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历史观 conception of history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-14 15:29:28


历史观 conception of history英语短句 例句大全

历史观,conception of history

1)conception of history历史观

1.On Deng Xiaoping sconception of history;论邓小平历史观的基本特征

2.On essential distinction between Maxism and flumanitarianism inconception of history;马克思主义历史观与人道主义历史观的根本区别


1.On Mao Zedong conception of History Based on His Remarks on the Historical Figures;基于毛泽东点评历史人物看其历史观

2.On the Value of Wang Chuan-shan s Philosophy of History;西方历史观参照下的王船山历史哲学

3.Historical Outlook and Historical Play -Thoughts on the opera the Birth of the Republic;历史观与历史剧——《走向共和》引发的思考

4.Human, Global and Regional History--A Contemplation of Globalization in Terms of Marx s "View of Macro-history;地域历史·世界历史·人类历史——用马克思的"大历史观"审视全球化问题

5.A Comparison Between Ecumenical History and The Shiji in Historical View;世界历史观念下的“普世史”与《史记》的史学观

6.reject the idealist view of history抛弃唯心主义历史观

7.Historical Interpretation Way and Historical View of Ancient Chinese Poems on History中国古代咏史诗的历史阐释方式与历史观念

8.On Foucault: The Spatialized History and Historicized Space;福柯空间化的历史观和历史化的空间观

9."Global Historical View" and "Object-Centered Ideology"--Macro and Micro System of the Idea of "World History"“全球历史观”与“对象中心论”——“世界历史”观念的宏观和微观体系

10.The views of the Yi people on the history, religion and ethic reflected in their epic poetry of the world creation彝族创世史诗中的历史观、信仰观与伦理观

11.The exposure of man s characters between historical degradation and historical circulation --the investigation and evaluation on platonic historical outlooks;历史退化与历史循环中的人性突显——柏拉图历史观探寻与评析

12."Idea of Historical Reality" and New Changement of Contemporary Historical Novel;“历史真实”观与当代历史小说新变

13.Do you like visiting historical spots?你喜欢参观历史名胜吗?

14.view an issue from a historical perspective用历史的观点看待问题

15.What Is “History”──On the Historical Dimension of Historical Materialism;如何看待“历史”──兼论唯物史观的历史维度

16.History of legal system, history of law development, history of law;"法制史"、"法律发达史"、"法律史"——一个历史维度的观察

17.New Result in Research for Historical Materialism and Historical Theories唯物史观与历史理论研究的新成就

18.Reconstruction of the Senior Middle School History Curriculum System Under a Global View of History;全球史观下高中历史课程体系的重构


view of history历史观

1.Zhang Shi-zhao"s culturological theory in the period of the May 4th Movement——and on Zhang Shi-zhao"sview of history in this period五四时期章士钊的文化学理论——兼谈这一时期章士钊的历史观

2.Therefore,view of history is an important field of the various schools.战国中期,各家各派开始论证社会治乱的根源,并致力于探讨人类社会历史的发展过程,因此历史观成为诸子百家争鸣的一个重要领域。

3.The modern and scientificview of history should be taken as one s guidelines so as to reconstruct genealogical values and meet the requirements of carrying forward Chinese culture.新修族谱,要建立、贯彻“世系为本,文化是魂”的理念,大胆打破传统谱牒的内容格局和格式;要坚持以现代的、科学的历史观为指导思想,重建家谱的价值观,以符合弘扬中华文化的时代需求。

3)historical view历史观

1.Chinese Wrong Attribution to the Birth of Japanese Right-winger s Historical View;试论日本人错误历史观形成的中国因素

2.Qu Yuanshistorical views reflected in Tian Wen;从《天问》看屈原的历史观

3.Tang poetshistorical views in Tang poems on history;评唐代咏史诗人的历史观

4)historical viewpoint历史观

1.As a correct reflection of the general law of social development, thehistorical viewpoint of Marxism must be applied to deal with the challenges in many new areas in the networkbased age .马克思主义哲学历史观作为对社会发展一般规律的正确反映,必须积极应对网络时代对生产方式、交往方式、人的价值与人的全面发展、网络伦理等历史观重大问题的挑战,认真研究和探索它们提出的新问题,以推动马克思主义哲学的新发展。

2.Based on thehistorical viewpoint,he put forward "not mentioning On the False Classics of the Hsin Learning".就历史观而言,一方面,以"不言《新学伪经考》"的新学术突破了早期所深受康有为影响的"三世说"史观,另一方面,他侧重用近代民族国家学说解释历史,建构了以民族史观为核心的史学思想;完成这一转变的学理则是以"人群"的进化观念,改造康有为"政制"、"文教"进化"三世说"变革中国的历史观,并在建构中赋予了民族国家为突出特征的史观,以此为出发点呼吁"史界之革命"。

5)outlook on history历史观

6)Landscape History景观历史


