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应力速率 stress speed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-18 08:20:31


应力速率 stress speed英语短句 例句大全

应力速率,stress speed

1)stress speed应力速率

1.The paper analyses minimal angle of defection in test machine dial(low accuracy),test piece glide,faint defintion(upper yield strength-lower yield strength-yield strength),differentstress speed,so as to register errors,and puts forword correction.分析材料试验机度盘偏转角度小 (准确度低 )、试样打滑、定义 (上屈服强度 -下屈服强度 -屈服强度 )模糊、不同应力速率等导致误读 ,并针对误读原因提出纠正方法。


1.Study of Acoustic Emission Signal Characteristic of Water-Containing Coal and Rock Under Different Stress Rates不同应力速率下含水煤岩声发射信号特性

2.Strain rate and stress are nonlinearly related.应变速率和应力呈非线性关系。

3.Slow Strain Rate Test Studies of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pipeline Steels;管线钢应力腐蚀慢应变速率拉伸试验研究

4.Stress Corossion Cracking Behavior of 5083 Aluminum Alloy in SSRT5083铝合金慢应变速率拉伸下的应力腐蚀行为

5.Effect of Strain Rate on Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Steel API-X70应变速率对X70管线钢应力腐蚀行为的影响

6.Drift rates will depend upon both the strain level and the temperature.漂移速率既依赖于应力的大小,又依赖于温度。

7.Influences of deposition rate and oxygen partial pressure on residual stress of HfO_2 films沉积速率和氧分压对HfO_2薄膜残余应力的影响

8.Effect of heating rate on thermolysis reaction kinetics of TiH_2升温速率对TiH_2热分解反应动力学的影响

9.Influences of Oxygen Partial Pressure and Deposition Rate on Residual Stress of YSZ Thin Films氧分压和沉积速率对YSZ薄膜残余应力的影响

10.The constitutive model is established based on the thermodynamics of internal variables and the theory of absolute reaction rate.基于内变量热力学和绝对反应速率理论建立率相关单晶本构方程。

11.Experiment Study and Stress-strain Behavior Theoretical Simulation on the Load Speed Behavior of 2D and 2.5D Ceramic Matrix Composites2D和2.5D编织陶瓷基复合材料加载速率效应和应力-应变行为模拟

12.burning rate-pressure relationship燃烧速率与压力的关系

13.Biochemists use kinetics to study rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.生物化学家们应用动力学研究酶催化反应的速率。

14.Determination of the Susceptibility of 919 Al Alloy to SCC by SSRT用低应变速率方法测定919铝合金的应力腐蚀敏感性

15.The flow stress can be described by temperature-compensated strain rate, the so-called Zener-Hollomon parameter.3.利用7055铝合金高温塑性变形时稳态流变应力σ、应变速率(?)

16.Effect of Strain Rate on Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Pipeline Steel in Simulated Alkali Solution应变速率对管线钢在碱性溶液中应力腐蚀行为的影响

17.Influences of Concentration,Temperature and Strain Rate on Stress Corrosion Cracking of 316L Stainless Steel in Alkali Solution at High Temperature高温碱液浓度与温度及应变速率对316L不锈钢应力腐蚀开裂的影响



stress rate应力速率

1.How to control thestress rate and strain rate scientifically and effectively in material testing machine is a key problem in the testing machine field.如何科学有效地达到对材料试验机的应力速率及应变速率控制,是目前试验机领域的关键问题;液压万能材料试验机是一种典型的非线性时变系统,无法建立精确的数学模型;由此将常规PID控制和模糊控制两种控制策略结合起来,构成模糊自适应PID控制;该控制方法在液压万能材料试验机上获得了良好的应力速率、应变速率、位移速率控制以及定荷、定应变、定位移控制的试验结果,使控制性能得到了改善。

2.How to control thestress rate and strain rate of material testing machines scientifically and effectively is a key problem in the testing machine field.如何科学有效地达到对材料试验机的应力速率及应变速率控制,是目前试验机领域的关键问题。

3.In this paper the key problem is provided to control thestress rate and the strain rate during tensile testing for metallic material.提出应用传感器及计算机技术,以一只比例节流阀为执行器构成旁路节流式微机控制电液系统,具有压力和速度双重控制功能,在液压式万能材料试验机上获得了良好的应力速率及应变速率控制的试验结果,为我国液压式材料试验机功能扩展和开发新一代机型奠定基础,以适应21 世纪静强度检测的需

3)stress relaxation rate应力松弛速率

1.Stress relaxation was characterized with stress relaxation limit andstress relaxation rate.结果表明,TC4合金应力松弛行为可以分为两个阶段:第一阶段,应力松弛非常快,第二阶段应力松弛缓慢,但长时间应力松弛后剩余应力趋向于一极限值;应力松弛行为可以用应力松弛极限和应力松弛速率两个参量进行表征;温度升高时,松弛速率加快,应力松弛极限降低;同一温度不同初应力作用的应力松弛,应力松弛极限相同。

4)abnormality of rake of stress change应力速率异常

5)stress loading rate应力加载速率

1.In order to acquire the yield law of gelled waxy crude oil and quantitatively establish the relationship betweenstress loading rate and yield time,the yielding property of three types of gelled waxy crude oil,i.针对胶凝含蜡原油的屈服规律问题,定量描述了应力加载速率与屈服时间之间的关系。

6)mean rate of stressing平均应力速率


轧辊残余应力(见轧辊应力)轧辊残余应力(见轧辊应力)residual stresses in rollzhagun eanyu yingli轧辊残余应力(residual stresses in roll)见礼辐应力。
