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教学论基础 the basis research of teaching theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-09 15:23:04


教学论基础 the basis research of teaching theory英语短句 例句大全

教学论基础,the basis research of teaching theory

1)the basis research of teaching theory教学论基础

2)Theoretical basis of teaching and learning教与学理论基础

3)The theoretic base of teaching and learning教学理论基础

4)Basic theory teaching基础理论教学


1.Analysis on the Difficulties in the Teaching of Philosophical Basic Theory;对哲学基础理论教学困境的哲学分析

2.Modern learning theories are basis to long- distance education.现代学习理论是远程教育的理论基础。

3.The Theoretical Foundation and Basic Methods for the Design of Geography Teaching;地理教学设计的理论基础与基本方法

4.Theoretical Base of Self-Access Learning and College English Teaching;自主学习的理论基础与大学英语教学

5.On the Theoretical Basis of View and Evaluation of Chinese Teaching in Secondary Schools论中学语文观课评教实施的理论基础

6.Study on Reinforcing Basic Theory Education and Strengthening Students′ Creation Foundation;加强基本理论教育 夯实学生创新基础

7.On Application of Constructivism to Study-Plan Teaching;浅谈建构主义理论基础上的学案教学

8.The Conception and the Object of Research and the Theory Foundation of Chemical Instruction Design;化学教学设计的概念、对象和理论基础

9.The Theoretical Basis And Instructional Essence of Perceptive Teaching试论感悟式教学的理论基础及其教学实质

10.The Definition of the Professional Education and its Cross-disciplinary Theoretical Foundations;专业教育的界定及其跨学科理论基础

11.Theoretical foundation of BASE program;谈BASE口语教学方案的理论基础

12.A Tentative Discussion on the Retaining of Theoretical Knowledge in Mechanical Basic Teaching;浅谈机械基础教学中理论知识的保持

13.The Theoretical Foundation and Teaching Practice of English Audio-visual Course;英语《视听说》教学的理论基础及其实践

14.Metaphor Mechanism--The Theoretical Foundation of Vocabulary Teaching with Association;隐喻机制——词汇联想教学的理论基础

15.Two Areas of Basic Theory Error in Traditional “Statistics” Textbooks;传统《统计学》教材基础理论的两个误区

16.The Teaching Pattern Based on Case-Participation-Enquiry and Its Theory“案例-参与-探究”教学模式及其理论基础

17."Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine" Experimental Teaching Reform《中医基础理论》实验课的教学改革思路

18.The Theoretical Basis of Which Information Technology Is Used in Foreign Language Teaching信息技术(IT)应用于外语教学的理论基础


Theoretical basis of teaching and learning教与学理论基础

3)The theoretic base of teaching and learning教学理论基础

4)Basic theory teaching基础理论教学

5)basic teaching基础教学

1.Fostering numerical control talents of higher vocational education should center on adjustment of curriculum structure of the major, practically enhance thebasic teaching and prominently strengthen the operative practice.高职院校数控人才的培养要围绕专业大胆调整课程结构,切合实际加强专业基础教学,突出重点 强化专业操作训练。

2.The paper analyses the present problems in higher college computerbasic teaching from ideological knowledge, ability training, teaching content, teaching means and the teachers construction etc.从思想认识、能力培养、教学内容、教学手段和师资建设等方面分析了目前高等院校计算机基础教学中存在的主要问题 ,并提出了针对性的教改措

3.There were some questions in thebasic teaching of computer at present, which was the attention of the department of concerned was not enough, the selection of teaching materials was not reasonable and the contingent of teachers was not stable and so on.本文针对当前计算机基础教学中存在的有关部门重视不够,教材选择不理想,教师队伍不稳定等问题,提出了组织专门机构,列入教学计划,改善教师条件的解决办法。

6)fundamental teaching基础教学

1.From the angle of thefundamental teaching, the present article makes a further study on the contents of teaching and research on decorative coloring and some related problems.从装饰色彩基础教学的角度 ,就教学研究内容与其直接相关的问题进行了探讨。


