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专访 special interview英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-23 08:15:28


专访 special interview英语短句 例句大全

专访,special interview

1)special interview专访


1.The special report was published the same day in "Albacete Newspaper".《阿贝塞报》当天刊登了这篇专访报道。

2.Special interview: The coach of the national women"s football team talks about the recent "3 step melody".专访:国家女足教练谈近期“三步曲”

3.Visiting Evans & Sutherland Company化梦境为现实——益世电脑公司专访

4.Reporting: we will put some interviews and corporate introductions here.写真:独家专访之外的一些访谈性文章和介绍企业的文章。

5.Jia Chunwang, minister of Public Security and chairman of the National Narcotics Control Commission (NNCC), recently received an interview by People"s Daily reporter Wen Xian on drug control and related questions:《人民日报》记者温宪不久前专访了国家禁毒委员会主任、公安部部长贾春旺,以下为专访

6.The Pleasure of Finding Things Out is a collection of Feynman"s interview and lecture transcripts and reports.《费曼的主张》集合了费曼专访及演讲、报告的纪录。

7.Swarovski:Fantastic Career and a Life Sweet as Wine璀璨世界的醇和人生——本刊专访施华洛奇先生

8.He again put in his appearance.他又去专程拜访了。

9.Television"s culture beat.电视的文化专题采访

10.Interview with a famous professor and specialist --Visiting Dr. Dechun Ba in Northeastern University;著名教授专家访谈录——访东北大学巴德纯教授

11.Thank you for coming all the way to our company感谢各位专程远道而来造访本公司

12.UNHCR visits Afghanistan联合国难民事务高级专员访问阿富汗

13.Acquisition bibliography data divide into special data and share data.采访数据分为专用数据或共享数据。

14."Prohibit changing properties of a private remote access connection""禁止更改专用远程访问连接的属性"

15.He was purposely coming to visit them.他是专程来这里拜访她们的。

16.International Red Cross specialists end visit to China国际红十字会专家结束访华

17.Well, then, supposing we go and call on HIM?’ suggested the Mole.那,要是咱们专门去拜访他呢?”鼹鼠提议。

18.Listen to the interview and interpret it from Chinese into English.教育专家顾明远教授访谈录。



1.For this reason, the author conducted aninterview with Mr.为此,作者围绕西藏文史资料的有关问题,对甲日巴·洛桑朗杰先生作了专访。

3)Focus discussion专题访谈

4)exclusive interview and analysis专访分析

5)interviewing note人物专访

6)Expert visiting专家访谈


