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电视访谈 TV interview英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-19 13:25:29


电视访谈 TV interview英语短句 例句大全

电视访谈,TV interview

1)TV interview电视访谈

1.Based on turn-taking rules,this paper makes a study on turn-taking in theTV interviews.Sacks等人提出的话轮转换规则为理论基础,通过对电视访谈的分析,对话轮转换规则进行探讨。

2.The present study intends to conduct a relevance-theoretic study of discourse markers (DMs) employed inTV interviews.本文是关于电视访谈中话语标记语的关联理论研究,旨在探讨话语标记语如何在电视访谈的言语交际中产生语境效果,实现话语理解的语义制约。

3.This thesis is a pragmatic analysis of the interviewer statement in the setting of ChineseTV interview, with a view to exploring the major illocutionary functions of these statements and the interviewers interpretation process towards interviewees previous response before they make the statements.作为电视访谈节目中主持人常用的语言策略,陈述性语言有其特定的语用功能及研究价值。


1.Evasion as a Pragmatic Strategy in Chinese TV Talk Show;中文电视访谈中回避策略的语用研究

2.Seeing China TV Talk Shows from manners principle礼貌原则角度下看中国电视访谈节目

3.A Relevance-theoretic Study of the Constraining Functions of Discourse Markers in TV Interview;话语标记语对电视访谈话语的语义制约功能

4.The Discourse Roles of Interviewer and Interviewee(s) in Television Interviews电视访谈话语中主持人与嘉宾的话语角色研究

5.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff made appearances on several television talk shows.国土安全局部长M-C出现在几个电视访谈节目中。

6.People are always plugging their books on TV talk shows.人们总是在电视访谈节目中一再推荐自己所写的书。

7.Interviewer Statement in Chinese TV Interviews: A Pragmatic Approach;中文电视访谈节目中主持人陈述性语言的语用研究

8.A Study of Questioning in TV Interview Programs under Relevance-Adaptation Model;关联顺应模式对电视访谈节目中提问话语的解释力

9.A Systemic Functional Analysis of Television Interviews;电视访谈节目的言语功能及互动模式——以Larry King Live为例

10.Convercation Analysis of English TV Talk Shows in China: A Study Based on the Data from The Main Talk中国英语电视访谈节目的会话分析——基于《惊言堂》栏目数据的研究

11.Interviewees" Interpretation towards Interviewers" Utterances in TV Interview:a Relevance Theory Perspective从关联理论看电视访谈嘉宾如何理解主持人话语

12.We watched a television interview of an entertainment mogul who had ama ed a fortune of over$100 million.我们收看了一段电视访谈,采访对象是一位拥有一亿多美元资产的娱乐业巨头。

13.It is no wonder that this man is a hero in the production-offices of chat-shows the world over.乌斯蒂诺夫成为全世界电视访谈节目演播室里的主角,实在是不足为怪的:

14.An Exploration of Heteroglossia in TV News Interview: An Appraisal Approach;从评价理论看电视新闻访谈的多声性

15.A Tentative Study of the Conflict Talks in English TV News Interviews英语电视新闻访谈中的冲突话语分析

16.Conflict Talk: the Integrated Conversation Analysis of English TV News Interviews;冲突话语:英语电视新闻访谈的综合性谈话分析

17.Research the Special Features and the Value of the TV Person Interviews Program in Our Country;试论我国电视人物访谈节目的特色与价值

18.Questions in TV Feature Interviews Revisiting the Pragmatic Functions of Interrogative Forms;电视人物访谈中疑问句的语用功能探析


television interview电视访谈

1.Besides the narrative features of everyday conversation,the narrative discourse oftelevision interview is also influenced by its institutional context.电视访谈的叙事话语在具有日常会话的话轮规则、叙事结构的同时,还受电视访谈的大众传播语境的制约。

2.As a pre-prepared talk for the audience,the discourse oftelevision interview is influenced by its institutional context.电视访谈作为发生在职业语境中的大众传播话语类型,其参与者由主持人、嘉宾和观众组成。

3)TV news interview电视新闻访谈

1.With the rapid development of mass media,TV news interview programs have become more and more popular in recent years and drawn the attention of scholars both at home and abroad.近年来,随着大众传媒的迅速发展,电视新闻访谈节目越来越普遍,也越来越受到国内外学者的关注。

4)TV interview program电视访谈节目

1.And the analysis of the conversations inTV interview programs by using this new model can serve as the valid and powerful support to the rationality and validity of this model.这篇论文对最新的言语交际模式—关联-顺应模式—进行了详细的介绍和分析,并在此模式下对电视访谈节目中的对话进行了全面、综合的分析,分析结果的有效性证明了该模式的充分合理性和强大解释力。

2.This paper firstly makes an elaboration on this model, then analyzes the questionings inTV interview programs under this model, the results of which can serve as the valid and powerful support to the rationality and validity of the model for successful questioning.关联-顺应模式是一种最新且较全面的言语交际模式,这篇论文首先对这种交际模式进行详细的介绍和分析,然后用此模式对电视访谈节目中的提问方式进行了全面、综合的分析,最后分析的结果证明了该模式确实对成功的提问方式有着充分的合理性和强大的解释力。

5)TV feature interviews电视人物访谈

1.This paper puts forth a tentative framework for the analysis of the pragmatic functions displayed by N-type or non-standard questions occurring inTV feature interviews.本研究以电视人物访谈中出现的N类疑问句(又称非标准疑问句)为对象,旨在较全面地分析访谈会话中非信息探询的疑问句的产生与理解,探讨其语用功能。

6)English TV interview英语电视访谈

1.The general structure ofEnglish TV interviews is summarized at the beginning ofthis article.对电视新闻访谈的整体语篇结构特征进行归纳和概括,依据韩礼德系统功能语法理论对选取的英语电视访谈的对话部分的实例,从人际功能、经验功能、语篇功能三大纯理功能角度进行系统分析,并且对分析结果进行进一步的统计和阐释,从而归纳出以功能文体学为视角的英语电视访谈的文体特征。


