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庭审会话 courtroom conversation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-19 12:20:24


庭审会话 courtroom conversation英语短句 例句大全

庭审会话,courtroom conversation

1)courtroom conversation庭审会话

1.Based on the basic viewpoint of Norman Fairclough, this thesis studies power relations and discourse incourtroom conversation and strategies to realize power, by means of conversational analysis to analyze the corpus.最后,简要总结了庭审会话的特点。


1.Courtroom Discourse Analysis in Light of Gricean Conversational Implicature Theory格莱斯会话含义理论下庭审会话分析

2.Trial of Indonesian speaker opens印尼国会议长出庭受审

3.Criminal Courtroom Discourse and Human Rights Guarantee of the Accused刑事庭审话语与被追诉人的人权保障

4.Questioning Structures and Narrative Construction in Chinese Criminal Courtroom Discourse;中国刑事庭审中的问话结构与叙事构建

5.A Study of Discourse Markers in Chinese Courtroom Discourse under the Principle of Goal Direction;目的原则下的中国法庭审判话语标记语研究

6.Special Committee on Review of Administrative Tribunal Judgements审查行政法庭判决特别委员会

7.The assembly of the people is at the same time an assembly of justice;人民大会同时也是审判法庭;

8.The collegial panel shall execute the decision of the judicial committee.审判委员会的决定,合议庭应当执行。

9.Trial Model of Olympic Games Ad Hoc Division of CAS;CAS奥运会特设仲裁庭审模式研究

10.This will clean up the auditing session and reseal the computer这会清理审核会话并重新封装计算机

11.If he is free, he can beautify the courtyard.如果他有空的话,他就会美化这个庭院.

12.On the Conversational Structure and the Pragmatic Strategies of the Courtroom Cross-examination论法庭盘问的会话结构和语用策略

13.A Study on Discourse Markers in Repair in Courtroom Interaction;话语标记语在法庭会话信息修正中的作用研究

14.Doctors will have to decide whether he"s fit to stand trial.在那里,医生将会决定他是否能到庭受审。

15.A Study on Questioner s Reformulation in Chinese Adversarial Courtroom Cross-Examination;中国对抗制庭审交叉询问阶段问话人重述现象研究

16.Effects of Utterance Reformulation on Criminal Court Interaction:A Relevance-based Approach;话语重构在刑事庭审互动中的作用——关联理论视角

17.Contesting Narratives in Courtroom and Conflicts between Disputants: Implications of Discourse Analysis to Trial Judges;庭审中叙事的对立与诉讼对抗:话语分析对法官的启示

18.Be careful, words may kill.说话要审慎,言语会置人于死地。


courtroom discourse庭审话语

1.Therefore,the study of criminalcourtroom discourse is the most persuading tool and research perspective to disclose the status quo and problems of the human rights guarantee in criminal trials.因此,对刑事庭审话语的研究是揭示刑事诉讼中的人权保障现状和问题的最有说服力的工具和研究视角。

3)courtroom interaction法庭会话

1.Based on relevant theories of presupposition,the paper aims to study the linguistic features ofcourtroom interaction and endeavors to show how presupposition is realized incourtroom interaction and how a favorable effect is made for parties in a trial.本文从预设的相关理论出发,研究了法庭会话中的语言特点,力图揭示预设策略在法庭辩论中的使用及其影响。

4)courtroom questioning法庭审判问话

5)judge"s hearing discourse法官庭审话语

6)repair in courtroom interaction法庭会话修正

1.In this paper,data from five courtroom trials are analyzed within the framework of the Relevance Theory,with an attempt to study qualitatively how discourse markers are used in therepair in courtroom interaction.本文以关联理论为基础,对法庭会话修正中的话语标记语的使用进行了分析研究,力图揭示话语标记语在法庭会话信息修正中的使用及其作用。


