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批评性 criticism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-14 11:45:09


批评性 criticism英语短句 例句大全



1.The language form of the Chinese contemporary literaturecriticism theory is different form that of the Western theory.加上专业文学理论的缺席 ,使社会学话语和主体经验性话语成为其重要的叙述范式 ,作家作品论和创作经验谈为其主要的文本形式 ,批评性、零散性、感悟性为其独特的话语形


1.Not using critical standards or methods, as in evaluation.不加批评的评估中不使用批评性标准或方法的

2.a critical remark, report, etc批评性的议论、 报道等

3.animadversion: a critical or censorious remark意见,评论: 评论或批评性的话语。

4.Critical Linguistics and the Critical Analysis of English News;批评语言学与英语新闻语篇的批评性分析

5.Critical Newspaper Reading in Support of Critical Thinking;批评性报刊阅读与批判性思维培养初探

6.Critical Discourse Analysis: Theoretical Review and Case Study;批评性语篇分析:理论述评与实例分析

7.A critical discussion of a specified topic.批评,评语对一指定主题的批判性讨论

8.Poetic Criticism and Critic Poetry--On WANG Zhong-sheng s literary Criticism;诗性的批评与批评的诗性——简评王仲生的文学批评

9.Theorizing Translation Criticism--A Review of Introduction to Translation Criticism;翻译批评的理性化——评杨晓荣著《翻译批评导论》

10.Excessive or abusive criticism.过分的或抨击性的批评

11.A critical comment or judgment.批判批判性的评论或判断

12.Critical Research of Frye s Theory of Archetypal Criticism;关于弗莱原型批评理论的批判性考察

13.He doesn"t mind being criticized as long as the criticism is constructive.他不介意被人批评,只要这批评是建设性的。

14.Western Feminist Literary Criticism: Its Theoretical Backgrounds and Critical Philosophies;西方女性主义文学批评:理论背景及其批评理据

15.Aesthetic Criticism:Original Form of the New Age Feminist Literary Criticism;审美批评:新时期女性主义文学批评的原初形态

16.A New Trend in Translation Criticism;翻译批评的新走向——试论建设性的翻译批评

17.Criticism and self-criticism,a cherished heritage if Party spirit training for CPC members;批评与自我批评:共产党员党性锻炼的传家宝

18."Criticism of Sense" and "Stiff of Reason"--about Li Chang-zhi s literary criticism;“感情的批评”与“理智的硬性”——李长之文学批评论


perceptual criticism感性批评

1.Thisperceptual criticism belongs to social and historical aesthetic criticism,but not the traditional aesthetic criticism.这种感性批评属于社会历史学的审美批评,而不是传统意义上的审美批评。

3)polar criticism极性批评

1.Holographic criticisms are based on two such types of one-sided layers aspolar criticisms and depolarized criticisms.全息批评建立在极性批评和去极性批评两种片面的基层之上。

4)feminist criticism女性批评

1.The introduction of westernfeminist criticism triggered off our consciousness of issue, yet with the research furthering, we realize there are still many problems to be solved.诞生伊始,女性批评就存在着些许不足。

5)individual character of criticism批评个性

1.In the end,these two aspects have built hisindividual character of criticism which is simple and straightforward,meticulous,quick-witted and humourous.宏阔的学术视野是其文学研究与批评的基础,历史主义精神、发展的观点和辩证的眼光体现其独特的研究方法,二者共同构筑了韦勒克平实缜密而不失机敏幽默的批评个性。

6)gender criticism性别批评

1.But there still exist shortcomings and limits in the theory ofgender criticism a.性别批评成为女性颠覆男性菲勒斯中心主义、发出女性声音、言说女性个性体验的中心策略。

2.This article from the standpoint ofgender criticism, take the.本文从性别批评的立场出发,以西方宗教神话中“图西亚的筛子”的故事为例,对筛子隐喻的女性身体的文化内涵进行剖析,通过将女性身体被规训和囚禁的状态与当代女性主义从身体突围形成鲜明对比,揭示女性身体从审美客体到审美主体的转变,探讨女性身体的主体回归的意义。


