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心血管系统不良反应 Cardiovascular system adverse effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-12 07:51:42


心血管系统不良反应 Cardiovascular system adverse effect英语短句 例句大全

心血管系统不良反应,Cardiovascular system adverse effect

1)Cardiovascular system adverse effect心血管系统不良反应

2)Adverse cardiovascular response心血管不良反应


1.Effect of Diltiazem on Cardiovascular Response to Tracheal Intubation;地尔硫卓预防气管插管心血管不良反应的研究

2.Drug therapy of cardiovascular disease and its adverse reactions in the elderly老年人心血管病药物治疗及其不良反应

3.Adverse reactions of several Chinese Traditional Medicine injections treated for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases治疗心脑血管疾病常见中药注射液的不良反应

4.ADRs and Drug-induced Disease Induced by Common Chinese Patent Medicines in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease治疗心血管疾病常用中成药的不良反应及药源性疾病分析

5.Analysis of Cardiovascular-related Adverse Effects of Endostar Combined with Chemotherapy in 61 NSCLC Cases恩度联合化疗治疗61例非小细胞肺癌的心血管相关不良反应

6.A Retrospective Study of Adverse Reactions of Fundus Fluorescein Angiography;荧光素钠眼底血管造影不良反应的回顾性分析

7.Clinical analysis of adverse effects of pingyangmycin in treatment of hemangiomas and vascular malformations平阳霉素治疗血管瘤与脉管畸形严重不良反应的防治

parison of the Effects of different drugs on attenuation of cardiovascular responses to tracheal extubation不同药物预防全麻拔管期间心血管反应的观察

9.A Simulation Study on Cardiovascular Responses to Different Kinds of Orthostatic Stresses;不同立位应激下心血管反应的仿真研究

10.Introduction of Clinical Therapy and Bleeding Complication of Warfarin华法林临床应用及出血不良反应介绍

11.Clinical analysis of adverse effect of fundus fluorecein angiography on 250 pateins with drug hypersensitivity history药物过敏史患者250例眼底荧光血管造影不良反应临床分析

12.Relationship between adverse reactions of fundus fluorescein angiography and drug allergy history眼底荧光血管造影不良反应与药物过敏史的关系

13.Analysis of 2223 ADR case reports of drug-induced hematuria2223例药源性血尿不良反应分析

14.Analysis of 15 Adverse Drug Reactions/Events Induced by Shuxuening Injection15例舒血宁注射液不良反应/事件分析

15.Effects of Different Small-Dose Sufentanil on Cardiovascular Responses to Orotracheal Intubation in Children不同小剂量舒芬太尼对患儿经口气管插管心血管反应的影响

16.Effects of different dosage sulfentanyl on stress reaction during tracheal intubation in elderly patients不同剂量舒芬太尼对老年患者气管插管心血管反应的影响

17.Analysis and prevention of blood donation reaction with apheresis platelet机采血小板献血不良反应原因分析及防治

18.Psychosocial Factors at Work and Cardiovascular Reactivity;工作中社会-心理因素与心血管反应性


Adverse cardiovascular response心血管不良反应

3)dermato-allergic reaction皮肤血管不良反应

1.Objective To explore the effect of intravenous drip infusion of Levofloxacin at different speeds ondermato-allergic reaction.目的探讨不同输液速度对静脉滴注乳酸左氧氟沙星注射液发生皮肤血管不良反应的影响。

4)hospital centralized management system for monitoring ADR医院集中监测药物不良反应管理系统

1.OBJECTIVE:To establish a way to monitor drug-induced liver damage by usinghospital centralized management system for monitoring ADR.目的 :研究利用医院集中监测药物不良反应管理系统监测药物性肝损害的方法。

5)Adverse drug reaction reporting systems药物不良反应报告系统

6)ill reaction to nervus centralis system中枢神经系统不良反应


