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军机 military aircraft英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-09 13:04:45


军机 military aircraft英语短句 例句大全

军机,military aircraft

1)military aircraft军机

1.A model based on the ANN is made for R&DC estimating of modemmilitary aircraft,and achieved by momentum adaptive and L-M algorithm s Bp net,whose features are analyzed and compared with.阐述了针对现代军机研制费用估算现状,用基于人工神经网络理论建立了现代军机研制费用估算模型。

2.Based on the introducing of maintenance system,the evolution course of that formilitary aircraft in the world are summarized,the deficiencies of three-level maintenance and the advantage of two-level maintenance are analyzed.在介绍维修体制的基础上,综述了国内外军机维修体制的演变过程,分析了三级维修的弊端与两级维修的优势,最终指明了军机维修体制的发展方向,并重点讨论了其关键技术。

3.This article expatiates on the signification d maintenance system,ana- lyzes the principles of establishingmilitary aircraft maintenance system.合理的维修体制是提高军机战备完好性,降低其寿命周期费用的重要途径。


1.A warrant officer who assists the engineering officer in the engine room of a naval vessel.海军机械军士长在舰上机械室中协助机械军官的准尉军官

2.a military or naval pilot of fighter planes.军用或海军战斗机飞行。

3.gunsight computer【军】瞄准具计算机

4.The Air Force and Navy planes took off to neutralize the Iraqi air defense system.空军、海军的飞机起飞压制伊军防空系统。

5.Another air base, a wartime airfield, hardly more than a widened strip of highway and a few inconspicuous buildings in the middle of never-ending woods.这也是个空军基地,一个战时军用机

6.Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.我军高射炮击落五架敌军轰炸机.

7.The fighter plane dived on the enemy troops战斗机向敌军俯冲。

8.motor company of marine海军陆战队机械化连

9.(cause a military aircraft to)take off suddenly(使军用飞机)紧急起飞.

10.Nationwide, 101 military airports and 29 military harbours have been opened to the public, and some military facilities have been put to civilian use.全国共有101个军用机

11.naval teletype exchange海军电传打字交换机

12.ordnance variable automatic computer军械用可变自动计算机

13.javelin formation【军】(轰炸机的)标枪队形

14.single multilateral disarmament negotiating forum单一多边裁军谈判机构

15.an ammunition hoist(军舰上的)弹药起卸机

16.Zionist Military Institutio犹太复国主义军事机构

17.The bombers swooped (down) on the air base.轰炸机突袭空军基地。

18.Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment英国海军海上技术机构


military aircraft军用飞机

1.Research on vulnerability ofmilitary aircraft critical components in overlap and secondary kill mode;军用飞机重叠关键部件二次杀伤易损性的研究

2.Research on the critical degree of vulnerability critical components ofmilitary aircraft;军用飞机易损性关键部件关键度研究

3.Calculation method formilitary aircraft s turnaround time;军用飞机再次出动准备时间计算方法

3)Military machinery军用机械

4)Non-rule military symbol随机军标

5)military airfield军用机场

1.This article considers the characteristic of themilitary airfield construct item,build a evaluate model of pavement applicability based on fuzzy synthesis evaluation.根据军用机场建设项目的特点,建立了基于模糊综合评判的道面适用度评估模型,确定道面影响因素大小;并用层次分析法确定了各项指标权重、应用聚类分析原理对群体专家的评价权重进行筛选和修正,在此基础上结合军用机场建设实际确定了淘汰专家意见的标准,为军用机场道面类型选择提供了一个可行的方法。

2.This paper points out the irrationality of the currentmilitary airfield runway and its shoulder s width, combining with the reality of the development of airplane, taking into consideration the actual requirements for use, regarding the relationships between airfield construction and local economic development as the starting point.结合飞机装备发展的实际情况 ,从军用机场建设和地方经济建设发展的关系出发 ,考虑军用飞机的实际使用要求 ,指出目前军用机场跑道及其道肩宽度规格的不合理性。

3.Aiming at understanding of impact of aircraft noise on airfield staff member, the aircraft noise testing and staff member annoyance questionnaire investigation were carried out in fourmilitary airfields.为了更全面的了解和反映飞机噪声对机场工作人员的影响情况,在A、B、C、D四个军用机场进行了飞机噪声现场测试和工作人员主管烦恼度的问卷调查,通过调研数据分析了飞机噪声对机场内部人员的影响情况。

6)military airplane军用飞机

1.Operational availability demonstration ofmilitary airplane based on simulation;军用飞机使用可用度仿真论证


