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缺点 Disadvantage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-17 05:56:07


缺点 Disadvantage英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper introduces several common working principles of soft start,analyzes in detail the advantages and disadvantages in practical operation and provides their comparison in price and various distinctive performance.文章全面介绍了常用的几种软起动的工作原理,对在实际运行中的优缺点进行了详细的分析,并给出了它们之间的各种特能和价格比较。

2.Based on this definition,it introduces basic components of groundwater reservoir and their functions,advantages and disadvantages of the reservoir as well as its developing trend.在此基础上介绍了地下水库的基本组成及各组成部分的作用、地下水库的优缺点以及其发展趋势,最后分析了地下水库在我国不同地区水资源开发和保护中的广阔应用前景。

3.This paper elaborates several methods of manipulating AutoCAD Engineering Illustration in the Word document and their disadvantage, in order to be referenced by the Journal s redactors and the disquisition writers and improve their work efficiency.阐述了几种在Word文档中处理AutoCAD工程插图的方法及其优缺点,以供期刊 编排人员和科技论文作者参考,从而提高工作效率。


1.A minor weakness or failing of character.弱点,小缺点性格上小的弱点或缺点

2.the state of being without a flaw or defect.没有缺点或缺陷的状态。

3.inherent vice内在缺陷,固有缺点

4.merits and demerits优点和缺点, 是非曲直

5.His good qualities overbalance his shortcomings.他的优点多于缺点。

6.The advantages of the scheme outweigh its disadvantages.该方案的优点超过缺点。

7.The advantages outweigh the drawbacks.得多于失,优点胜过缺点。

8.There is no man who do not had fault.人人都有缺点。(没有人没有缺点的。)

9.There is no man but has fault.人人都有缺点(没有人没有缺点的)

10.There be no man but have fault .人人都有缺点(没有人没有缺点的)。

11.Everybody has shortcomings. All of us present here have shortcomings, and other people have theirs too.人都有缺点,我们在座的人都有缺点,别人一样也有缺点。

12.sb"s good, strong, bad, weak, etc points某人的优点、 长处、缺点、 弱点

13.Love overlooks defects and hatred magnifies shortcomings.爱情忽视缺陷,憎恨放大缺点。

14.The absent is never without fault, nor the present without excuse.缺席者必有缺点,出席者必有藉口。

15.a radical flaw, error, fault, etc in the system制度中的基本缺陷、 错误、缺点等.

16.tarred with the same brush(as sb)(与某人) 有同样的缺点.

17.Rudeness is his chief shortcoming.粗鲁是他主要的缺点。

18.There is nobody who has no shortcomings.没有缺点的人是没有的。



1.However,it has somedisadvantages.语义成分分析法作为分析语义的一种方法,在语言学、逻辑学和哲学中已有很长的历史了,它是语义学发展不可或缺的推动力,但也存在一定的缺点。

2.Convection heating radiators were compared with the traditional heating ways,the advantages of the low-temperature hot water heating methods were analyzed as well as thedisadvantages.通过与传统散热器对流供暖方式的对比,简要分析了低温热水地暖供暖方式舒适度高、节能、整洁、利于装饰等优点,以及适用环境要求高、设计精密,施工程序繁杂、不易维修等缺点,并根据这些缺点的产生原因,结合现实施工实践,对施工过程中的施工纪律,管件操作,水压试验的注水、施压、排水等施工注意事项给出了具体的建议。


4)defect[英][di"fekt][美]["di,f?kt, d?"f?kt]缺点

1.Based on the practice, analysis is made on thedefects of TKPE 14.12H反击式破碎机的缺点进行了分析,提出了具体的改造措施,具有较强的实用性。

2.Based on the research producing aspects fiber reinforced concrete,the merits anddefects of fiber reinforced concrete were summarized.然后根据目前纤维混凝土的研究成果,简单总结了纤维混凝土的优缺点,进而指出工程设计人员在纤维混凝土的使用中容易产生的误解之处,供纤维混凝土的研究和设计人员参考。

3.In view of the serious problem of bicycle traffic in Tianjin urban district, some issues such as the superiority of bicycle traffic, itsdefects, the chief matter of being mixed with motor traffic, development prospects and proposals for improving bicycle traffic in Tianjin urban district are discussed.为此讨论了自行车交通的优势、缺点、与汽车混行的主要问题、发展前景、改善天津市区自行车交通的建议等内容。


1.The essay will focus on the four catalogues of euphemism in daily communication,oldness,death,shortcomings,and body function.文中将日常生活交际中常出现的委婉语分为四类:老年、死亡、缺点、身体功能委婉语进行讨论。


1.Analysis on Merits and Defects of Bay Window;本文通过分析飘窗在使用过程中的优点和缺点 ,指出当前在建筑设计中 ,存在着因为不了解飘窗的特性而滥用飘窗的趋势 ;同时就飘窗在使用过程中所出现的问题 ,提出了改进措


