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防治体系 prevention and control system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-20 08:08:55


防治体系 prevention and control system英语短句 例句大全

防治体系,prevention and control system

1)prevention and control system防治体系

1.With the approach of multifactor analysis and logistic regression,the author establishes forecast model and three-classprevention and control system.对单因素分析呈显著性差异的危险因素进行条件Logistic回归分析,并建立感染发生预测模型,利用模型测算其发生感染的概率,建立三级防治体系。


1.Studies on Chemical Control System to Rice Diseases and Pests in Bio-rational Production;无公害水稻生产病虫害治理化学防治体系研究

2.Desertification Combating System and the Performance Evaluation in Gansu Province;甘肃省荒漠化防治体系构建及治理成效

3.Discussion on Comprehensive Management Model of Fengxiang County Small Basin浅谈凤翔县小流域综合防治体系和治理模式

4.Efficient approach to construct the big structure of community security prevention;人防乃社会治安防控体系建设之根本

5.The Exploration of the PSDCS Construction under Dynamic Environment;动态环境下治安防控体系建设的探索

6.Constructing "Four major systems" to Prevent and Punish Corruptions in Higher Learning Institutions;构建高校惩治和预防腐败“四大体系”

7.On Constructing a System to Punish and Prevent Corruption at College and University;高校惩治和预防腐败体系建设的思考

8.Building a Prevention Administrative System Ore Disaster on the Basis of 3R;构建立足“3R”的矿难治理预防管理体系

9.Thinking on the Practice of Constructing Prevention and Control System of Social Public Order;构建社会治安防控体系的实践与思考

10.An Approach to the Corruption in the Development of University Autonomy,its Correction and Prevention System;大学自治中的腐败及其纠防体系探析

11.The Legal System of Fire Control Should Be Built Up;加强消防法制建设 构筑依法治火体系

12.To Promote the Unification of Peace Order Source and Construct the Social Peace Order Prevention and Control System;推进治安资源整合 构建社会防控体系

13.Discussion on "The Three-Defense" System Construction of Society Synthesis Governing;试论社会综合治理的“三防”体系建设

14.A reflection on the construction of community policing and the defending and controlling system of public security;社区警务与治安防控体系建设之思考

15.Thought of Establish Public Order Control System;现阶段构建社会治安防控体系的思考

16.Thoughts on the Building of New Pattern Defense and Control System of Social Public Security;论构建新型社会治安防控体系的思考

17.Thoughts on the construction of the preventive and controlling system of public security in areas connecting the city and the countryside;城郊结合部治安防控体系建设的思考

18.On Establishing Preventative System of Rural Social Security;农村社会治安防控体系建设问题探析


prevention and treatment system防治体系

1.Research on icing disasterprevention and treatment systems for transmission lines in East China;华东电网输电线路覆冰灾害防治体系的研究

3)System of chronic disease control and prevention慢性病防治体系

4)collapse prevention system灾变防治体系

5)Poisoning prevention and treatment system中毒防治体系

6)public security prevention and control system治安防控体系

1.Taking the opportunity of carrying out rural community policing in rural areas,the new ways to perfect our country’spublic security prevention and control system in rural areas are to tap pre-sent social capital storage in rural areas and to develop beneficial social capital with great effort in rural areas.以推行农村社区警务为契机,挖掘农村现有的社会资本存量,大力培育农村良性社会资本,是完善我国农村治安防控体系的新路径。

2.Today, under the circumstances of administering a country according to law and the progressively deepened socialist economy reform, it is imperative to structure the special trade and amusement placespublic security prevention and control system.在依法治国、社会主义经济体制改革逐步深化的今天,构建特种行业和娱乐服务场所治安防控体系势在必行。

3.However,community police room also has some drawbacks,such as management construction has some imperfect side,policing management assessment lacks scientific methods,andpublic security prevention and control system don\"t have complete development.同时,社区警务室在发展和建设中也存在诸如管理建设机制不完善、警务管理考核缺乏科学性、治安防控体系作用没有充分发挥等不足之处。


《淮河流域水污染防治暂行条例》《淮河流域水污染防治暂行条例》interim regulation on the protection against water pollution in the Huai River valleyhuaihe liuyu shuiwuran fangzhi zanxing tiaoli《淮河流域水污染防治暂行条例》(interimre酗ationon the proteetion agalnst water Pollution in the Huai凡vervallev)国务院1995年8月8日发布施行。共43条。目的是加强淮河流域的水污染防治,保护和改善水质,保障人体健康和人民生活、生产用水。其主要规定有:①淮河流域水污染防治的目标为:1997年实现全流域工业污染源达标排放;2《XX〕年淮河流域各主要河段、湖泊、水库的水质达到淮河流域水污染防治规划的要求,实现淮河水质变清。②淮河流域水资源保护领导小组,负责协调、解决有关淮河流域水资源保护和水污染的重大问题,监督、检查水污染防治工作等。③河南、安徽、江苏、山东4省人民政府各对本省淮河流域水环境质量负责,必须确保本省淮河流域水污染防治目标的实现。④国家对淮河流域水污染防治实行优惠、扶持政策。⑤国家对淮河流域实行水污染物排放总量控制制度。国务院和各有关县级以上人民政府制定淮河流域水污染防治规划和排污总量控制计划,并组织实施。对纳人排污总量控制的各排污单位确定其排污总量控制指标,实行排污许可证制度。⑥国务院环保行政主管部门商水行政主管部门制定淮河流域省界水质标准,报国务院批准后施行。⑦对淮河流域重点排污单位超标排放水污染物的,责令限期治理。自1998年1月1日起,禁止一切工业企业向淮河流域水体超标排放水污染物。⑧淮河流域县级以上环保部门征收的排污费,必须全部用于污染治理。⑨禁止在淮河流域新建化学制浆造纸企业。禁止新建制革、化工、印染、电被、酿造等污染严重的小型企业,严格限制新建这类大中型项目或其他污染严重的项目。⑩淮河流域县级以上地方人民政彝《淮河流城水污染防治暂行条例》 (发表于1卯5年8月23日《人民日报》)府应当建设城镇污水集中处理设施。⑧淮河流域水闸应当在保证防汛、抗早的前提下,兼顾上下游水质,制定防污调控方案,避免闸控河道蓄积的污水集中下泻。此外,条例还对流域省际水污染纠纷的处理程序和违法的责任作了明确而严格的规定。其中强调,造成严重污染又没有治理价值的,自1卯8年1月l日起工业企业仍然超标排污的,由有关县级以上人民政府责令关闭或者停止。该条例的特点是:①它是中国第一部防治流域污染的行政法规。②规定了具体的污染防治目标。.③规定在全流域实行排污总量控制。④初步确立了联合和协调各有关部门、各有关地方人民政府共同解决流域水污染的机制。⑤规定了具体而严格的防治措施和违法责任。 (马骤聪)
