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零售商品采购 purchase of retailing merchandise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-31 01:33:00


零售商品采购 purchase of retailing merchandise英语短句 例句大全

零售商品采购,purchase of retailing merchandise

1)purchase of retailing merchandise零售商品采购

2)purchasing power for social retail goods社会零售商品购买力


1.purchasing power for social retail goods社会零售商品购买力

2.sales tax (tax paid by a customer who buys retail goods)销售税(由购买零售商品的顾客所付者).

3.total circulation volume of social retail goods社会零售商品流转总额

4.Messagli, M. K. "E-Tailing vs. Retailing: The Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Shopping." 2000.网上零售与零售商:购物的社会文化特点>,2000.

5.A Study of Relationship between Perceived Risk and Private Label Buying;感知风险与零售商品牌购买之关系研究

6.Please purchase direct at Jianyanshe Limited or at a nearby retail shop. For enquiries please call our Customer Services Hotline 31010320.请直接到健研社有限公司或各产品零售商购买,或致电健研社客户服务热线31010320查询。

7.Retail stores that sell higher-priced items, such as clothing and furniture, which are not bought with any great regularity, are called shopping goods stores.销售较高价位商品的零售业称为购物型商店,例如衣服和家具这些不经常购买的商品。

8.Empirical Research for the Influences of Private Label on Purchase Intention;消费者对零售商自有品牌产品购买倾向影响因素的实证研究

9.One that buys, especially a purchasing agent for a retail store购买者买东西的人,尤指在零售商店购物的顾客

10.a stamp given by a retailer to a buyer; redeemable for articles on a premium list.零售商给购买者的一种票证;可以兑现奖单上的物品。

11.Research on Return-risk of Power Purchasing and Selling for REPs in the Electricity Retail Market;电力零售市场中零售商购售电收益—风险研究

12.Total retail sales of consumer goods社会消费品零售总额

13.The Short - term Prediction on Commodity Retail Price Index in Our Country我国社会商品零售价格指数的短期预测

14.Our company deals only in wholesale; if you want to buy our product you can get it at a retail store.我们公司只经营批发业务;要是你想购买我们的产品,可以到零售商店去买。

15.For show, not for sale. In case of need, please register in advance.陈列商品,概不出售;如欲购买,请先登记。

16.Buyer Power:Welfare Analysis and its Public Policy;零售商买方势力:福利分析及公共政策

17.One that buys merchandise from manufacturers and sells it to retailers.批发商从制造商那里批购商品然后转售给零售商的人

18.Businesses that purchase merchandise for resale to others are normally exempt from paying sales taxes on their purchases.购买商品用于转售的商家通常在购买时被免除营业税。


purchasing power for social retail goods社会零售商品购买力

3)Retail Buyer零售采购员

4)retail a commodity零售商品

5)commodity retailing商品零售

6)mail-order retailers邮购零售商


零售商零售商retailorI一ngshou shang.誉商(retailor)不拥有翰配电网络,但具有一定资金和计t手段,经批准,可向终端用户零售电能的机构和人员。零售商的出现,是电力市场竞争达到较高层次的需求.早期的电力市场竞争主要在发电领域,翰配电包括曹电环节都是垄断经营。但随着电力市场的发展、竞争机制的逐步完善和技术手段的提高,电力市场的竞争逐步引人到销瞥环节(有的称为供电环节),出现了零售商。电力零售商具有四个特征:①除市场运营或监管者以外,任何性质的机构或个人经审批后均可.成为零售商;②通过电力交易中心实现交易的,需缴纳成员费和输配电网络使用费用,并遵守规约;③不拥有配电网络;④其经营不具有垄断性,用户可以选择不同的零咨商。零售商的经营比较灵活。为了争取客户,零售商往往采取具有竞争力的价格、增加服务方式和信用方案等多种措施增强竞争力.
