with Lung Metastasis;骨肉瘤中CXCR4、VEGF表达与肺转移

6.The imaging manifestation comparison analysis between pulmonary artery sarcoma and pulmonary artery thromboembolism肺动脉肉瘤与肺动脉血栓栓塞影像学对比分析

7.Role of Ezrin in tumor formation and pulmonary metastasis in rats after orthotopic transplantation of osteosarcoma cell strain UMR106Ezrin在UMR 106骨肉瘤细胞株移植瘤成瘤及肺转移中的作用

8.Solitary intraparenchymal pulmonary plasmacytoma (SIPP) is a rare tumor in clinical.肺浆细胞肉瘤临床上罕见,国内尚未见于文献。

9.One Case Report about Primary Pulmonary Synovial Sarcoma and Literatures Review;肺原发性滑膜肉瘤1例报告并文献复习

10.Effects of CXCR4 on Pulmonary Metastasis of Osteosarcomatous Cell Subline;趋化因子受体CXCR4对骨肉瘤细胞株肺转移的影响

11.Analysis of diagnosis and treatment of 8 patients with primary pulmonary leiomyosarcoma and literature reviews原发性肺平滑肌肉瘤8例诊治分析并文献复习

12.The correlation between the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in osteosarcoma and lung metastases环氧合酶-2在骨肉瘤中的表达与肺转移的关系

13.Causes of misdiagnosis of primary pulmonary artery sarcoma as pulmonary thromboembolism原发性肺动脉肉瘤误诊为肺血栓栓塞症原因分析

14."As the immune system deteriorates, they develop diseases such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, cytomegalovirus (CMV), lymphoma, or Kaposi sarcoma. ".随着免疫系统的恶化,会发展出诸如卡氏肺囊虫性肺炎、巨细胞病毒、淋巴瘤或卡波西氏肉瘤等疾

15.Herein, we report a case of pulmonary artery sarcoma with the initial presentation of hemoptysis and a mass in the right upper lobe, mimicking a lung cancer.在此我们报告一个初期表现为咳血及右上肺叶肿块、似肺癌的肺动脉肉瘤病例。

16.Expression of BMP-2 and OPN and P38 with Lung Metastasis in OsteosarcomaBMP-2在骨肉瘤中的表达及其与OPN、P38的表达和肺转移的关系

17.The Study of the Relationship between CXCR4 and VEGF-C Gene Expression in Osteosarcoma Complicated by Lung MetastasispatientsCXCR4、VEGF-C在肺转移性骨肉瘤中的表达及相关性的研究

18.Effect of genetically modified adenovirus H101 on nude mice model of osteosarcoma with lung metastasis基因工程腺病毒治疗裸鼠骨肉瘤肺转移的实验研究


Pulmonary Carcinosarcoma肺癌肉瘤

1.Clinical and CT Diagnosis ofPulmonary Carcinosarcoma:Three Cases Reports;肺癌肉瘤的临床和CT诊断(附3例报告)

3)Pulmonary artery sarcoma肺动脉肉瘤

4)Primary pulmonary sarcoma原发性肺肉瘤

5)embryonal carcinosarcoma of lung肺胚胎性癌肉瘤

6)leiomyosarcoma of lung肺平滑肌肉瘤


肺平滑肌肉瘤肺平滑肌肉瘤leiomyosarcoma of lung肺部一种罕见的起源于支气管及肺血管平滑肌的原发恶性肿瘤。支气管型多见于较大支气管,呈息肉样。肺实质型X线胸部检查可见肺内有光滑的圆形包块影。临床症状不明显或出现支气管阻塞症状。经支气管镜检查、肺活检或手术病理确诊。早期手术切除是惟一的治疗方法。
