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出生性别比问题 birth gender ratio problem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-03 20:02:38


出生性别比问题 birth gender ratio problem英语短句 例句大全

出生性别比问题,birth gender ratio problem

1)birth gender ratio problem出生性别比问题


parative Study on the Problem of Birth Gender Ratio Between China and Korea;中国与韩国出生性别比问题比较研究

2.Study on the Birth Gender Ratio of China in 1990s;20世纪90年代关于我国出生性别比问题的研究

3.Research on the sex ration of live births of chinese minorities;中国少数民族人口出生性别比问题研究

4.1980-:Summary of and Comment on Sex Ratio at Birth of Our Country;1980—:中国出生性别比问题研究回顾与评述

5.A Study on the Sex Ratio at Birth of Henan Province;河南省出生人口性别比有关问题探析

6.Pondering Over the Control of the Sex Ratio at Birth;关于治理出生人口性别比问题的思考

7.The Higher Sex Ratio at Birth from the Social Gender Visual Angle;社会性别视角中的出生性别比偏高问题

8.The Problem of Birth Sex Ratio Imbalances and its Countermeasures in Fujian Province;福建省出生性别比失衡问题及其治理对策

9.Research on the Problem of Disproportions Sex Ratio at Birth of the Prefecture of Southern Guizhou;贵州省黔南州出生人口性别比失衡问题研究

10.Reflections on Handling the Gender Disproportion Problem of Newly-born Population;对治理出生人口性别比失调问题的思考

11.Unbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region略论广西壮族自治区出生性别比失调问题

12.The Study on Sex Ratio at Birth in China under the Population Ecology Angle;人口生态视角下的我国出生人口性别比问题研究

13.Strengthening the Building of Civilization of Birth is a Fundamental Ways on Unbalanced Sex Ratio;加强生育文明建设是解决出生人口性别比失衡问题的治本良策

14.Sex Ratio at Birth in China and the Cost of Low Fertility Reconsidered;重新认识中国人口出生性别比失调与低生育水平的代价问题

15.Practice,Problems and Countermeasures:Handling by Law on the Sex Ratio Unbalance at Birth in Southwest Minorities Area;西南民族地区出生性别比失调依法治理:实践、问题与建议

16.Analysis of the Imbalance of Birth Rate of Hunan Province--For a harmonious society;湖南省出生性别比失衡问题研究——基于和谐社会的视角

17.Study of the Unbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth among the Miao and Dong Minorities in the Autonomous Prefectures of Southeast Guizhou Province;黔东南苗族侗族自治州出生性别比失调问题研究

18.The Mid-Level Governmental Officials Cognition of Birth Sex Ratio in Guangdong;县处级干部对出生人口性别比问题的认知——以广东省为例


High Sex Ratio at Birth(SRB)出生性别比偏高问题

3)Birth sex ratio出生性别比

1.A Survey and Analysis of the High Birth Sex Ratio in Two Villages of Qingyuan;清远市清城区赤岗村、清新县大树墩村出生性别比情况的调查

2.Analysing the Status of Childbearing Concept and the Birth Sex Ratio in Our Country;我国出生性别比与生育观念现状分析

4)Sex ratio at birth出生性别比

1.Family Factors Influencing on the Unbalance of Sex Ratio at Birth: Analyses Based on Microeconomic Demography;家庭因素对出生性别比失衡的影响——微观人口经济学视角的分析

2.Legally Reflecting the Maladjusted Sex Ratio at Birth in Our Country;我国出生性别比例失调之法律思考

5)gender problem性别问题

1.Virginia Woolf describes vividly how women were kept in the unfortunate and marginalized positions by men and the patriarchal system they made in To the Lighthouse and A Room of One s Own,and analyzes at the same time the roles of men and women and theirgender problems.伍尔夫在小说《到灯塔去》和演讲文章《一间自己的房间》中,生动地描绘了女性在父权制社会中不幸的被边缘化的社会地位,并且深入分析了不同类型性别角色及其性别问题。

2.Considering the research method of feminism education as the instruction and the Chinese textbook of junior high school from Hu Bei Education Press as the study object, the author made statistics, analysis and discussion aboutgender problem in Chinese textbook of junior high school in order to show the gender prejudice.以女性主义教育学研究方法作为指导,以鄂教版初中语文教材为研究对象,笔者对初中语文教材的性别问题进行统计、分析和探讨以揭示教材中存在的对女性的性别偏见。

6)Gender issues性别问题

1.It focuses on the gender issues in A.此项研究关注的是拜厄特在七部长篇(包括一个四部曲)和两部中篇中所揭示的性别问题以及她对这些问题的思考。

2.Secondly, her extended attention to the life and mentality of women resulted in many insightful writings, in which she investigated into the social problem of gender issues and brought forward her attempts in the amelioration of women’s living conditions.其二,她在许多颇有见地的文章中,探讨性别问题这个社会问题,广泛关注妇女生活和心理,试图改善妇女的生活状况。


