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钳口隔距 Nip Gauge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-19 13:12:48


钳口隔距 Nip Gauge英语短句 例句大全

钳口隔距,Nip Gauge

1)Nip Gauge钳口隔距

2)length between vices钳口间距

3)nipping distance罗拉钳口握持距

4)vise jaw虎钳钳口



1.The opening between the jaws of a vise or other holding or gripping tool.钳口钳子或其它起固定或夹紧作用工具的钳口之间的空间

2.Either of two opposed hinged parts in a mechanical device.钳口机械装置中夹钳相对的两个部分中的一个

3.A tool or fastener having strong, adjustable, often toothed jaws.鳄口钳一种工具或夹子,有坚固可调的,通常为齿状的钳口

4.pliers with a joint adjustable to two positions in order to increase the opening of the jaws.有一个可以双向可调的接点以增加钳口的开口度的钳子。

5.The work-piece must be clamped tightly in jaw vice. Be careful and do not hurt fingers when fixing small work-pieces.工件必须牢固地装夹在虎钳上,装夹小工件时须防止钳口夹伤手指。

6.One that gags, as a piece of metal used to keep the core in position in a foundry mold.钳口之物钳制用具,如用于保持模心在铸造模型中位置的一片金属

7.Fluctuation of Pressure Analysis and Research on Mouth of the Tongs of Crankshaft;汽车曲轴圆角冷滚压钳口压力波动分析及研究

8.Analysis and Research on Universal Grinding Machine s Quench Spliting;万能工具磨床钳口件淬火开裂的分析与研究

9.A heavy fitting of metal or wood with two jaws curving inward, through which a rope or cable may be run.导缆钳一种金属或木制的沉重装置,有两个向内弯曲的钳口可使绳子或纲索穿于其中上下移动

10.This simple arrangement requires that the distance separating the roller nips must be comparable with the length of the longest fiber in the sliver.这种简单的装置要求罗拉钳口夹持点之间的距离必须相当于银子中最长纤维长度。

11.The vise (parallel-jaw vice) is available to all of the bench work.所有的钳工工作都可使用台钳(平口钳)。

12.I know that I will be silenced for many years;我知道我会被封口钳舌许多年;

13.the pliers had serrations to improve the grip.钳子的锯状口可以提高其抓握力。

14.Entry clamp with longitudinal and cross traverse.可纵向、横向运行的进口夹钳

15.If twill tape is useful, slit the hole with a hemostat.如果用的是斜纹带就要用止血钳来张开小口。

16.Development of the CPLD-Based USB Data Acquisition System for Patch-Clamp;基于CPLD的USB接口膜片钳数据采集系统的研制

17.Correction of prominent mandibular angle with a special bone rongeur through intraoral approach口内入路咬骨钳法矫正下颌角肥大畸形

18.I took advantage of the halt to catch my breath, for I myself felt as though my heart was being squeezed in a vice.我也利用这个机会舒了一口气,因为我自己的心也好像给虎钳紧紧地钳住了似的。


length between vices钳口间距

3)nipping distance罗拉钳口握持距

4)vise jaw虎钳钳口



1.It also explores factors affecting stress distribution on steel plate coil\"s surface through simulation calculation of the coil\"s surface stress in variousjaw\"s curvature radius.运用ADAMS软件,建立了钢卷自动立式夹钳的虚拟样机模型,通过对机构进行静力学分析,确定了夹钳夹紧钢卷的边界载荷条件,并建立了夹钳夹紧钢卷的有限元分析模型,通过对用不同曲率半径外钳口夹紧钢卷时的钢卷表面应力的仿真计算,探讨了影响钢卷表面应力分布的因素,揭示了钢卷被夹伤的机理并提出了以增大接触面积、降低接触压力为目标的夹钳改进措施。


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