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零点漂移 zero drift英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-31 21:14:24


零点漂移 zero drift英语短句 例句大全

零点漂移,zero drift

1)zero drift零点漂移

1.A kind of high pass digital filter for the reduction ofzero drift;数字地震监测技术开发与应用论文(二) 一种滤除零点漂移的高通数字滤波器

2.Analysis of the Zero Drift of Pressure Sensor Test Platform and the Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty Degree压力传感器试验台零点漂移分析及测量不确定度评定

3.According to the phenomenon that there iszero drift in the application of newly fixed quality flow-meters Rosmonte,the paper analyzes the reasons of causingzero drift and then puts forward some specific solutions to the above problem.针对新安装的罗斯蒙特质量流量计投用时出现零点漂移的情况,分析了产生漂移的原因,并提出了具体的解决方法。


1.drift-correcting amplifier校正零点漂移放大器

2.The specific resistance change produces a zero shift.电阻的这一特殊变化造成零点漂移。

3.The specific resistence change produces a zero shift.电阻的变化造成零点漂移。


5.Zero Drift of the LaCoste & Romberg Airborne GravimeterLaCoste & Romberg航空重力仪的零点漂移

6.Analysis and Solution of SDLVA Voltage-Zero DriftSDLVA零点漂移原因分析及解决方法

7.The Zero Drift Compensation of Stroke Measuring System for Hydraulic Cylinder液压缸行程测量系统的零点漂移补偿

8.Analysis on Influence Catalytic Sensor Zero Drift Factor影响催化传感器零点漂移的因素分析

9.The Thermal Drift Compensation and Nonlinearity Revise of the Pressure Sensor;压力传感器的热零点漂移补偿与非线性修正

10.Zero-drift Compensation of Impact-based Grain Flow Sensor for Tilted Combine Harvester机身倾斜导致谷物流量传感器零点漂移的补偿

11.Research on null drift fusion filtering algorithm of micro inertial sensors微惯性传感器零点漂移融合滤波算法研究

12.Discusses an Aluminum Electrolysis Production Bus Bar Zero Drifting Shallowly the Solution浅谈铝电解生产母线零点漂移的解决方法

13.Sensor Amplifier Zero Drifting Analysis and Circuit Design传感器放大器零点漂移的分析及电路设计

14.Abstract: A pressure sensor which can cancel thermal zero shift is described.文摘:提出一种可消除热零点漂移的压阻式压力传感器。

15.A pressure sensor which can cancel thermal zero shift is described.提出一种可消除热零点漂移的压阻式压力传感器。

16.Analysis of the Zero Drift of Pressure Sensor Test Platform and the Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty Degree压力传感器试验台零点漂移分析及测量不确定度评定

17.As a result of electric drift of the offset in pressure sensor, the offset will vary with different activating voltage.由于压力传感器输出出现零点电漂移,不同激励电压零点便不同。

18.negligible zero drift可忽视的零位漂移仪表


zero shift零点漂移

1.How to eliminate thezero shift of photoelectric galvanometer;如何解决光电灵敏电流计的零点漂移

2.The compound control mode of speed control and tension control was used and thezero shift of the tension measuring device was compensated and spot-calibrated by software and hardware.在控制方案上采用速度控制和张力控制的复合控制方式,同时通过软硬件对张力测定仪的零点漂移进行补偿和现场校正。

3.Change of time and temperature will bringzero shift to electronic gradienter nowadays.由于现有的电子水平仪随时间、温度的变化会产生零点漂移,测量前需进行手动调零。

3)zero excursion零点漂移

1.Analysis and study on method of wiping offzero excursion for vibration signal;振动信号阶跃零点漂移分析与去除方法研究

4)electric drift of the offset零点电漂移

1.It is pointed out in this paper that the problems about the non-linearity of piezoresistors,electric drift of the offset and reverse leakage current were omitted in characterization of pressure sensors,but they have great influence upon the quality of pressure sensors.指出过去在标征压力传感器的指标时,忽略了力敏电阻的非线性、零点电漂移、反向漏电流,但是这些问题对压力传感器的质量却有很大的影响;重点讨论了零点电漂移,并从理论上分析指出:零点电漂移起因于力敏电阻的非线性,可利用零点电漂移消除压力传感器的零热点漂移;讨论了造成力敏电阻非线性、电漂移、漏电流的各种因素,还提出一个表明零点热漂移和反向漏电流之间与传统公式不同的关系式。

5)Offset thermal drift热零点漂移

1.The offset thermal drift of pressure sensor is influenced by piezoresistor mismatch and its leakage current in practical applications.本文结合目前应用比较普遍的各种补偿计算方法 ,通过编制程序 ,对压力传感器热零点漂移现象作了补偿。

6)null off-set零点漂移,零点偏移


