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好气灌溉 aerobic irrigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-02 19:58:56


好气灌溉 aerobic irrigation英语短句 例句大全

好气灌溉,aerobic irrigation

1)aerobic irrigation好气灌溉

1.The tiller number with more than 3 leave was more than traditional irrigation underaerobic irrigation.以杂交稻II优818为材料,通过对水稻不同灌溉方式下分蘖成穗规律的定点考察,明确了水稻好气灌溉的高产原理及其分蘖组成与常规灌溉有很大差异。

2.A field experiment was conducted to study the physiological characteristics of high-yielding rice underaerobic irrigation.以3个高产杂交水稻组合中优6号、两优培九、Ⅱ优7954为材料,研究了水稻好气灌溉条件下的生理特性。

3.3% underaerobic irrigation than under flooding irrigation,relying on more grain number per panicle mainly.对杂交稻中优218不同灌溉方式和氮肥管理下水稻生长和根际环境的变化进行研究,结果表明,水稻好气灌溉条件下各施肥处理产量均高于传统灌溉处理,产量比淹水灌溉增产10。

2)aeration irrigation曝气灌溉


1.Study on mechanism of groundwater pollution due to applying sewage water forirrigation condition;污水灌溉对地下水污染的机理研究

2.Influence of landfill leachateirrigation on stress and antioxidant system of Vetiveria zizanioides.;渗滤液灌溉对香根草胁迫及抗氧化系统的影响

3.Water Environmental Assessment in Jiangsu Project of the Second Period Project Which Using Would Bank Loans for Agriculture Irrigation;利用世界银行贷款灌溉农业二期项目江苏省项目区水环境评价


1.China s Irrigation Management and Participatory Management;中国灌溉管理与用水户参与灌溉管理

2.Portable irrigation is on the increase.移动式灌溉正在增加。

3.gravity check irrigation"自流畦沟灌溉, Bordercheck irrigation"

4.drip irrigation and fertilization system点滴灌溉及施肥系统

5.76 Soil Conservation and Irrigation Service土壤保持及灌溉服务

anic vegetaBles有机肥料灌溉的蔬菜

7.The settlers irrigated the arid land.移民们灌溉干燥的土地。

8.coefficient of recharge from irrigation灌溉水入渗补给系数

9.a ditch to carry extra irrigation water排出剩余灌溉水的水沟

10.irrigate with water from a sluice.利用开闸放水来灌溉。

11.head gate structure [irrigation]渠首闸门,总水闸门[灌溉]

12.irrigate or spray with or as if with a syringe.用注射器灌溉或注射。

13.The terrace channels are convenient for irrigation.梯田的沟渠便于灌溉。

14.water resources development computation forirrigation projects灌溉工程的水利计算

15.Tsiu Keng Shaft Raw Water Irrigation Pump House蕉径竖井原水灌溉泵房

16."How do you irrigate your fields?" he asked.“你怎样灌溉田地?”他问道。

17.canals joining reservoirs type irrigation system长藤结瓜式灌溉系统

18.irrigate desert areas to make them fertile灌溉荒芜地区使之肥沃.


aeration irrigation曝气灌溉


1.Study on mechanism of groundwater pollution due to applying sewage water forirrigation condition;污水灌溉对地下水污染的机理研究

2.Influence of landfill leachateirrigation on stress and antioxidant system of Vetiveria zizanioides.;渗滤液灌溉对香根草胁迫及抗氧化系统的影响

3.Water Environmental Assessment in Jiangsu Project of the Second Period Project Which Using Would Bank Loans for Agriculture Irrigation;利用世界银行贷款灌溉农业二期项目江苏省项目区水环境评价


1.In order to be an evidence for the reuse of water resources,investigated the fertility in soil which wasirrigated by both of those two water resources and analysis it by fuzzy cluster.以3种水源灌溉土壤并进行实验研究,对测定结果做模糊聚类分析,从而为我国水资源的回收利用提供科学依据。

2.The paper analysed transformation on hydrology factor after Ningxia Meili Paper Mill used its waste water toirrigate its fast-growing forestry,i.分析了美利纸业速生林基地用废污水灌溉后引起附近水环境的变化,即随着灌溉水量增加,地下水位升高,湖泊湿地范围扩大;低位灌区与高阶地交接带产生土壤盐渍化。

3.This article investigates the influence of papermaking wastewater on reed growth and zoology environment by making experiment on potted plant and fieldirrigated by papermaking wastewater.通过造纸尾水灌溉海涂苇田的盆栽实验和苇地田间实验,考察了造纸尾水对芦苇生长及生态环境的影响。

5)ultramicro bubble aerated irrigation超微气泡增氧灌溉

1.With the inbred japonica rice Xiushui 09 and indica hybrid rice Liangyoupeijiu and Guodao 6 as materials,a field experiment was conducted to study the effects ofultramicro bubble aerated irrigation on growth characters and yield of rice in and .以常规粳稻秀水09和杂交籼稻两优培九、国稻6号为试验材料,在和采用大田试验,研究了超微气泡增氧灌溉对水稻生物学特性和产量的影响。

6)irrigation plant灌溉设备;灌溉站


