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养老方式选择 choice of the care for the aged英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-07 12:07:21


养老方式选择 choice of the care for the aged英语短句 例句大全

养老方式选择,choice of the care for the aged

1)choice of the care for the aged养老方式选择

1.This paper presents a research hypothesis on thechoice of the care for the aged in one-child families in city,and based on the survey data,discribes their options of the first-wave one-child family parents and explores the strategy choices to cope with the large-scale and rapid aging.提出城市独生子女父母养老方式选择的研究假设,依据调查数据,描述首批独生子女父母养老方式的选择,探索应对我国大规模急速老龄化的养老战略选择,分析不同养老方式对养老资源的不同发掘整合结构及功能、不同养老方式需要的条件,以及经济住房困难和富裕家庭对不同养老方式的选择。


1.Thoughts on the Vicissitudes of Japan’s Household Economy System and Selection of Ways to Support the Aged;日本家庭经济制度变迁与养老方式选择的思考

2.The Analysis of the Gander Factor Impacting the Choice of Family Support;家庭养老方式选择的性别影响因素分析

3.Choice and Model Construction of the Care for the Aged in the First-Wave One-Child City Families in China我国城市首批独生子女父母养老方式选择与养老模型建构

4.Analysis of providing style for the aged in cities and its influential factors城市老年人群养老方式选择及其影响因素的调查分析

5.Rational Choice on the Way of Caring for the Aged in the Countryside in China--The union between the modern family and the society caring for the aged;中国农村养老方式的理性选择——现代家庭养老与社会养老相结合

munity Care--A New Solution to Urban Elderly Support;社区照顾——城市老年人的赡养方式新选择

7.Selection of Rural Supporting Model for the Aged under the Situation of Aging in Guangxi老龄化形势下广西农村养老模式选择

8.From Moral Choice Model to Market Choice Model: Study on Chinese Support Model从道德选择式到市场选择式:我国养老模型研究

9.On the Community-based Housing Support: The New Choice for the Elderly-care Patterns in Urban Cities in China;论社区居家养老:中国城市养老模式的新选择

10.Providing for One s Own Parents is a Practical Mode in the Current Countryside in China;家庭养老:目前我国农村养老模式的现实选择

11.The Choices and Countermeasures of Pension Fund Investment Model in China;我国养老基金投资模式的选择与对策

12.Choice of Endowment Insurance Mode and Government s Administrative Duty;养老保险模式选择与政府的管理职责

13.A Demographic Analysis to the Choice of Pension Funding Methods;养老保险基金模式选择的人口学分析

14.The Economic Analysis on the Option of the Pattern of Providing for the Aged Among Different Populations不同人群对养老模式选择的经济分析

15.Parent Care in the First One-child Generation Families:A case study of Beijing;第一代独生子女父母养老方式的选择与支持研究——以北京市为例

16.Empirical Research on the Rural Support for the Aged and People s Corresponding Preference: A Case from Gaocheng City,Hebei Province;农村养老状况与方式选择的实证分析——以河北省藁城市为例

17.Research on the Means by which Basic Pension Funds Enter Capital Market;论我国基本养老保险基金进入资本市场的方式选择

18.On the model of social security of the senior citizens in Chinese rural areas--A survey of the social security of the senior villagers in North China;中国农村社会养老保障模式的选择——对北方农村社会养老保障现状调查的思考


Choices of old age support养老选择

3)Pension system selection养老金制度模式选择

4)care giving for the aged养老方式

1.On earth what is the citizens′ expect tocare giving for the aged? And what factors affect the choice ofcare giving for the aged? Based on the investigation in Wuhan of Hubei Province, the paper describes citizens′ attitude of different generations towardscare giving for the aged and ana.居民对养老究竟有怎样的期待?影响养老方式选择的因素有哪些?在对湖北省武汉市居民对待养老方式态度的调查的基础上,从认知、情感、行为倾向三方面作了代际比较,对行为倾向方面存在代际差异的原因进行了探讨。

5)Method Selection方式选择

1.The stages are including transportation method selection,structure configuration and connection of different transportation method.在对通道进行分段的基础上,采用运输方式选择、各运输方式结构配置及不同运输方式间衔接的三阶段法可实现通道内运输方式的合理布局。

2.In this paper, combined Quality Function Development with optimization method, the decision model of new product development method selection was built.针对企业面对一项具体的新产品开发项目,难以在合作开发与独立开发中做出决策的问题,从技术创新角度出发,应用质量功能展开优化方法,构建了新产品开发方式选择的决策模型。

3.Superficial View of theMethod Selection of China MSW Treatment;介绍了我国城市生活垃圾常用的处理方式填埋、堆肥和焚烧以及厌氧发酵和热分解2种前沿技术,重点进行了优缺点的比较,进而提出了城市生活垃圾处理技术方式选择的定性化依据———因地制宜、因时制宜、因技术制宜和因财力状况制宜。

6)mode choice方式选择

1.Disaggregate modeling of trafficmode choice and its application;交通方式选择的非集计模型及其应用

2.were selected as a alternative set,and characteristic variables affectingmode choice and the method of getting its values were determined,then a Multinomial Logit Model(MNL) was developed finally.基于非集计离散选择模型的基本理论与建模方法,结合北京居民出行调查数据,对影响居民出行方式选择的因素进行了分析,选择包括公交车、出租车、私人小汽车等在内的5种日常生活中较为常用的交通方式作为居民出行的方式选择肢,确定了影响居民出行方式选择的特性变量及相应的取值方法,建立了交通方式选择MNL模型。

3.This article has analyzed the microcosmic factors that influence the choice of bicycle transportation,which are defined as "the influencing factors of bicycle transportation based on individualmode choice",by classifying them into three categories-the individual characteristics,the trip information and the subjective perception on.分析了影响自行车交通方式选择的微观影响因素,并定义其为"基于个体出行方式选择的自行车交通影响因素"。


