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战略人力资源 Strategic human resource英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-27 13:55:39


战略人力资源 Strategic human resource英语短句 例句大全

战略人力资源,Strategic human resource

1)Strategic human resource战略人力资源

1.The Research of the Strategic Human Resource Management in Knowledge Management Era;知识管理时代的战略人力资源管理研究

2.Strategic human resource is the base and source of capitals core competence and sustainable competitive advantages.文章在医院战略人力资源管理的内涵 ,以及人力资源在医院核心竞争力构建中的战略性作用的基础上 ,提出了若干关于如何利用战略人力资源管理思想来构筑和强化医院核心竞争力的人力资源策略。

3.Based on the present state of human resources in rural areas and the analysis of causes, if only accelerate the development of strategic human resource, the backward situation in rural areas be able to fundamentally change.通过对农村人力资源现状和成因分析,只有加快对农村战略人力资源进行开发,才能从根本上改变农村的落后面貌。


1.A Study of Strategic Human Resource Management based on RBV;资源基础理论下的战略人力资源管理

2.A Study of Strategic Human Resource Management Founded on the Resource Based View;基于资源基础观的战略人力资源管理

3.Study of the Human Resource Architecture Bases on the Strategic Human Resource Management;基于战略人力资源管理的人力资源架构研究

4.The Strategic Human Resource Management in Human-Centered Theory;人本思想下的战略人力资源管理研究

5.Contingency of Strategic Human Resource Management in Different Strategy Genres;不同战略类别下战略人力资源管理的权变应用

6.Anlysis of strategic human resource management based on RVB;资源基础理论视角下的战略人力资源管理

7.A Comment On the Resource-based Strategic Human Resource Management;以资源为基础的战略人力资源管理评述

8.Research on the Strategic Human Resources Management Mode of the State Enterprises;国有企业战略人力资源管理模式研究

9.The Study of Yunnan by Group Carrying out the Strategic Human Resource Management;云南BY集团实施战略人力资源管理研究

10.Research on Strategic Human Resource Management of the State-owned Architectural Enterprise;国有建筑企业战略人力资源管理研究

11.Research on Corporation Strategic Human Resource Outsourcing Model;企业战略人力资源外包决策模型研究

12.Human Resources Strategy Team人力资源战略拟定小组

13.Blue Ocean Strategy is the New Choice of Enterprise Human Resource Strategy企业人力资源战略的新选择——蓝海战略

14.On the Problem of the Human Resources in the Strategies in Developing Western China;略论西部开发战略中的人力资源问题

15.Employee Development of Strategic Human Resources Management;论企业战略性人力资源管理中的人力资源开发

16.Strategic human resources management (HRM): the new trend of HRM in knowledge economy;战略性人力资源管理:人力资源管理的新趋势

17.Human Resources Strategy and Strategic Function Project Team人力资源战略和战略功能项目拟定小组

18.The Strategic Objective and Strategic Priority of Human Resources Development in Qujing;曲靖市人力资源开发战略目标及战略重点


strategic human resources战略人力资源

1.A Strategic Human Resources Audit(SHRA) is a comprehensive method to review current human resources policies,procedures,documentation and systems to assess the effectiveness of the Human Resources function and ensure regulatory compliance.伴随着战略人力资源管理的深入人心,人力资源审计的重要性也日益凸现。

3)human resource strategy人力资源战略

1.Theory and Practice of Human Resource Strategy and Plan in Enterprises;企业人力资源战略和人力资源规划的理论与实践

2.As an important component of enterprise strategy,human resource strategy plays an suppertive role in its implemantation,which can bring enterprise the competitive advantages.人力资源战略是企业战略的重要组成部分。

3.To construct stable psychological contract relationship is a long-termhuman resource strategy for enterprise development.构建稳固的心理契约关系是企业长远发展的一项人力资源战略,需要企业的制度规定、文化塑造、管理人员的工作技巧三方面力量的相互配合,共同完成。

4)human resources strategy人力资源战略

1.Based on the CNKI literature retrieval, an evaluation is made on the up-to-date situation and research literature of university foreign languagehuman resources strategy management from home and abroad.基于CNKI的文献检索,就国内外对高校外语教师人力资源战略管理研究的现状及研究文献进行了评析,指出了国内外研究成果中的不足和问题,并对今后我国对这一问题的研究给出了期待。

2.But it is the very important factor of thehuman resources strategy.可持续发展是任何企业追求的目标,影响民营企业可持续发展的因素很多,如产权制度、公司治理结构、企业文化和企业战略等,但人力资源战略是影响民营企业可持续发展的重要因素之一,企业只有充分认识与把握人力资源在其可持续发展中的战略位置,才能使民营企业具有旺盛的生命力。

3.Under the background of Knowledge Economy,human resources strategy is very important for knowledge-based enterprises.在知识经济背景之下,人力资源战略对知识型企业竞争制胜尤为重要。

5)strategic human resource战略性人力资源

1.Research on Strategic Human Resource Management in TTZJ Company;TTZJ公司战略性人力资源管理研究

6)HR strategy人力资源战略

1.This article analysis the effects of New technical revolution on HRM s every area,and make a conclusion about it s new demands on four areas in HRM: makingHR strategy, strategic employee recruitment and selection,strategic adaptation of training systems,the strategic management/development orientations of compensation and performance systems.分析了新科技革命对人力资源管理各环节的影响,总结了新科技革命对企业人力资源在制定人力资源战略、战略性人员配置,培训体系的战略适应性,建立战略、行政和发展兼顾的薪酬和绩效系统等方面提出的新要求,并指出了人力资源管理出现的新趋势。

2.HR strategy is the foundation to establish all the schemes and plans for HR management, which is also the powerful weapon to promote the enterprise’s competitive competence.而人力资源管理中最核心的莫过于构建一个真正适合企业生存环境、发展战略、企业文化、符合产业特征的人力资源战略。


