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史学义理化 moralization of historical interpretation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-12 17:56:44


史学义理化 moralization of historical interpretation英语短句 例句大全

史学义理化,moralization of historical interpretation

1)moralization of historical interpretation史学义理化

2)rationalist historiography义理化史学

1.In the history of ancient Chinese historiography,there was a transition from therationalist historiography in Song Dynasty to the positivist historiography in Qing Dynasty on the ground of historiographic point of view.在中国古代史学发展史上 ,如果从史学思想的角度考察问题 ,就会发现我国传统史学经历了从宋代义理化史学到清代实证性史学转变的过程。


1.The Transition From the Rationalist Historiography in Song Dynasty to the Positivist Historiography in Qing Dynasty;从宋代义理化史学到清代实证性史学的转变

2.Research on Academic and Axiomatic Trend of Marxism Historic Theory Since Reform & Opening Policy and Comment on Materialistic Conception of History and Science of History马克思主义史学理论的学术化与宏观化——兼评《唯物史观与历史科学》


4.The Historical and Philosophical State of Marxism s Theory on Modernization Development;马克思主义现代化发展理论的历史哲学境界

5.The Double Intentions of Marx Theory and its Meaning of Culturology;马克思历史理论的双重内涵及其文化学意义

6.Analyzing the Cultural Research in Psychology;科学主义背景下的文化心理观——简析心理学史中的文化研究

7.Remarks on the Rational Significance and Historical Trend of‘The Book of Changes’ --A Research on the History of Mathematical Culture.;试论《周易》的理性意义及历史走向——数学文化史研究的一个尝试

8.Cultural Materialism and New Historicism in Theatre Criticism;文化唯物主义与新历史主义戏剧理论

9.There is a world of difference between physics and chemistry on the one hand and literature and history on the other.物理学、化学与文学、历史(即理化与文史)差别很大

10.On the Academic Significance of "Confucian Classics Is Neo-Confucianism" Put forward by Gu Yanwu论顾炎武“经学即理学”的学术史意义

11.Great Historical Mission Creative Theoretical Achievements --Revelation of Maxism Philosophy Chinesination;伟大的历史使命 创新的理论成果——马克思主义哲学中国化启示录

12.The Cultural and Geographical Thoughts on the Origin of Yihetuan Movement--And on Research Methodology of History;关于义和团起源的文化地理思考——兼议史学研究的方法论问题

13.On the Epistemological Characteristics of Historical Discipline in the German Classical Historicism;试论德国经典历史主义史学的学科理论特性

14.Rational Thought on the Significance of the History of Literature in the New Period Literature;理性沉思:论新时期文学的文学史意义

15.Historical significance of Spinoza’s philosophy--Rereading Spinoza’s Ethics;斯宾诺莎哲学的历史意义——再读《伦理学》

16.Justice in Cultural Industry:The Historical Geographical Issue of Cultural Industry Development--On the New Strategic Theory Concerning the Development of Cultural Industry文化产业正义:文化产业发展的历史地理学问题——关于文化产业发展新战略理论思考

17.The Historical Topic of Sociology Science with Chinese Characteristics and its Theoretical Construction--The Historical View-fields of the Chinese Indigenization of Marxism;中国特色社会学的历史主题及其理论建构——马克思主义中国化进程的历史视野

18.Corporatism and Depolarizationism in Cold War Studies;冷战史研究中社团主义学派和非极化主义学派


rationalist historiography义理化史学

1.In the history of ancient Chinese historiography,there was a transition from therationalist historiography in Song Dynasty to the positivist historiography in Qing Dynasty on the ground of historiographic point of view.在中国古代史学发展史上 ,如果从史学思想的角度考察问题 ,就会发现我国传统史学经历了从宋代义理化史学到清代实证性史学转变的过程。

3)moralization of historiography义理史学

1.How to evaluate the gains and loss ofmoralization of historiography in the Song Dynasty is not only crucial to know historiography in the Song Dynasty correctly but significant to evaluate the tradional historiography comprehensively.如何评价宋代义理史学的利弊得失,不仅对于正确认识宋代史学至关重要,而且对于全面估量传统史学也具有重要意义。

4)historical science of rationalism理性主义史学

5)Understanding Yili Shixue(Theoretical History)义理史学发微

6)historical and cultural semantics历史文化语义学

1.The study of the cultural connotation of Chinese and English numerical words from the prospect ofhistorical and cultural semantics is very helpful to the exact understanding and the proper translation of them.从历史文化语义学的视角来研究中英文化中的数字及其翻译,对准确理解中英数字文化和正确表达具有十分重要的意义。


史学1.研究﹑编纂人类社会和各个民族﹑各个国家的历史的学问。 2.唐代科举考试科目之一。参阅《唐会要.贡举中》。
