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人法 human law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-13 22:15:19


人法 human law英语短句 例句大全

人法,human law

1)human law人法

1.Law is not only thehuman law, but the divine law; it is not only the safeguard of justice, but the accomplice of the advantaged; it should not only be implemented strictly, but be done with forgiveness.莎氏的人文主义法律观相互矛盾,是三重悖论的统一体:法律既应是人法,又应是神法;法律既是公正的保护神,又是强势者的帮凶;法律既应严格执行,又应法外开恩。


1.On the Difference Between the Continental Law System and the Common Law System at the Point of Contact in Personal Law and the Perfection of Chinese Legislation;两大法系属人法分歧及我国属人法立法完善

2.personal document method私人文件法 私人文件法

3.Of or relating to a corporation.法人的,与法人有关的.

4.People from France is call Frenchmen .从法国来的人称法国人。

5.Of, relating to, or associated with a corporation.法人的法人的,与法人有关的

6.the British, French, Russian, etc people英国人、 法国人、 俄国人.

7.(j) "person" means either a natural person or a juridical person;(j)“人”指自然人或法人。

8.A man who is a native or inhabitant of France.法国人出生在法国或居住在法国的人

9."""person"" includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not;"“人”包括法人团体及非法人团体;

10.The art or practice of making portraits.肖像绘制法,人像摄影法

11.method of retained members保持人数法 保持员数法

12.the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution美国宪法的人权法案.

13.The courts deal with those who break the law.法院处理违法的人。

14.an upright judge has more regard to justice than to men.正直的法官重法不重人。

15.People who are unaware of the law are described as legal-illiterates.对法律无知的人叫法盲。

16.A person who admires France, its people, or its culture.亲法分子崇拜法国、法国人或法国文化之人

17.a high-handed person, action专横的人、 做法.

18.a trustee in bankruptcy【法律】破产管理人



1.Classification Research onCorporations and Non-corporations;法人和非法人组织分类简论

2.Survey and thought on the problems of the cooperation improvement construction in the restructuring of the state-owned enterprise corporation;对河南省国有企业公司制改革中法人治理结构问题的调查与思考

3.As a corporation in the project construction phase that the government selects qualified project management company,the corporation takes charge of free hand organizing and supervising in the whole process of the project construction and promotes the separation of the government investing project functions of" investment,con.由政府选择有资质的项目管理公司,作为项目建设期法人,全权负责项目建设全过程的组织管理,促使政府投资工程“投资、建设、管理、使用”的职能分离,通过专业化项目管理最终达到控制投资、提高投资效益和管理水平的目的。

3)legal person法人

1.Onlegal persons qualification for general partners;论法人的普通合伙人资格

2.The Advantage and Disadvantage Regarding Power of Belief——The historic function and inspiration onlegal person property system of;“信仰之力量”的光与影——教会法人财产制的历史功用及其启示

3.Re-comment on legislative value of proprietorship oflegal person;再论法人所有权的立法价值——优化法人治理结构所引发的思考

4)artificial person法人

1.both the legislation of our country and the principle of civil law indicate thatartificial person means the members of theartificial person possess limited liability.我国立法以及我国的民法理论均认为法人即意味着法人成员的有限责任。

2.It should be reformed in the light of its "shiyedanwei" and "artificial person",the former deciding its footing with government and s.这种独特的单位制度是符合我国历史发展和行政建制的,对其改革不能简单地以西方的非营利组织或公益法人制度解决,更不能以所谓财政负担和人员臃肿为出发点设计相应改革方案。

3.Civil Code doesn t prescribe the general personality right ofartificial person, but the concrete personality right.我国《民法通则》规定了法人的具体人格权,但没有规定法人的一般人格权。

5)juridical person法人

1.In China, public schools for compulsory education are notjuridical persons, which is determined by the nature and features of compulsory education.我国公立义务教育学校不是法人,这是由义务教育的特点和性质决定的。

2.The independence ofjuridical person s possessions and liabilities,as the property system base ofjuridical person personality,is being shaken by many counterexample in practice,which makes the separation betweenjuridical person and non-juridical-person organization system no longer unbreakable.法人财产及责任的独立性,作为法人人格的财产制度基础,正受到实践中众多反例的动摇。

3.Whether or not thejuridical person has the capacity to act is a issue of value judgment,not a fact,and therefore it has little relationship with essence ofjuridical person.法人行为能力的具有与否完全是一个价值判断,而不是一个事实判断,与采取何种法人本质理论并无密切的关联。

6)legal entity法人

1.The legal representative system is one of the systems oflegal entity s representative power with Chinese features,and it originates from the leading system of state-owned enterprises,the main disadvantage of which is the lack of the regulation to the pouen of the company s president.法定代表人制是极具“中国特色”的一种法人代表权制度。

2.Thelegal entity s right to become a partner is essential for the development of thelegal entity and the partnership.法人的合伙人资格对法人和合伙组织的发展关系重大。

3.The legal representative system is one of the systems oflegal entity s representative power with clear Chinese features, which distinguishes from the representative power of directors in the theory on traditional civil law.法定代表人制是极具中国特色的一种法人代表权制度 ,它与传统民法中的董事代表制不同。


