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传统工艺 traditional technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-11 04:47:49


传统工艺 traditional technology英语短句 例句大全

传统工艺,traditional technology

1)traditional technology传统工艺

1.The defects existing in thetraditional technology of Muzi soy sauce making were analyzed,the improvement oftraditional technology was achieved while retaining traditional product characteristics.为保留传统产品特色,分析了母子酱油传统工艺中存在的缺陷,改进了母子酱油工艺。

2.By breaking throughtraditional technology and adopting acidizing, the extraction ratio of molybdenum was raised and industrial production was realized.通过对废催化剂中有价金属钼回收工艺的研究,突破传统工艺,采用酸浸法提高钼浸出率,实现工业化生产。

3.This paper put emphasis on introducing the rose vinegar about its characteristics of thetraditional technology, the production period, the brewing technology, and the fermentation regular pattern.该文着重介绍了浙江玫瑰米醋传统工艺的特点,生产周期、酿制技艺以及米醋发酵变化规律,在此基础上对传统工艺进行分析,并提出了一些更新设想和措施。


1.The Differences between Traditional Technologies Used in Ancient Architecture and Stone Masonry and Modern Technologies;古建石活传统工艺与现代工艺的差别

2.Research of Influence of China Traditional Doctrine of Five Elements on Craft Art Development in Terms of "Kao Gong Ji";《考工记》五行思想与传统工艺美术

3.Consideration on the Development of Modern Industrial Design Based on the Traditional Arts and Crafts传统工艺对现代工业设计发展的思考

parison between Un-cooking & Steaming Techniques with Traditional Techniques in Yellow Rice Wine Production黄酒生产中无蒸煮工艺与传统工艺的比较

5.Difficulties in Inheriting Traditional handicrafts and the Countermeasures--A Case Study of Gauze Paper Making Process in Gongchuan,GuangXi;传统工艺的传承困境及对策——以广西贡川纱纸工艺为例

6.traditional crystal cake, lustrous and translucent and pleasing to taste传统工艺水晶饼,色泽晶莹口味好。

7.I heard from Han Jia Ou Embroidery is a traditional craft.听韩佳说,瓯绣是温州的一项传统工艺。

8.The Application of Traditional Interior Crafts in Nowdays Technique;室内传统工艺在现代技术中的新演绎

9.Cultural Implications of Auspicious Patterns in Traditional Industrial Arts;传统工艺美术中吉祥图案的文化意蕴

10.On the Harmonious Ideology Reflected in Suzhou Traditional Arts and Crafts;试论苏州传统工艺美术中的和谐观念

11.On the National Traditional Craft Food Carving--Jingzhou Carved Preserved Fruit;论民族传统工艺食雕——靖州雕花蜜饯

12.On the Combination of NC Processing Technique with Traditional Processing Technique;数控加工工艺与传统加工工艺相结合

13.Research on the Traditional Handicrafts Protection,Memory and Revitalization;传统手工技艺保护、传承和振兴的探讨

14.Protection and Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Architectural Craft中国传统建筑工艺技术的保护与传承

15.Chinese furniture has an old tradition and long history.中国家具工艺有悠久的传统历史。

16.Where can I buy some traditional Sichuan handicrafts.哪儿能买到传统的四川手工艺品?

17.The Traditional Folk Handicraft Art Shouldn"t Become the "Flesh of Monk Tang"传统民间工艺不应成为“唐僧肉”

18.Carpets are one of China"s traditional handicrafts of both artistic and practical value.地毯是中国传统的工艺美术实用品。


traditional craft传统工艺

1.Based on science & technology, developing thetraditional craft of rice wine;依靠科学技术扬弃黄酒传统工艺

2.Mixed ferment is core of thetraditional crafte.酱油酿造工艺的改革要以提高质量为目的,多菌(酶)混合发酵是传统工艺的核心,任何高新技术用于酱油改革,都必须与之相结合,以中日两国酱油工艺改革的历程,加以说明。

3.Dong-yang bamboo handcraft is an excenllent Chinesetraditional craft.东阳竹编是我国传统工艺品中的一朵奇葩,但在社会发展的新阶段遭遇困境,因此探讨如何提高东阳竹编在现代经济社会中的应用价值非常具有现实意义。

3)traditional arts and crafts传统工艺

1.Japanesetraditional arts and crafts has found guarantee because the Law of Promoting the Industry of Traditional Arts and Crafts is kept being revised and perfected.日本的传统工艺产业因不断修正完善的《保护传统工艺品产业振兴法》而得到了法律保障,在该法有效实施了30多年之后,在这个基础上制定了日本传统工艺产业在未来的发展目标。

2.This article discusses the inheritance and exploration oftraditional arts and crafts.文章就传统工艺美术的继承与拓展问题进行了论述 ,指出建立传统文化艺术发展“生态链”是现代社会民间工艺美术发展的必然之路。

3.The characters of combination of modern industrial design and Chinesetraditional arts and crafts were analyzed,which were people-oriented design philosophies,practicality,functionality,materials based processing,and unity of various forms.为了更加明确当前工业设计产品的文化价值,保证产品的文化特色,提出了针对传统工艺在现代工业设计中的中国工艺文化的研究。

4)traditional techniques传统工艺

1.This paper studied thetraditional techniques and trait of Nanjing Brocade and discussed hat Nanjing Brocade’s applied in modern fashion design.本文目的在与挖掘并提炼传统工艺-云锦的工艺价值,拓展云锦发展和应用的领域,使云锦这一历史文化悠久的民间传统手工艺,与现代社会以及文化时尚紧密结合,赋予其新的活力和应用价值。

2.Thetraditional techniques of colored glaze ornaments have come into a mature stage in China after a long period of evolution, which show the light of Chinese aesthetic tradition.经过漫长的发展演变,中国形成了一套成熟的加工制作琉璃艺术品的传统工艺,琉璃艺术体现着中国传统审美的精神。

5)traditional process传统工艺

1.This paper introduced using soy bean as raw material,adoptingtraditional process and modern biological technologe to produce soy bean on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.本文介绍了以黄豆为原料,利用传统工艺及现代生物技术生产传统美食腊八豆的工艺操作要求及工艺参

2.S Excellently combiningtraditional process with modern biological technique, developed new process of aromatic vinegar production.将传统工艺与现代生物技术有机融合,研制出香醋生产新工艺。

6)non traditional technology非传统工艺


