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变速补料 variable speed fed-batch英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-05 07:12:22


变速补料 variable speed fed-batch英语短句 例句大全

变速补料,variable speed fed-batch

1)variable speed fed-batch变速补料

2)rapid repair material快速修补材料

1.Based on plenty of tests indoors,the mixing principle ofrapid repair material of asphalt pavement was analyzed in detail.通过大量的室内试验对快速修补材料的配制原理进行了详细分析,提出了快速修补材料的配合比设计方法和步骤,配制出了能同时满足疏松性与压实性要求的快速修补材料,同时,为验证方法的合理性,对快速修补材料配合比设计进行了实例分析。


1.The Study on Fast Patching Material of Cement Concrete Road Surface水泥混凝土路面快速修补材料的研制

2.Study on Materials and Procedures for Rapid Repair of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements;水泥混凝土路面快速修补材料与工艺研究

3.The Research on the Materials Used to Repair the Concrete Driveway with Local Flaw;水泥混凝土路面局部破损快速修补材料的研究

4.Study and Develop on Rapid Repair Materials of Cement Concrete Pavements水泥混凝土路面快速修补材料的研究与开发

5.Research on Rapid Repair Material Performances for High-Fluidity Cement-Concrete Pavement大流动度水泥混凝土路面快速修补材料性能研究

6.Experiment Research on Rapid Pavement Repair of Airfield Runway by Employing Polyurethane Materials;聚氨酯材料快速修补机场跑道的试验研究

7.Innovative composite matting for rapid parking ramp expansion新型复合材料快速抢建抢修路面垫板

8.Study on the new phosphate cement repair material with super rapid hardening新型超快硬磷酸盐水泥修补材料的研究

9.Manufacture and Application of Fleet Mending Materials for Top Liner of Heat Treatment Furnace热处理炉炉顶快速修补料的研制与应用

10.oxythermal repair of refractory耐火材料的氧热修补

11.Study of Crack Mending Materials for Concrete Pavement of Freeway高速公路水泥混凝土路面裂缝病害修补材料研究

12.It is the ideal hot patching material the walls and bottoms of converters.是用于转炉前、后大面及炉底等部位快速热补的理想材料。

13.Study and Application of High-Performance Rapid Repair Concrete;高性能快速修补混凝土的研究与应用

14.Rapid repair method of cement concrete pavement水泥混凝土路面快速修补方法的探索

15.Patch: A temporary or quick fix to a program. Too many patches in a program make it difficult to maintain.修补:对程式作临时或快速的修改。程式太多修补则难以持续。

16.A variety of repair material is available.各种不同的修补材料都是信手可得的。

17.Application of different techniques and materials to myringoplasty不同技术和材料在鼓膜修补术的应用

18.Research for the Secondary Grouting of MMAMMA混凝土修补材料二次灌浆研究


rapid repair material快速修补材料

1.Based on plenty of tests indoors,the mixing principle ofrapid repair material of asphalt pavement was analyzed in detail.通过大量的室内试验对快速修补材料的配制原理进行了详细分析,提出了快速修补材料的配合比设计方法和步骤,配制出了能同时满足疏松性与压实性要求的快速修补材料,同时,为验证方法的合理性,对快速修补材料配合比设计进行了实例分析。

3)Velocities data fill-up速度资料填补

4)variable-speed feed roll变速喂料辊


6)thin rapid repairing material薄层快速修补材料

1.In view of this, this paper taking the polypropylene fiber to prepare thethin rapid repairing material of Cement concrete pavement to improve the performance of repairing concrete.鉴于此,本文通过掺聚丙烯纤维配制水泥混凝土路面薄层快速修补材料,来提高修补混凝土的使用性能,主要研究内容与结论如下:1、对薄层快速修补胶凝材料的配伍进行了深入研究,研究结果表明:当普通硅酸盐水泥与SAC、UFA以合适比例复配,胶砂比为1:1时,砂浆凝结时间、工作性能均能较好地满足现场施工要求。


