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移译 transference英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-02 03:51:43


移译 transference英语短句 例句大全



1.Zero translation of English scientific terms involves transliteration andtransference.科技英语专业术语的零翻译主要表现为音译和移译。

2.In order to solve the problem, the paper introduces a few means of zero-translation, such as omission, transliteration andtransference, and also points out the matters needing attention in applying the means.为解决这一问题 ,文章介绍了省译、音译和移译等几种零翻译手段 ,并指出了采用此方法时应注意的事


1.Rendering of Style in Li Wenjun s Chinese Translation of the Sound and the Fury;从李文俊译《喧哗与骚动》看风格的移译

2.Applicability of Transference in E-C and C-E Translation--Applicability of Newmark s Translation Procedures in E-C and C-E Translation;英译汉与汉译英中迁移的应用(英文)

3.Bible Translation: A Shift from Original Orientation to Receptors Orientation;《圣经》翻译:从原作到译文受众的焦点转移

4.Translation Shifts in the English Translations of Legislative Documents;浅析立法文本英文译本中的翻译转移(英文)

5.Negative Transfer Phenomena in the English-to-Chinese Translation of Negative Words;负迁移现象对英译汉中否定词翻译的影响

6.On the Translator s Empathy--A Case Study of Guo Moruo s Translation and Writing;论译者的移情——以郭沫若的翻译和创作为例

7.What Do We Learn From E. Fitzgerald s Rendition of The Rubaiyat?;菲氏柔巴依是意译还是“形译”?——谈诗体移植及其他

8.Transference of Artistic Conception in Prose Translation-from the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics从翻译美学视角探究散文翻译中的意境迁移

9.The Impact of Guo Moruo"s Translation on His Writing from the View of the Translators" Empathy从译者移情角度看翻译对郭沫若创作的影响

10.A Study of Translator′s Pragmatic Empathy from the Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization in English and Chinese Translation从英汉翻译中的归化和异化看译者的语用移情

11.To subject(messenger RNA) to translation.转移使(核糖核酸信息)被转译

12.KJV] And Abram journeyed, going on still toward the south.[新译]亚伯兰又起程,渐渐移到南地去。

13.Move &Translations to Program (NT Only)移动译文到程序(&T)(仅nt中)

14.Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation and Negative Transfer汉译英中的“中式英语”与汉语负迁移

15.Analysis of LLVM Compiler Infrastructure and Backend Porting for Arm;LLVM编译系统结构分析与后端移植

16.A Study of Leuven-Zwart s "Translation Shift" Model;鲁文—兹瓦特“翻译转移”模式研究

17.Transferred Epithet:Rhetorical Devices Effects and Translation Methods;移就的修辞方式修辞效果及翻译方法

18.Cultural Transfer in Translation;从动态学角度研究翻译中的“文化迁移”


translation shift翻译转移

1.The comparative model of Zwart s whole "translation shift" theory dividestranslation shifts into the three types of modulation, modification and mutation.鲁文·兹瓦特"翻译转移"研究模式中的比较模式列出的三种翻译转移类型分别为调整、修改和转变。

2.The occurrence oftranslation shift is an unavoidable phenomenon in translation of various genres.翻译转移是翻译活动中不可避免的现象,普遍存在于各类文体翻译中。

3.The study oftranslation shifts, which attempts to systematically describe and classify the "small linguistic changes occurring in translation of ST to TT" so as to establish the semantic, stylistic, pragmatic, cohesive and aesthetic relationships between them, can be traced back to the 1950s.对翻译转移的研究肇始于上个世纪50年代,它试图通过系统地描写和分类翻译中出现的"译自源发文本的目标文本中出现的细微的语言变化"来达到全面、科学地反映原文与译文之间语义、文体、语用、衔接和美学效果等关系的目的。


4)translation translocation转译移位




