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史学理论创新 Innovation of Historical Theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-27 12:40:17


史学理论创新 Innovation of Historical Theory英语短句 例句大全

史学理论创新,Innovation of Historical Theory

1)Innovation of Historical Theory史学理论创新

1.Innovation of Historical Theory and Development of Historical Research——A Summary of Spring Forum for Forefront Issues of Historical Theory史学理论创新与历史学科的发展——史学理论前沿问题春季论坛综述


1.Innovation of Historical Theory and Development of Historical Research--A Summary of Spring Forum for Forefront Issues of Historical Theory史学理论创新与历史学科的发展——史学理论前沿问题春季论坛综述

2.Theoretical innovation on Chinese modern literary history;对中国现当代文学史理论创新的思考

3.The Theory and Practice Research on Penetrating Physics History in Innovative Education;创新教育中渗透物理学史的理论与实践研究

4.Historical Monument to the Theoretical Innovation;理论创新的历史丰碑——学习江泽民同志“七·一”讲话

5.New Democracy s Theoretical Innovation And Its Historic Meaning;新民主主义的理论创新及其历史意义

6.Scientifically Judging Historical Position of Our Paty;科学判断我党所处的历史方位——论“三个代表”实现理论创新的前提

ment on Professor Zhang Xinke s An Introduction to Historical Records;《史记》研究的新创获——评张新科教授的《史记学概论》

8.Explanation of Liang Qi-chao s new theory on history in the light of legal history;梁启超“新史学”理论的法史学解读

9.In heritance · Reflection · Innovation--A Comment on the New Literature History of China;传承·梳理·创新——评《中国新文学史》

10.The Historical Experience of the Reform and the Opening-up Cause and the Theoretical Innovation of the CPC;改革开放的历史经验与党的理论创新

11.The Historical Experiences to the Creativity for the CPC s Theories;浅谈中国共产党理论创新的历史经验

12.The"Three Represents"theory, a great theoretical innovation of historical materialism;“三个代表”:唯物史观的伟大理论创新

13.A Study on the History of the Opening- up Strategy and the Innovation of the Theory对外开放战略的历史考察与理论创新

14.Great Historical Mission Creative Theoretical Achievements --Revelation of Maxism Philosophy Chinesination;伟大的历史使命 创新的理论成果——马克思主义哲学中国化启示录

15.Modern Poetics: Its Establishment and Humanistic Character- A Review of Pan Songde s “A History of Theoretical Criticism on China s Modern New Poetry”;现代诗学创建的人文品格——评潘颂德《中国现代新诗理论批评史》

16.“Three Principles” Is the Scientific Summation of the Historical Experience and a New Innovation for the Party Construction Theory;“三个代表”是历史经验科学总结建党理论创新发展

17.A Study on Ouyang Xiu"s Style Innovation and Its Literary Significance论欧阳修的文体创新及其文学史意义

18.Theoretical Origins and Historical Creativity of Deng Xiaoping s Theory of Multi-party Cooperation;邓小平多党合作理论的理论渊源和历史创新


new theory on history"新史学"理论

1.Explanation of Liang Qi-chao snew theory on history in the light of legal history;梁启超“新史学”理论的法史学解读

3)Historiography innovation史学创新

4)innovation of historiography创新史学

1.Forinnovation of historiography,historians in ancient China made great efforts to get broad and profound knowledge that is a fundamental characteristic of traditional historiography,which have promoted the development of study and writing of history.注意博学传统,创新史学是振兴民族文化的重要任务。

5)scientific theoretic innovation科学理论创新

1.Base on the latest achievement of logical paradox studies,logical paradox methodology ought to play a more important role in the course ofscientific theoretic innovation and solving societal contradictions.建基在最新研究成果上的逻辑悖论方法论研究,应该充分发挥其在科学理论创新、社会矛盾的化解等方面的应用功能。

6)jurispudential innovations法学理论创新


史学1.研究﹑编纂人类社会和各个民族﹑各个国家的历史的学问。 2.唐代科举考试科目之一。参阅《唐会要.贡举中》。
