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会话结构分析 Analysis of the dialogue structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-22 07:07:22


会话结构分析 Analysis of the dialogue structure英语短句 例句大全

会话结构分析,Analysis of the dialogue structure

1)Analysis of the dialogue structure会话结构分析

2)conversational analysis and generic structure会话分析和语体结构

1.Through a detailed contrastive analysis of pragmatic presupposition and information structure,deixis and reference,conversational analysis and generic structure in pragmatics and in systemic functional linguistics,this study intends to provide a theoretical possibility for the complementary between pragmatics and systemic functional linguistics.本文从语用前提和信息结构、指示语和照应、会话分析和语体结构等语用学和系统功能语言学都关心的几个语言学方面进行具体比较,探讨语用学和系统功能语言学在哪些方面有联系且具有互补性,从而为两个学科之间的联系提供理论上的依据。

3)conversation structure会话结构

1.A Comparative Study of Conversation Structure in Chinese and American TV Talk Shows;中美电视谈话节目会话结构比较研究

2.The Contrastive Analysis of Conversation Structure between Chinese and American TV Talk Shows;中美电视谈话节目会话结构的对比分析

3.This paper gives a brief study on the characterization of the Englishconversation structure of IL,with the aim of making people better understand and use this new medium of )搜集的10段语料(总计大约15000字)的分析,结合英语网上聊天的言语特点和会话结构类型的探讨,揭示出网上聊天话语结构的一些基本特征,目的在于让人们更好地理解这种新型的交际方式,较快地克服交流障碍,顺畅地表达自己的思想和情感。


1.An Analysis of BBS Conversation from the Perspective of Conversation Structure and Turn-Taking从会话结构和话轮转换析BBS会话

2.A Comparative Study of Conversation Structure in Chinese and American TV Talk Shows;中美电视谈话节目会话结构比较研究

3.Restriction of the Modern Chinese Interrogative Sentence to the Conversation Structure Shape;现代汉语疑问句对会话结构的结构形态制约

4.The Contrastive Analysis of Conversation Structure between Chinese and American TV Talk Shows;中美电视谈话节目会话结构的对比分析

5.On the Conversational Structure and the Pragmatic Strategies of the Courtroom Cross-examination论法庭盘问的会话结构和语用策略

6.Adjacency pair is a basic unit of the conversation structure which is more complex.相邻对是会话结构的一种基本单位。

7.A Study on Conversation Structure Awareness in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language;对外汉语教学中的会话结构意识研究

8.A Study of Conversational Structure and Its Implications to Teaching Spoken English;会话结构研究及其对口语教学的启示

9.So the method of mass media has some effect on conversation structure of interview.由此可见,媒介手段对会话结构有一定的影响。

10.A Comparative Study of College English Learners Conversation Structure in Class and after Class;大学英语课堂内外学生会话结构对比研究

11.From the conversation analysis of collected data, we find that interviews produced by different mass media are different in conversation structure.分析所收集的访谈语料的会话内容,发现不同媒介的访谈的会话结构有各自特征。

12.The Embedded Sequence and Meaning Negotiation in Coversation;会话话语的内嵌语列结构与意义磋商

13.A Comparative Analysis on Conversational Structure in Classroom and in Casual Settings;课堂会话与日常情景会话的结构对比分析

14.Analysis on Interactive Speech Repair Internal Structure from the Perspective of Interactive Nature of Speech;从会话互动原则评析会话修补内部结构模型

15.A Comparative Study of Conversation Structures in English TV Talk Shows and Daily Conversations;英语电视谈话节目会话与日常会话的结构对比研究

16.On Pragmatic Features of Discourse Makers in Preference Organization;会话应答结构中话语标记语的语用特征

17.WebSite Optimization Research Based on Simulated Web Session;基于Web会话仿真的网站结构优化研究

18.A Structural Study of Code-switching in BBS Conversation;从语法结构规限看BBS会话语码转换


conversational analysis and generic structure会话分析和语体结构

1.Through a detailed contrastive analysis of pragmatic presupposition and information structure,deixis and reference,conversational analysis and generic structure in pragmatics and in systemic functional linguistics,this study intends to provide a theoretical possibility for the complementary between pragmatics and systemic functional linguistics.本文从语用前提和信息结构、指示语和照应、会话分析和语体结构等语用学和系统功能语言学都关心的几个语言学方面进行具体比较,探讨语用学和系统功能语言学在哪些方面有联系且具有互补性,从而为两个学科之间的联系提供理论上的依据。

3)conversation structure会话结构

1.A Comparative Study of Conversation Structure in Chinese and American TV Talk Shows;中美电视谈话节目会话结构比较研究

2.The Contrastive Analysis of Conversation Structure between Chinese and American TV Talk Shows;中美电视谈话节目会话结构的对比分析

3.This paper gives a brief study on the characterization of the Englishconversation structure of IL,with the aim of making people better understand and use this new medium of )搜集的10段语料(总计大约15000字)的分析,结合英语网上聊天的言语特点和会话结构类型的探讨,揭示出网上聊天话语结构的一些基本特征,目的在于让人们更好地理解这种新型的交际方式,较快地克服交流障碍,顺畅地表达自己的思想和情感。

4)conversational structure会话结构

1.A Study on Chinese Conversational Structure and Its Transformation Mechanism;汉语会话结构及转换机制研究

2.There are different opinions about the basic elements ofconversational structure.会话结构是语用学研究的重要内容之一。

3.The primary and the fundamental units of theconversational structure has not been identified up to now,which influences the further research on the structure itself.会话结构的最小单位和基本单位一直缺乏深入讨论和严格定义,并影响了会话结构的描写和进一步研究。

5)discourse structure会话结构

1.Although there has been an increasingamount of studies on classroom discourse in the world, little has been conducted inChina to examine the characteristics ofdiscourse structures and discourse patterns inChinese context.本文通过对东北师范大学英语精读课堂话语语料的收集,从 IRF 结构,话轮转换,师生话语量以及教师提问类型四个方面对课堂话语结构及教师、学生话语分布、频率等进行了分析,分析结果表明:(1) 会话结构较为复杂,但是 IRF 结构仍然存在;(2) 话轮的长短虽不固定,但教师的话轮偏长,学生话轮偏短;在话轮分配技巧上,教师通过点名、借助手势等手段选定下一轮说话者,学生自选的情况也较频繁;(3) 多数情况下,教师话语量多于学生话语量;(4) 教师在课堂上使用的参考性问题的频率高于展示性问题。

6)Conversation analysis会话分析

1.Study on Cyber-language from the Perspective of Conversation Analysis;从会话分析的角度研究网络语言

2.Methodological Characteristics and Theoretical Foundationof the Conversation Analysis School;会话分析学派的研究方法及理论基础


