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内含报酬率 internal rate of return英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-05 09:48:56


内含报酬率 internal rate of return英语短句 例句大全

内含报酬率,internal rate of return

1)internal rate of return内含报酬率

1.The new explanation of discount andinternal rate of return;贴现率与内含报酬率新解

2.A newton tangential approximation method to calculateinternal rate of return (IRR) in EXCEL97 was given, and it is easy to calculate IRR after saving calculating tables of variety kinds of investing periods.给出了一种使用 Newton切线法在电子表格软件 EXCEL中计算内含报酬率的简单方法。

3.It is also shown that theinternal rate of return is meaningful onlythen when the investment scope and the cash circulation are concerned together, it is unique-ly defined only then whien the investment item is pure investment, and the reasonable deci-sion can, then, be made in the analysis of dynamic inve.指出了净现值法的局限性、对内含报酬率进行剖析并给出了严格定义,阐明其经济意义及评价标准。


1.Another discounting model is the internal rate of return method.另一个折现方法是内含报酬率法。

2.The difference between NPV method and IRR method can be described as following...净现值法和内含报酬率法的区别如下…

3.About Project Evaluation Index-the Revision of Internal Rate o Return;浅谈项目评价指标——内含报酬率的修正

4.We can conclude that the IRR will be between 2% and 3%.我们可以认为内含报酬率在2%与3%之间。

5.Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows返回一组定期现金流量的经修正的内含报酬率

6.Returns the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows返回一组定期的现金流量的内含报酬率

7.Analysis on IRR and MIRR in EXCEL Calculating;浅析内含报酬率及其修正在EXCEL中的计算

8.Inadequateness and Improvement of IRR in Project Investment Decision;内含报酬率法在项目投资决策中的不足与完善

9.Rational Cognition and Simplified Calculation Onthe Mathematical Model of Internal Rate of Return;内含报酬率数学模型的理性认识与计算的简化

10.One more Talk about the Adjustment of NPV and IRR Methods;亦谈净现值法与内含报酬率法冲突的协调

11.The Method Discussion about Adjusting NPV and IRR;调整净现值法和内含报酬率法冲突的方法探析

12.The internal rate of return represents the true interest rate earned in an investment over its economic life.内含报酬率是项目在其寿命周期内所实现的真实收益率。

13.The IRR can be found by trial and error by using a number of discount factors until the NPV equals zero.内含报酬率可以采用验误法用一系列的折现数计算。

14.However, project A has a higher NPV, whereas project B has a higher IRR.然而, A方案的净现值较高,而B方案的内含报酬率较高。

15.Thus, if the NPV is greater than zero, then the IRR is also greater than the required rate of return.即若净现值大于零,则内含报酬率也高于要求的收益。

16.When evaluating independent projects, NPV method and IRR method yield the same decision.在评价独立项目时,净现值法和内含报酬率法得出的结论是相同的。

17.If the cash flows are of constant amount each year, the calculation of the IRR is easier.如果项目各年的现金流量是固定的,则内含报酬率的计算要简单些。

18.Notes for method of internal rate of return in practice;内含报酬率法在实际中的运用及应注意的几个问题


Internal rate of return(IRR)内含报酬率


prehensive Modification of NPV andIRR;对净现值和内含报酬率的综合修正

2.Analysis onIRR and MIRR in EXCEL Calculating;浅析内含报酬率及其修正在EXCEL中的计算

3.Inadequateness and Improvement ofIRR in Project Investment Decision;内含报酬率法在项目投资决策中的不足与完善

4)internal rate of return内含报酬率法

1.Application of net present value and modifiedinternal rate of return to investment;净现值法与修正内含报酬率法在投资中的应用

5)adjusted internal rate of return修正内含报酬率

6)modified internal rate of return修正内含报酬率法

1.Application of net present value andmodified internal rate of return to investment;净现值法与修正内含报酬率法在投资中的应用


股本报酬率股本报酬率 指公司税后利润与其股本的比率,表明公司股本总额中平均每百元股本所获得的纯利润。股本报酬率=(税后利润%26#247;股本)%26#215;100%式中股本指公司光盘按面值计算的总金额,股本报酬率能够体现公司股本盈利能力的大小。原则上数值越大约好。
