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经典名言 classical sayings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-24 23:04:05


经典名言 classical sayings英语短句 例句大全

经典名言,classical sayings

1)classical sayings经典名言

1.ZHANG Shun-hui attached importance to the study ofclassical sayings.张舜徽先生于经典名言极为重视,这表现在两个方面:一是用以涵咏心性,一是用以探讨学术。


1.ZHANG Shun-hui"s Research on Classical Sayings--A Case Study of West and East Han Dynasties张舜徽先生于经典名言的重视和研治——以两汉为例

2.Book Description: The inspiring multi-million-copy bestselling classic.总而言之:这是一本畅销千万册的鼓舞人心的经典名著。

3.Outstanding examples of world-famous melodies are classics handed down from one generation to another.世界名曲精选,传世经典。

4.which was published in 1806 with the title A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language,字典名为英语语言简略字典,于1806年出版,

5.Dialect: a Monumental Work for Chinese Dialect Research;《方言》:开创中国方言之学的经典之作

6.Formation of Ancient Critic Classics in Perspective of Canonization of “Poem Expressing Ideal”;从“诗言志”的经典化过程看古代文论经典的形成

7.Quotations from Scholars’ Well-known Sayings and the Achievements of Thought--Comment on “Discussion to Propagation Medium”;实录学者名言,荟萃思维成果——评《传媒论典》

8.The Terms of“SARS”and“Borderline Cases”Solicit a Study of Medical Linguistics;医学语言学的构建——从“非典”、“疑似病人”的译名谈起

9.Understanding Language with Reference to the Classical Category Theory----Arguments Against the Linguistic View Based on the Prototypical Theory经典范畴理论关照下的语言观——对典型范畴理论下语言观的反诘

10.See, rumor has it the Athenians have already turned you down.瞧,有流言说雅典人已经拒绝了你。

munist Manifesto as a scripture of modernity;作为“现代性”理论经典的《共产党宣言》

12.King Oedipus:A Classical Allegony of the Disillusionment of the Heroic Myths;《俄狄浦斯王》:英雄神话破灭的经典寓言

13.It was nominated to the Dance Classics of the Chinese Nation in the 20th Century.这部作品获"20世纪经典提名"。

14.Ross: Hey, hey. Yertle the Turtle. A classic.嘿,嘿。《乌龟大王亚尔特》,经典名著。

15.This novel is one of the classics of American literature.这部小说是美国文学经典名著之一。

16.The story ranks among classics, and will endure for certain.此书名列经典著作,历久而不衰。

17.The Action Study on the Famous Classic Literary Works Teaching in Primary & Middle Schools;中小学文学经典名著教学的行动研究

18.As the graduates began to leave the auditorium, many walked passed the graduation pledge tables.典礼结束后,毕业生陆续经过毕业宣言的摊位。


classical masterpiece经典名著

1.This paper analyses the present status and insufficiencies in the construction of theclassical masterpieces full text database at the present time,the author thinks that the high school libraries should take on this task.文章分析了经典名著全文数据库的建设现状和存在的不足,认为高校应主要负责这项建设工程,并就建设程序、建设原则和应注意的问题,对如何建设经典名著全文数据库进行了一些探讨。

3)classical works经典名篇

4)classic literature work经典文学名著

5)famous literary classics文学经典名著

1.The best method of solving it is to guide students to readfamous literary classics.进而结合部颁新语文教学大纲 ,引导学生阅读文学经典名

6)anonymous classic无名经典著作




斯人先生主编本书是浓缩的传世名著,精致的文学大餐,高效阅读 震撼体验,为适应21世纪读者的需要,我们在此套书基础上推出了这本《经典的面孔――101部世界文学名著速读》。与前书比较,这本书篇幅缩小了,更方便携带阅读,但内容却更丰富。这本书增加了“阅读导航”、“相关链接”在“作者点击”中,补充或完善了对作者的介绍。同时,在篇目的选择上,除精选前书介绍过的作品外,还增加了多篇前书未加介绍的著名作者,例如《生命中不能承受之轻》、《铁皮鼓》、《小径分岔的花园》等。
