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分合 division and combination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-22 06:18:08


分合 division and combination英语短句 例句大全

分合,division and combination

1)division and combination分合

1.This paper will clarify the facts and the law about thedivision and combination of the poetry and prose in literary history by research catalogue and collected works, the aim is to make a basic literature work for researching the relationship between the poetry and prose.诗文是中国古典文学的正统,两者在漫长的文学发展过程中,彼此有分又有合,在分合中完成各自文体的成长。


1.The zygotes formed in conjugation are partial diploids or merozygotes.接合形成的合子是部分二倍体,也叫做部分合子。

2.coincidence and anti-coincidence analyzer符合及反符合分析器

3.sub-contract award再承包合同, 分包合同

4.specialize in a certain line of production and form associations through a division of laBour分工合作、专业联合

5.intermolecular condensation分子间缩合[作用]

6.conjugate division[噬菌体]接合分裂

7.legal separation(夫妻的)合法分居

8.(i) merger or split.(九) 合并或分立。

9.The two pieces that we had glued separated.那胶合好两部分又分开。

10.Another way of classifying contracts is into simple and formal contracts.合同还可分为简单合同和正式合同。

11.clutch thrust ring离合器分离承推环, 离合器分离承力环

12.Development Cooperation Analysis System发展合作分析系统(发合分析系统)

13.The general trend under heaven is that there is bound to be unification after prolonged division and division after prolonged unification.天下大势, 分久必合, 合久必分。

14.Technical Cooperation Equipment and Subcontracting Branch技术合作设备和分包处(技合分包处)

15.mixed schizophrenia混合型精神分裂症 混合型精神分裂症

16.a component of a mixture that has been separated by a fractional process.混合物通过分馏过程分离出来的成分。

17.The combined mathematics of differential calculus and integral calculus.微积分微分学和积分学的结合

18.Synthetically Apply "Gather Together Differential"and"Divide Part Integral" Method to Solve a Problem;综合应用“凑微分”与“分部积分”法解题


unity and departure分分合合

1.The pattern was that heroes and heroines underwent experiences ofunity and departure just like people did in quadrille.这种模式就是几组男女主人公之间的关系分分合合,交叉换位,如同跳“方阵舞”一般,但最终都回到原来的起点,其结果也无一例外地以悲剧结尾。


1.Treatment of TheOn-off Process Abnormal Phenomenon of A 110kV Circuit Breaker Accident;对一起110kV断路器合分过程异常现象的处理

4)The Combined Mode分合结合

5)opening-closing-opening test分合分试验

6)dispersion polymerization分散聚合

1.Synthesis of P(DMDAAC-AM) as cationic polymeric flocculants bydispersion polymerization;阳离子型高分子絮凝剂P(DMDAAC-AM)的分散聚合制备初探

2.Monodispersed cationic microspheres of polystyrene prepared bydispersion polymerization;分散聚合制备单分散阳离子型聚苯乙烯微球

3.Preparation of monodisperse polyacrylamide sphere bydispersion polymerization——Study on conversion and molecular;分散聚合法制备单分散聚丙烯酰胺微球——反应动力学、分子量研究


分合1.分开与合并。 2.辨析归类。
