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列车提速 increased train speed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-28 17:53:17


列车提速 increased train speed英语短句 例句大全

列车提速,increased train speed

1)increased train speed列车提速


1.The Experiment Research of the Borizontal Reinforcing on the Current Girder with the Increasing in Speed of Train;列车提速条件下既有钢梁横向加固的试验研究

2.Two improvement plans of signal indication in semi automatic block district after speed raising.提出列车提速后,半自动闭塞区段信号显示的两种改进设想。

3.Introduction on Speeding up Transformation Plan to K180 Series Coal Hopper CarK18D系列煤炭漏斗车提速改造方案介绍

pared with the time before the speed was raised in 1997, the average speed of passenger trains increased by 25 percent.列车速度普遍提高,与1997年提速前相比,铁路客车平均旅行速度提高了25%。

5.Analysis on Mechanical Behavior at Welded Defects in the Bogie of Raising Speed Train;提速列车转向架中焊接缺陷的力学行为分析

6.Study of Automatic Function of Speedup Train Traction Calculation Software;提速列车牵引计算软件自动计算功能研究

7.Dynamic responses of existing-railway subgrade with train speed increasing提速列车荷载作用下铁路路基动力特性的研究

8.The train dashed through the station.列车飞速驶过车站。

9.The express train whizzed past the station.那列快车飞速掠过车站。

10.The Speed Match Plan of Passenger/Freight Trains with the Elevated Speed at 200km/h on the East Longhai Line;东陇海线200km/h提速后客货列车速度匹配方案研究

11.This paper presents the significance of the decreasing in tare weight of the locomotive with the speed increases of the train.阐述了随着列车运行速度的提高,降低机车自重的重要意义。

12.The train makes 10 miles an hour.这列火车时速为40英里。

13.The train was gathering speed.列车逐渐增加速度。

14.Operation Plan for High-Speed Train Based on European Rail Timetable基于欧洲列车时刻表的高速列车行车组织方案

15.Numerical simulation of high-speed-train-induced airflow in Wuhan railway station武汉火车站高速列车列车风数值模拟研究

16.She left her bag behind in the train.她把提包丢在列车上了。

17.Contents Special Report Inspiration from 574.8 km/h the New Speed Record of High-speed Trains inthe World;574.8km/h世界高速列车速度新记录的启示

18.Tickets for China"s new high-speed trains went on sale on Saturday.中国最新高速列车(速动车组列车)票昨日开始发售。


speed-increased train提速列车

1.The two schemes of safety protection for thespeed-increased trains, i.论述了2种提速列车的安全防护方案:与四显示自动闭塞配套的连续式列车速度监督方案及在三显示自动闭塞基础上增加应答器的点式列车速度监督方案。

3)raising speed train提速列车

1.Based on analysis and comparison of the principle, method and form of train mass calculation and the correlative“ select judge value” forraising speed train,a change of particular attention from train mass to train speed is recommended in this paper,and the second critical gradient between the recommendatory maximum speed me.本文在分析与比较提速列车质量计算的原则和方式方法以及相关的选择判别值的基础上,提出应从传统的侧重列车质量的方式转向侧重运行速度的方式,并最终确立第二临界坡度为推荐的最高速度(保有加速度)法与传统的计算速度法的选择判别值。

4)higher speed passenger train旅客列车提速

5)raising speed of train铁路列车提速

6)speed-improved passenger train提速旅客列车

1.The article puts up the feasibility and number of increasing thespeed-improved passenger trains on the Beijing - Guangzhou railway line based on the density of the freight flow in each section completed in 1996, analysing the traffic-carrying capacity and transport volume and adopting the measures of freight distribution on the line.以1996年京广线各区段实际完成的货流密度为基础,通过分析各区段的运能、运量,并采用京九线分流措施,提出京广线增开提速旅客列车的可行性及增开提速旅客列车的数量。


笃速速1.亦作"笃簌簌"。 2.战抖貌。
