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资源基础规划 resource based planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-21 22:09:16


资源基础规划 resource based planning英语短句 例句大全

资源基础规划,resource based planning

1)resource based planning资源基础规划

2)Foundation of Planning规划基础


1.Based on network frame planning, the optimal planning of network section switch and connective switch is carried out again.在网架规划基础上,再进行网络分段开关和联络开关的优化规划。

2.Study on Shanghai Expo Planning Foundation Comparing with Aichi Expo上海世博会和爱知世博会的规划基础比较研究

3.Strategic & Infrastructure Planning策略及基础设施规划处


5.Methods for the capability-based evaluation and planning of IT infrastructure;基于能力的IT基础设施评价和规划方法

6.Planning method of basic road netwok based on ArcGIS基于ArcGIS的基础路网规划方法

7.Research of the Basic Educational Resource Planning Based on Ontology基于Ontology的基础教育资源规划(BERP)的研究

8.Airport scheme is based on the prediction of aviation portfolio.航空业务量预测是机场规划的基础。

9.Sewage Infrastructure Planning Group [Environmental Protection Department]污水基础建设规划组〔环境保护署〕

10.Stusy on Town Planning and Infrastructure Investment;小城镇规划及基础设施投资问题研究

11.The Study of Infrastructure Development Plan of Zhongshan from to ;中山市十一五基础设施发展规划研究

12.Some Thoughts On the Planning of the Basic Infrastructure of Chaohu College;对巢湖学院基础设施规划的几点思考

13.Analysis of the Lingang New City Infrastructure Planning Method临港新城市政基础设施规划方法分析

14.Study on the Ideological Bases of Leisure Street Planning and Construction休闲文化街规划建设的思想基础研究

15.Semi-infinite programming based on Kriging reliability analysis以Kriging可靠度分析为基础的半无限规划

16.Major Project of Chinese National Program s for Fundamental Research and Development (973 Program)国家重点基础研究发展规划(973计划)项目

17.It has the characteristics of dynamic programming,which are the theoretical basis of dynamic programming applied in mineral resources planing.这一特性是动态规划在矿产资源规划中应用的理论基础。

18.On Career Design with Psychological Contract Asa Basis;基于心理契约基础上的职业生涯规划研究


Foundation of Planning规划基础

3)resources planning资源规划

1.ERP- Enterprise Resources Planning System based on net represented the theory of modern integrated enterprise management system.基于网络的企业资源规划(ERP-Enterprise Resources Planning)系统代表了当前集成化企业管理系统的思想理论。

2.Acording to the needs of constructing military equipment logistics personnel team, the paper implements the humanresources planning, strengthens the integrated management of military equipment logistics personnel including selection, training, appointment, reserving, etc.根据军事装备物流人才队伍建设的需要实施人才资源规划,通过加强军事装备物流人才的选、训、用、留一体化管理和建立指标体系对人才资源规划的合理性绩效实施评价,以进一步推动军事装备物流的跨越式发展。

4)Resource planning资源规划

1.It is necessary to put forward enterprise information resource planning.指出了我国企业计算机应用整体上还处在诺兰模型的第3阶段(控制阶段),并有向第4阶段(集成阶段)过渡之势,现在提出企业信息资源规划正逢其时;信息资源规划可以概括为信息系统的功能模型、数据模型以及基础标准;企业在具体实施规划过程中,由于信息工程的复杂性,还存在着诸多困难与问题以及相应的风险。

2.To mitigate inter-cell interference further,a new resource planning scheme based on "reu.为了研究进一步降低小区间干扰的方法,提出了一种适用于跳频系统的资源规划方案。

3.The paper is based on student status management system,for example,on information resource planning-related information and student status management system for the development of the whole process of contact and information resource management to carry out detailed,and which offered their own opinions.全文是以学籍管理系统为例,就信息资源规划的相关信息以及学籍管理系统的开发全过程与信息资源管理的联系,进行详细的阐述,并对此提出一些自己的意见。

5)resource layout资源规划

1.Study on GIS using in mineralresource layout and management;地理信息系统在矿产资源规划与管理中的应用

2.This article induced the concept of informationresource layout on the labrary information resource communion issue,put forward the operation procedule,realization method of the information resource communion and the restriction factors & countermeasures of the library information resource comminion.本文在图书馆信息资源共享的问题中引入了信息资源规划的概念,并提出了信息资源共享的运作过程、实现方法以及图书馆信息资源共享的制约因素及对策。

6)resource base资源基础

1.Through the analysis of domestic and international timber supply,this paper gets the conclusion of weakresource base of China"s timber industry.论述了发展中国木材产业的战略重要性;通过分析国内木材资源与国际木材资源供给,得出了中国木材产业资源基础薄弱的结论;以实现资源基础可持续性为目的,论述了构筑中国木材产业资源基础的途径。

2.Soil and water conservation supply sustained agriculture and rural development withresource base, it is cardinal guarantee to achieve sustained agriculture and rural development.在详细分析吉林省农业可持续性发展的基础上,探讨了水土保持与农业可持续发展的关系,认为水土保持为农业可持续发展提供了资源基础,是实现农业可持续发展的根本保证。

3.This paper discusses the relationship betweenresource base and the timing of new industry entrant of businesses.文章分析了企业进入新产业的时机选择与企业资源基础之间的关系。


